âsÇ §ö„P5öp&³L[È77íFÑ~¢en¥fakerªfamily_guyƒ©characterÜ­Peter Griffin¬Lois Griffin«Meg Griffin­Chris Griffin®Stewie Griffin­Brian Griffin¯Francis Griffin±Mickey McFinnigan®Thelma Griffin­Karen Griffin´Carter Pewterschmidt¶Barabara Pewterschmidt®Glenn Quagmire¯Cleveland Brown«Joe Swanson®Bonnie Swanson¬Mort GoldmanªTom Tucker¬Joyce Kinney­Diane Simmons®Ollie Williams¯Tricia Takanawa¥Fouad²Principal Shephard¯Mayor Adam West¤Carl¨Consuela£God¦Horace«James Woods«Evil Monkey¨location™°Cleveland's Deli¬Drunken Clam²Goldman's PharmacyºHappy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory°Jack's Joke Shop°James Woods High±Pawtucket Brewery­Quahog 5 News®Spooner Street¥quote›Ù It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time.ÙrI’ve got an idea–an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I’m talking about.ÙSA degenerate, am I? Well, you are a festisio! See? I can make up words too, sister.ÙWNow I may be an idiot, but there’s one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot.Ù5Isn’t ‘bribe’ just another word for ‘love’?ÙKI am so not competitive. In fact, I am the least non-competitive. So I win.ÙŠHey, don't try to take this away from me. This is the only thing I've ever been good at. Well, this and timing my farts to a thunderstorm.ºJoe, gag on my fat dauber.Ù%People in love can overcome anything.ÙTAmazing. One second of a stranger's voice on a phone, and you've got full Bollywood.ÙdYou know, this is great guys. Drinking and eating garbage. I'm glad we all took a mental health day.