BII2 CORE restrictions for Invoice Transaction (T10) UBL-Invoice-2.1
Element 'cbc:CustomizationID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:ProfileID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:Note' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:InvoicePeriod' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:ContractDocumentReference' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:Delivery' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PaymentTerms' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:Party' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:AccountingContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:BuyerContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyName' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyTaxScheme' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OtherCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CorporateRegistrationScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HeadParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ShareholderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLegalFormCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLiquidationStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CorporateStockAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FullyPaidSharesIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationExpirationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SoleProprietorshipIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
'VAT' is the only allowed value of 'cbc:ID'.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxLevelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SupplierAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Party' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:AccountingContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DespatchContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyName' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OtherCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CorporateRegistrationScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HeadParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PostalZone' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ShareholderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLegalFormCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLiquidationStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CorporateStockAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FullyPaidSharesIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationExpirationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SoleProprietorshipIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxLevelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SellerContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DataSendingCapability' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CharacterSetCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentHash' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EncodingCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExpiryDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExpiryTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FileName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:HashAlgorithmMethod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MimeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ResultOfVerification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LocaleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:VersionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:XPath' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AllowanceChargeReason' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:TaxCategory' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PaymentMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
'VAT' is the only allowed value of 'cbc:ID'.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseUnitMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCost' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCostCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PrepaidIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AdditionalDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:BillingReferenceLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CreditNoteDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DebitNoteDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Attachment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ResultOfVerification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LocaleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:VersionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:XPath' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ReminderDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SelfBilledCreditNoteDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SelfBilledInvoiceDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AccountingContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:BuyerContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyName' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Channel' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CorporateRegistrationScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HeadParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ShareholderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLegalFormCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLiquidationStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CorporateStockAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FullyPaidSharesIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationExpirationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SoleProprietorshipIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
'VAT' is the only allowed value of 'cbc:ID'.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxLevelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndpointID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SupplierAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Attachment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ResultOfVerification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentDescription' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DocumentStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LanguageID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LocaleCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:VersionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:XPath' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AlternativeDeliveryLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CarrierParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SubsidiaryLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Conditions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InformationURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LocationTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Despatch' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:EstimatedDeliveryPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:MaximumDeliveryUnit' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:MinimumDeliveryUnit' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:NotifyParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PromisedDeliveryPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RequestedDeliveryPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Shipment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ActualDeliveryTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LatestDeliveryDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LatestDeliveryTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MaximumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MinimumQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Quantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ReleaseID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TrackingID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DespatchDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cbc:InvoicedQuantity' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:OrderLineReference' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AllowanceCharge' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:TaxTotal' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cbc:AllowanceChargeReason' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:PaymentMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxCategory' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCost' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCostCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PrepaidIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:BillingReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Delivery' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DeliveryTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DespatchLineReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DescriptionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:StartTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AdditionalItemIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AdditionalItemProperty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:BuyersItemIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CatalogueDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:MeasurementDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalAttribute' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BarcodeSymbologyID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExtendedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Certificate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
'VAT' is the only allowed value of 'cbc:ID'.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseUnitMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ItemClassificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:CargoTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:NatureCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Dimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HazardousItem' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:InformationContentProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ItemInstance' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ItemSpecificationDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ManufacturerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ManufacturersItemIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OriginAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:MeasurementDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalAttribute' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BarcodeSymbologyID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExtendedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:IssuerParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:MeasurementDimension' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalAttribute' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BarcodeSymbologyID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExtendedID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TransactionConditions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BrandName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CatalogueIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:HazardousRiskIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Keyword' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ModelName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PackQuantity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PackSizeNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OrderReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LineStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SalesOrderLineID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Contact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyTaxScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Address' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SubsidiaryLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Conditions' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InformationURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LocationTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PostalAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndpointID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PaymentTerms' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PaymentMeans' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxCategory' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCost' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCostCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AllowanceChargeReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AllowanceChargeReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MultiplierFactorNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PrepaidIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PriceList' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PricingExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCodeListID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCodeListAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCodeListAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:OrderableUnitFactorRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PriceChangeReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PriceType' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PriceTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PricingReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ReceiptLineReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SubInvoiceLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseUnitMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Percent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseUnitMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxableAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RoundingAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxEvidenceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxIncludedIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:WithholdingTaxTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCostCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FreeOfChargeIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@unitCode' is