require 'l5m-tools/env' require 'pathname' module L5MTools TEMPLATE_DIR = + 'template' puts TEMPLATE_DIR class Application require 'l5m-tools/tools' include Tools #that is svn remove def rm(file, options) #FileUtils.rm(file, :force => true) # remove file from svn package = file[(WORKSPACE.length+1)..(-1)] svnfile = package[(package.index(/[\/\\]/) + 1)..(-1)] package = package[0...(package.index(/[\/\\]/))] require 'l5m-tools/l5m-tools-module' L5MTools.svn.delete([package], {}, [ "--force", svnfile]) end def duplicate_app(*args) delete = args.delete('-d') replacements = {args[1] => args[2]} unless File.exist?(args[0]) duplicate_wo_csv(*args) else[0], "r") do |infile| while (line = infile.gets) line = line.chomp.strip if line.length > 0 && line[0] != '#' #duplicate_and_replace( line.chomp , replacements ) #FileUtils.rm(line, :force => true) if delete rm(line, :force => true) if duplicate_and_replace( line.chomp , replacements )[1] != line && delete end end end end end def duplicate_wo_csv(*args) delete = args.delete('-d') package = args[0] application = args[1] replacements = {args[1] => args[2]} Dir.glob("#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/{src,WebContent}/**/#{application}*.*", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).each{|line| bn = File.basename(line, ".*") #puts line #File.basename(line, ".*") unless(bn[application.length] =~ /[a-z0-9]/) #puts line #File.basename(line, ".*") rm(line, :force => true) if duplicate_and_replace( line.chomp , replacements )[1] != line && delete end } end def del_wo_csv(*args) package = args[0] application = args[1] Dir.glob("#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/{src,WebContent}/**/#{application}*.*", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).each{|line| bn = File.basename(line, ".*") unless(bn[application.length] =~ /[a-z0-9]/) puts line rm(line, :force => true) end } end #read file list from file and delete them def del(*args) unless File.exist?(args[0]) del_wo_csv(*args) else[0], "r") do |infile| while (line = infile.gets) line = line.chomp.strip if line.length > 0 && line[0] != '#' rm(line, :force => true) end end end end end def make_app(package, application, use_base_worker, &block) application[0] = application[0].capitalize replacements = { '!REPLACE_ME_FILE!' => application, '!REPLACE_STYLE!' => package } copy_with_replace( use_base_worker ? (TEMPLATE_DIR+"") : (TEMPLATE_DIR+"") , "#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/src/com/l5m/#{package}/engine/worker/#{application}" , replacements ) copy_with_replace( TEMPLATE_DIR+"" , "#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/src/com/l5m/#{package}/engine/servicer/#{application}" , replacements ) copy_with_replace( TEMPLATE_DIR+"" , "#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/src/com/l5m/#{package}/engine/exporter/#{application}" , replacements ) if File.exist?( TEMPLATE_DIR+"#{package}.jsp") copy_with_replace( TEMPLATE_DIR+"#{package}.jsp" , "#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/src/jsp/#{application}.jsp" , replacements ) else copy_with_replace( TEMPLATE_DIR+"Template.jsp" , "#{WORKSPACE}/#{package}/src/jsp/#{application}.jsp" , replacements ) end, package, application, use_base_worker) if block_given? end def version file = + "/VERSION" puts(File.exist?(file) ? : "") end def help puts <<-EOF Please go to EOF end end end