require 'json' module Collections # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- post "/collections/create_index/" do json = params[:index].gsub( /'/, "\"" ) tokens = json.split( "|" ) begin raise "You need to enter an index description" if tokens.empty? index = JSON.parse( tokens.shift ) constraints = tokens.empty? ? nil : JSON.parse( tokens.first ) options.connection.create_index( session[:path_names], index, constraints ) flash_it!( :info, "Index was created successfully!" ) rescue => boom flash_it!( :error, boom ) return erb(:'shared/flash.js', :layout => false) end @indexes = options.connection.indexes_for( session[:path_names] ) erb :'collections/update_indexes.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- post "/collections/drop_index/" do options.connection.drop_index( session[:path_names], params[:id] ) flash_it!( :info, "Index was dropped successfully!" ) erb :'shared/flash.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Paginate on a collection get "/collections/:page" do @back_url = "/explore/back" @page = params[:page].to_i || 1 @indexes = options.connection.indexes_for( session[:path_names] ) load_cltn( params[:page].to_i ) erb :'collections/list' end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- post "/collections/refresh/:page/" do selected_cols = params[:cols].keys.sort session[:selected_cols] = selected_cols load_cltn( params[:page].to_i ) erb :'collections/update.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- post "/collections/search/" do json = params[:search].gsub( /'/, "\"" ) if json.empty? @query = {} @sort = {} else tokens = json.split( "|" ) begin @query = JSON.parse( tokens.shift ) @sort = tokens.empty? ? [] : JSON.parse( tokens.first ) session[:query_params] = [@query, @sort] load_cltn rescue => boom flash_it!( :error, boom ) return erb(:'shared/flash.js', :layout => false) end end erb :'collections/update.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- post '/collections/delete/' do path_names = session[:path_names] options.connection.delete_row( path_names, params[:id] ) load_cltn flash_it!( :info, "Row was deleted successfully!" ) erb :'collections/update.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- get '/collections/clear/' do path_names = session[:path_names] options.connection.clear_cltn( path_names ) flash_it!( :info, "Collection `#{path_names.split('|').last} was cleared successfully!" ) erb :'collections/all_done.js', :layout => false end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- get '/collections/drop/' do path_names = session[:path_names] options.connection.drop_cltn( path_names ) flash_it!( :info, "Collection `#{path_names.split('|').last} was dropped successfully!" ) erb :'collections/all_done.js', :layout => false end # =========================================================================== helpers do def load_cltn( page=1 ) query_params = session[:query_params] || [{},[]] if ( !query_params.first or query_params.first.empty?) and ( !query_params.last or query_params.last.empty? ) @query = nil else @query = [query_params.first.to_json, query_params.last.to_json].join( " | " ) @query.gsub!( /\"/, "'" ) end @page = page path_names = session[:path_names] @cltn = options.connection.paginate_cltn( path_names, query_params, @page, 15 ) @cols = [] @selected_cols = [] unless @cltn.empty? @cols = @cltn.first.keys.sort @selected_cols = session[:selected_cols] || @cols[0...5] end end end end