required in this context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentPurposeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxPointDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Description' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DescriptionCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DurationMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:StartTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LineExtensionAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:PayableAlternativeAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CustomerReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:OrderTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SalesOrderID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OriginatorDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyName' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Contact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:CorporateRegistrationScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HeadParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ShareholderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLegalFormCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLiquidationStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CorporateStockAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FullyPaidSharesIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationExpirationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SoleProprietorshipIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyTaxScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PostalAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndpointID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PaymentAlternativeExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PaymentExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentID' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cbc:CV2ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CardChipCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ChipApplicationID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExpiryDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:HolderName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueNumberID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssuerID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ValidityStartDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Country' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Address' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:Address' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AliasName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PayerFinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PaymentMandate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TradeFinancing' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InstructionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InstructionNote' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:ExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PenaltyPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:SettlementPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ValidityPeriod' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Amount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InstallmentDueDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InvoicingPartyReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentDueDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentMeansID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentPercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentTermsDetailsURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PenaltyAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PenaltySurchargePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PrepaidPaymentReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ReferenceEventCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SettlementDiscountAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SettlementDiscountPercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PrepaidPayment' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PricingExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ProjectReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ReceiptDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AccountingContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:DespatchContact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyName' may occur at maximum 1 times.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:OtherCommunication' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:CorporateRegistrationScheme' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:HeadParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalStreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PostalZone' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:StreetName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ShareholderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLegalFormCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CompanyLiquidationStatusCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CorporateStockAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:FullyPaidSharesIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationExpirationDate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:SoleProprietorshipIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AddressLine' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IdentificationCode' must occur exactly 1 times.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:LocationCoordinate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressFormatCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AddressTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BlockName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BuildingNumber' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CitySubdivisionName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CountrySubentityCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Department' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:District' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Floor' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:InhouseMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttention' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCare' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PlotIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Postbox' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Region' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Room' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TimezoneOffset' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndpointID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Channel' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ChannelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ElectronicMail' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Note' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Telefax' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Telephone' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AdditionalAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CustomerAssignedAccountID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:DataSendingCapability' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Signature' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:StatementDocumentReference' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:TaxExchangeRate' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:AgentParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Contact' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:FinancialAccount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Language' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyIdentification' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PartyLegalEntity' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:RegistrationAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReason' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RegistrationName' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxLevelCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:Person' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PhysicalLocation' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PostalAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:PowerOfAttorney' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:ServiceProviderParty' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:EndpointID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IndustryClassificationCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LogoReferenceID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkAttentionIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:MarkCareIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:WebsiteURI' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxableAmount' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cbc:ID' must occur exactly 1 times.
Element 'cac:JurisdictionRegionAddress' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
'VAT' is the only allowed value of 'cbc:ID'.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxTypeCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Name' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@format' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxExemptionReasonCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:BaseUnitMeasure' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CalculationSequenceNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PerUnitAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:Percent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRange' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TierRatePercent' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:RoundingAmount' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxEvidenceIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxIncludedIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cac:WithholdingTaxTotal' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:AccountingCostCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:CopyIndicator' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:IssueTime' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:LineCountNumeric' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageLocaleID' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PaymentAlternativeCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@name' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@languageID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@listSchemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:PricingCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:ProfileExecutionID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:TaxCurrencyCode' is marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeAgencyName' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeVersionID' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeDataURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Attribute '@schemeURI' marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'cbc:UUID' is marked as not used in the given context.
Element 'ext:UBLExtensions' is marked as not used in the given context.