require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class CommentTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :comments def setup Comment.rebuild_index end # Replace this with your real tests. def test_truth assert_kind_of Comment, comments(:first) end def test_issue_220_index_false_as_false c = :content => false assert_equal false, c.content assert_equal 'false', c.content_for_field_name(:content) assert_equal 'false', c.to_doc[:content] assert_equal c, Comment.find_with_ferret('content:false').first end def test_if_option c = :content => 'do not index' assert_equal 0, Comment.find_with_ferret('do not index').total_hits end def test_analyzer c = Comment.create! :content => 'a fax modem' assert_equal 0, Comment.find_with_ferret('fax').size assert_equal 1, Comment.find_with_ferret('modem').size end def test_class_index_dir assert Comment.aaf_configuration[:index_dir] =~ %r{^#{RAILS_ROOT}/index/test/comment} end def test_aliased_field res = Comment.find_with_ferret 'aliased:regarding' assert_equal 1, res.total_hits assert_equal comments(:comment_for_c2), res.first end def test_search_for_id # don't search the id field by default: assert Comment.find_with_ferret('3').empty? # explicit query for id field works: assert_equal 3, Comment.find_with_ferret('id:3') end #def test_reloadable # assert ! Comment.reloadable? #end # tests the automatic building of an index when none exists # delete index/test/* before running rake to make this useful def test_automatic_index_build # TODO: check why this fails, but querying for 'comment fixture' works. # maybe different analyzers at index creation and searching time ? #comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('"comment from fixture"') comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment fixture') assert_equal 2, comments_from_ferret.size assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comments(:first)) assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comments(:another)) end def test_rebuild_index Comment.aaf_index.ferret_index.query_delete('comment') comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture') assert comments_from_ferret.empty? Comment.rebuild_index comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture') assert_equal 2, comments_from_ferret.size end def test_total_hits comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture', :limit => 1) assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal 2, comments_from_ferret.total_hits comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture', {}, :conditions => 'id != 1') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.total_hits end def test_score comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture', :limit => 1) assert comments_from_ferret.first assert comments_from_ferret.first.ferret_score > 0 end def test_find_all 20.times do |i| Comment.create( :author => 'multi-commenter', :content => "This is multicomment no #{i}" ) end assert_equal 10, (res = Comment.find_with_ferret('multicomment')).size assert_equal 20, res.total_hits assert_equal 15, (res = Comment.find_with_ferret('multicomment', :limit => 15)).size assert_equal 20, res.total_hits assert_equal 20, (res = Comment.find_with_ferret('multicomment', :limit => :all)).size assert_equal 20, res.total_hits end # tests the custom to_doc method defined in comment.rb def test_custom_to_doc top_docs ='"from fixture"') #top_docs ='"comment from fixture"') assert_equal 2, top_docs.total_hits doc = Comment.aaf_index.ferret_index.doc(top_docs.hits[0].doc) # check for the special field added by the custom to_doc method assert_not_nil doc[:added] # still a valid int ? assert doc[:added].to_i > 0 end def test_find_with_ferret comment = Comment.create( :author => 'john doe', :content => 'This is a useless comment' ) comment2 = Comment.create( :author => 'another', :content => 'content' ) comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('anoth* OR jo*') assert_equal 2, comments_from_ferret.size assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comment) assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comment2) # find options comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('anoth* OR jo*', {}, :conditions => ["id=?",]) assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comment2) comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('lorem ipsum not here') assert comments_from_ferret.empty? comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('another') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal, comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('doe') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal, comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('useless') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal, # no monkeys here comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('monkey') assert comments_from_ferret.empty? # multiple terms are ANDed by default... comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('monkey comment') assert comments_from_ferret.empty? # ...unless you connect them by OR comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('monkey OR comment') assert_equal 3, comments_from_ferret.size assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comment) assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comments(:first)) assert comments_from_ferret.include?(comments(:another)) # multiple terms, each term has to occur in a document to be found, # but they may occur in different fields comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('useless john') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal, # search for an exact string by enclosing it in " comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('"useless john"') assert comments_from_ferret.empty? comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('"useless comment"') assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal, comment.destroy comment2.destroy end # fixed with Ferret 0.9.6 def test_stopwords_ferret_bug i = => false, :default_field => '*' ) d = d[:id] = '1' d[:content] = 'Move or shake' i << d hits = 'move AND or AND shake' assert_equal 1, hits.total_hits hits = 'move AND nothere AND shake' assert_equal 0, hits.total_hits hits = 'move AND shake' assert_equal 1, hits.total_hits hits = 'move OR shake' assert_equal 1, hits.total_hits hits = '+move +the +shake' assert_equal 1, hits.total_hits hits = 'move nothere' assert_equal 0, hits.total_hits end def test_stopwords comment = Comment.create( :author => 'john doe', :content => 'Move or shake' ) ['move shake', 'Move shake', 'move Shake', 'move or shake', 'move the shake'].each do |q| comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret(q) assert_equal comment, comments_from_ferret.first, "query #{q} failed" end comment.destroy end def test_array_conditions_combining comments_from_ferret = Comment.find_with_ferret('comment AND fixture', {}, :conditions => [ 'id IN (?)', [ 2, 3 ] ]) assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.size assert_equal 1, comments_from_ferret.total_hits end end