description "Aurora Sub Theme" no_configuration_file! # Add in custom config file. file '../shared/config.rb.erb', :to => "config.rb", :erb => true # Add in README file '../shared/', :like => :stylesheet, :to => '' file '../shared/', :like => :stylesheet, :to => 'partials/' file '../shared/', :to => "templates/" # ERB ALL the Drupal files! file './', :to => "#{options[:project_name] || File.basename(Compass.configuration.project_path)}.info", :erb => true file './template.php.erb', :to => "template.php", :erb => true # Drupal templates file './tpls/page.tpl.php.txt', :to => "templates/page.tpl.php" file './tpls/field--field-slideshow-slide-body-text.tpl.php.txt', :to => "templates/field--field-slideshow-slide-body-text.tpl.php" file './tpls/field--field-slideshow-slide-link.tpl.php.txt', :to => "templates/field--field-slideshow-slide-link.tpl.php" file './tpls/field--field-slideshow-slide.tpl.php.txt', :to => "templates/field--field-slideshow-slide.tpl.php" # Stylesheets discover :stylesheets file '../shared/_functions.scss', :like => :stylesheet, :to => 'partials/global/_functions.scss' file '../shared/_mixins.scss', :like => :stylesheet, :to => 'partials/global/_mixins.scss' file '../shared/_extendables.scss', :like => :stylesheet, :to => 'partials/global/_extendables.scss' # Developer Consistency file '../shared/Gemfile.txt', :to => 'Gemfile' file '../shared/editorconfig.txt', :to => '.editorconfig' file './gitignore.txt', :to => ".gitignore" help %Q{ @TODO Write some help text. } welcome_message %Q{ Arcturus based Aurora Subtheme. See for full documentation on the Aurora base system. You now need to run `bundle install` from inside your new subtheme to install the required dependencies. This will create a Gemfile.lock file, add this to your version control. When you are ready start compiling, run `bundle exec compass watch` instead of simply `compass watch` to ensure you are compiling using your dependent Compass extensions. Alternatively, if you are using Grunt, simply run `grunt watch` to compile and start LiveReload. }