module EffectivePostmarkHelper # For use on the regular user alerts and forgot password pages def effective_postmark_alert(user, from: nil, html_class: 'alert alert-danger mb-4') raise('expected an effective_postmark_user') unless user.class.try(:effective_postmark_user?) return unless user.postmark_invalid? content_tag(:div, class: html_class) do [ succeed(',') { "IMPORTANT: The email address you use to sign in#{" to #{from}" if from}" }, succeed(',') { }, "has been marked as inactive.", "You will not receive any emails", ("from #{from}" if from), "while inactive.", "Please contact us to update your email address." ].compact.join(' ').html_safe end end # For use on the admin/users#edit page def effective_postmark_admin_alert(user, from: nil, html_class: 'alert alert-danger mb-4') raise('expected an effective_postmark_user') unless user.class.try(:effective_postmark_user?) return unless user.postmark_invalid? content_tag(:div, class: html_class) do [ "This user has an inactive email address.", "They will not receive any emails", ("from #{from}" if from), "while inactive.", "Please update their email address, or " + link_to('reactivate their email', effective_postmark.postmark_reactivate_admin_postmark_path(user), 'data-method': :post), "and automatically attempt an email delivery." ].compact.join(' ').html_safe end end end