# encoding: utf-8 # Install the xapian binaries into the lib folder of the gem require 'rbconfig' c = RbConfig::CONFIG def system!(cmd) puts cmd system(cmd) or raise end ver = '1.2.20' source_dir = 'xapian_source' core = "xapian-core-#{ver}" bindings = "xapian-bindings-#{ver}" xapian_config = "#{Dir.pwd}/#{core}/xapian-config" task :default do [core,bindings].each do |x| system! "tar -xJf #{source_dir}/#{x}.tar.xz" end prefix = Dir.pwd ENV['LDFLAGS'] = "-L#{prefix}/lib" system! "mkdir -p lib" Dir.chdir core do system! "./configure --prefix=#{prefix} --exec-prefix=#{prefix}" system! "make clean all" system! "cp -r .libs/* ../lib/" end Dir.chdir bindings do ENV['RUBY'] ||= "#{c['bindir']}/#{c['RUBY_INSTALL_NAME']}" ENV['XAPIAN_CONFIG'] = xapian_config system! "./configure --prefix=#{prefix} --exec-prefix=#{prefix} --with-ruby" system! "make clean all" end system! "cp -r #{bindings}/ruby/.libs/_xapian.* lib" system! "cp #{bindings}/ruby/xapian.rb lib" system! "rm lib/*.a" system! "rm lib/*.la" system! "rm lib/*.lai" system! "rm -R #{bindings}" system! "rm -R #{core}" system! "rm -R #{source_dir}" end