#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require './lib/Getopt/Declare' rdoc_files = ["Declare.rdoc", 'HISTORY.txt'] + Dir.glob('lib/*/*.rb') # # Make sure that ~/.rubyforge/auto-config.yml contains getopt-declare # as project (not getoptdeclare). # Hoe.new('getopt-declare', Getopt::Declare::VERSION) do |p| p.rubyforge_name = name = 'getoptdeclare' p.author = "Gonzalo Garramuno" p.email = 'ggarra@advancedsl.com.ar, GGarramuno@aol.com' p.summary = "Getopt-Declare is a command-line argument parser." p.description = <<-"EOF" Comprehensive and easy to use command-line parser library using regular expressions. Port of Damian Conway\'s Perl Getopt-Declare. EOF # p.url = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 0).first.split(/\n/)[1..-1] p.url = "#{name}.rubyforge.org" p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('HISTORY.txt', 0).join("\n\n") p.need_zip = p.need_tar = true end task :default => ['test', 'redocs', 'publish_docs', 'package', 'release', 'announce', 'email', 'post_news']