require "active_support/concern" require "forwardable" module HyperKittenTables module Concerns module Table extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do extend Forwardable def_delegators :@view_context, :content_tag, :capture, :request const_set :Column,, :method_name, :sort_key, :block, :sortable, :options) end def initialize(collection: [], requested_columns: [], &block) @collection = collection @columns = [] @table_options = {} @thead_options = {} @tbody_options = {} @tr_options = {} @th_options = {} @requested_columns = requested_columns yield self if block_given? end def td(name, method_name: nil, sort_key: nil, sortable: true, **options, &block) if method_name.nil? method_name = name.to_s.parameterize.underscore name = name.to_s.titleize unless block_given? end sort_key = method_name if sort_key.blank? @columns <<, method_name, sort_key, block, sortable, options) end def define_header_sort_url(&block) define_singleton_method(:header_sort_url, &block) end def header_sort_url(column, query_params) # Override this method to define the sort url for the header. raise NotImplementedError, "You must define #header_sort_url if you want sortable table columns." end def footer(&block) @footer = block end def table(**options) @table_options = options end def tbody(**options) @tbody_options = options end def thead(**options) @thead_options = options end def tr(**options) @tr_options = options end def th(**options) @th_options = options end def render_in(view_context) @view_context = view_context render_table end private def visible_columns return @columns if @requested_columns.empty? { |column| @requested_columns.include?( } end def render_table content_tag(:table, @table_options) { render_header + render_body } + render_footer end def render_header content_tag(:thead, @thead_options) do content_tag(:tr, @tr_options) do do |column| if column.sortable content_tag(:th, @th_options) do header_sort_url(column, query_params).html_safe end else content_tag(:th,, @th_options) end end.join.html_safe end end end def render_body content_tag(:tbody, @tbody_options) do do |record| content_tag(:tr, @tr_options) do do |column| column_content = if column.block capture(record, &column.block) else record.public_send(column.method_name) end content_tag(:td, column_content, column.options) end.join.html_safe end end.join.html_safe end end def render_footer capture(&@footer) if @footer end def query_params request.query_parameters end end end end