module Marty; module Extras module Layout def hbox(*args) params = args.pop params.merge(layout: { type: :hbox, align: :stretch }, items: args, ) end def vbox(*args) params = args.pop params.merge(layout: { type: :vbox, align: :stretch }, items: args, ) end def fieldset(title, *args) params = args.pop params.merge(items: args, xtype: 'fieldset', defaults: { anchor: '100%' }, title: title, ) end def dispfield(params = {}) { attr_type: :displayfield, hide_label: !params[:field_label], read_only: true, }.merge(params) end def vspacer(params = {}) vbox({ flex: 1, border: false }.merge(params)) end def hspacer(params = {}) hbox({ flex: 1, border: false }.merge(params)) end def textarea_field(name, options = {}) { name: name, width: '100%', height: 150, xtype: :textareafield, auto_scroll: true, spellcheck: false, field_style: { font_family: 'courier new', font_size: '12px' }, } + options end def jsonb_field(name, options = {}) { name: name, width: '100%', height: 150, xtype: :textareafield, auto_scroll: true, spellcheck: false, allow_blank: false, field_style: { font_family: 'courier new', font_size: '12px' }, }.merge(options) end ###################################################################### # PG ENUM field handling def enum_column(c, class_or_array, col = nil, allow_null = true) col ||= vals = class_or_array.is_a?(Array) ? class_or_array : class_or_array::VALUES editor_config = { trigger_action: :all, xtype: :combo, # hacky: extjs has issues with forceSelection true and clearing combos store: vals + (allow_null ? ['---'] : []), # we can dynamically add enums (i.e. they're not in VALUES) -- # turn off forced selection. # forceSelection: true, } c.merge!( column_config: { editor: editor_config }, field_config: editor_config, type: :string, setter: enum_setter(, sorting_scope: get_sorter(col) ) end def enum_array(c, klass) editor_config = { multi_select: true, store: klass::VALUES.to_a.sort, type: :string, xtype: :combo, } c.merge!( type: :string, column_config: { editor: editor_config }, field_config: editor_config, ) end def enum_setter(name) lambda { |r, v| r.send("#{name}=", v.blank? || v == '---' ? nil : v) } end def get_sorter(col) lambda { |rel, dir| rel.order(Arel.sql("#{col}::text #{dir}")) } end ###################################################################### # employ lots of hakery to implement NULLable boolean field in # Netzke 8.x. BOOL_MAP = { nil => '---', true => 'True', false => 'False', } MAP_BOOL = { '---' => nil, '' => nil, 'True' => true, 'False' => false, } def bool_getter(name) lambda { |r| BOOL_MAP[r.send(name)] } end def bool_setter(name) lambda { |r, v| r.send("#{name}=", MAP_BOOL[v]) } end def nullable_bool_column(name) editor_config = { trigger_action: :all, xtype: :combo, store: ['True', 'False', '---'], } { column_config: { editor: editor_config }, field_config: editor_config, type: :string, getter: bool_getter(name), setter: bool_setter(name), } end ###################################################################### # make sure to validate range vals on the model (e.g. see rule.rb) def range_getter(name, json_field = nil) if json_field lambda { |r| Marty::Util.pg_range_to_human(r.send(json_field)[name]) } else lambda { |r| Marty::Util.pg_range_to_human(r.send(name)) } end end def range_setter(name, json_field = nil) if json_field lambda do |r, v| cookedv = v && v.present? && (Marty::Util.human_to_pg_range(v) rescue v) h = r.send(json_field) if cookedv r.send("#{json_field}=", h + { name => cookedv }) else h.delete(name) r.send("#{json_field}=", h) end end else lambda do |r, v| r.send("#{name}=", v && (Marty::Util.human_to_pg_range(v) rescue v)) end end end def range_field(name) { name: name, getter: range_getter(name), setter: range_setter(name), } end def range_column(c, name) c.getter = range_getter(name) c.setter = range_setter(name) c.width = 80 c.align = 'right' end def tooltip s1, s2 "#{s1}" end end; end; end