module Boson # This library loads a file in the commands subdirectory of a Boson::Repo. This library looks for files # in repositories in the order given by Boson.repos. # TODO: explain file format, modules, inspectors class FileLibrary < Library #:stopdoc: def self.library_file(library, dir) File.join(Repo.commands_dir(dir), library + ".rb") end def self.matched_repo; @repo; end def self.read_library_file(file, reload=false) @file_cache ||= {} @file_cache[file] = if (!@file_cache.has_key?(file) || reload) @file_cache[file] end def self.reset_file_cache(name=nil) if name && @file_cache #td: tia other repos @file_cache.delete(library_file(name, Boson.repo.dir)) else @file_cache = nil end end handles {|source| @repo = Boson.repos.find {|e| File.exists? library_file(source.to_s, e.dir) } !!@repo } def library_file self.class.library_file(@name, @repo_dir) end def set_repo self.class.matched_repo end def load_source(reload=false) library_string = self.class.read_library_file(library_file, reload) Inspector.enable Commands.module_eval(library_string, library_file) Inspector.disable end def load_source_and_set_module detected = detect_additions(:modules=>true) { load_source } @module = determine_lib_module(detected[:modules]) unless @module end def reload_source_and_set_module detected = detect_additions(:modules=>true) { load_source(true) } if (@new_module = !detected[:modules].empty?) @commands = [] @module = determine_lib_module(detected[:modules]) end end def determine_lib_module(detected_modules) case detected_modules.size when 1 then lib_module = detected_modules[0] when 0 then raise LoaderError, "Can't detect module. Make sure at least one module is defined in the library." else unless ((lib_module = Util.constantize("boson/commands/#{@name}")) && lib_module.to_s[/^Boson::Commands/]) raise LoaderError, "Can't detect module. Specify a module in this library's config." end end lib_module end #:startdoc: end end