# Forum
This is a tidy but comprehensive forum implementation that plugs into radiant and supports both discussion forums and page comments.
This new (as I write) version 2 is a complete rewrite with a lot of internal clarification in preparation for rails 3. It's only a release candidate at this stage: I'm working on bug fixes, documentation and packaging for public release. There is also a developing demo and documentation site that you can use as a starting point. Code is at [https://github.com/spanner/radiant-forum-demo](https://github.com/spanner/radiant-forum-demo) and the site will be public soon.
The forum is designed to be pick-and-mixed with other radiant extensions, so it's focused on being a good forum and doesn't do anything else. I hope you will find it's good at what it does do:
* forums, topics, posts etc
* page comments
* simple but effective forum search
* rss feeds of pretty much anything (including search queries and individual authors)
* multiple message attachments and helpful image-handling
* configurable message-editing interval during which authors can make corrections
* minimal wysiwig message editing including smilies :(
* ajax edit-in-place
I've tried to keep it simple and tidy both inside and out. This is helped by the fact that all the user-management is in the reader extension, so you should find this is easy to adapt and extend. The admin interface on the other hand is pretty basic: we expect most administration to happen through the public pages but there does need to be at least a dashboard to give a better overview. That will come soon.
As far as I know this is the only decent forum software available for rails. If I can't find a better alternative, I will spin this off as a separate rails 3 engine that works alongside radiant but does not require it.
## Demo and documentation
You can find a standard radiant forum installation at [https://github.com/spanner/radiant-forum-demo](https://github.com/spanner/radiant-forum-demo). It serves many purposes: integration test target, reference platform, documentation and demo site and starting point for larger projects. There is some way to go on the documentation front but it should already serve as a useful starting point.
## Status
This code has been surviving in the world for five or six years (and more, since some it originally came from Beast), but this version is about 75% new and you know what that means: new bugs. Github issues are always welcome.
## Latest
* Tidied up and made compatible with radiant 1
* Group-visibility folded in
* Inline editing with editable-for-interval setting
* Punymce-based wysiwig editing.
* Page comments data structure simplified. Migration required.
* Everything internationalized
* Scripting all moved over to jquery (mootools was too niche, sadly)
* Uses the new radiant configuration interface
* Basic admin interface as well as readerland administration
* Editable interval for messages
This version is not multi-site compatible. It relies heavily on configuration items that are not yet site-scoped. That's next on the list after radiant 1 comes out.
## Still to do
* Allow moderation by selected readers
* Message-problem button
* Admin dashboard
## Requirements
Radiant 0.9.2 (we're using the new configuration interface) with the [reader](http://github.com/spanner/radiant-reader-extension) extension. Reader has a few requirements of its own so it's best to install that one first, make sure it's testing clean and then install the forum.
sudo rake gems:install
should get everything you need.
## Administration
The forum is easy to use and almost entirely separate from your page hierarchy. Forums - which are described as 'discussion categories' most of the time and not emphasised much in the reader-facing pages - are created and edited in the admin interface, and there readers can also (soon) be promoted to moderate selected forums. Everything else is done through the reader interface including the editing and deletion of posts and topics.
## Configuration
There is now a configuration panel for the forum and you shouldn't have to do any console-tinkering.
## Changing forum text
Every string used in the public-facing forum (and reader) pages comes from the locale file. They are labelled functionally rather than literally, with keys like `forum_extension.no_search_results`. To change the wording, either edit or override the locale.
## Layouts
Forum pages have their own controllers but they are presented inside your normal radiant layouts. Use the configuration interface to choose the layout you want to use. Your layout can work in the usual way: all we do is define page parts for you to include with `