require 'cgi' module Facebooker # # Raised when trying to perform an operation on a user # other than the logged in user (if that's unallowed) class NonSessionUser < StandardError; end class Session # # Raised when a facebook session has expired. This # happens when the timeout is reached, or when the # user logs out of facebook # can be handled with: # rescue_from Facebooker::Session::SessionExpired, :with => :some_method_name class SessionExpired < StandardError; end class UnknownError < StandardError; end class ServiceUnavailable < StandardError; end class MaxRequestsDepleted < StandardError; end class HostNotAllowed < StandardError; end class MissingOrInvalidParameter < StandardError; end class InvalidAPIKey < StandardError; end class SessionExpired < StandardError; end class CallOutOfOrder < StandardError; end class IncorrectSignature < StandardError; end class SignatureTooOld < StandardError; end class TooManyUserCalls < StandardError; end class TooManyUserActionCalls < StandardError; end class InvalidFeedTitleLink < StandardError; end class InvalidFeedTitleLength < StandardError; end class InvalidFeedTitleName < StandardError; end class BlankFeedTitle < StandardError; end class FeedBodyLengthTooLong < StandardError; end class InvalidFeedPhotoSource < StandardError; end class InvalidFeedPhotoLink < StandardError; end class TemplateDataMissingRequiredTokens < StandardError; end class FeedMarkupInvalid < StandardError; end class FeedTitleDataInvalid < StandardError; end class FeedTitleTemplateInvalid < StandardError; end class FeedBodyDataInvalid < StandardError; end class FeedBodyTemplateInvalid < StandardError; end class FeedPhotosNotRetrieved < StandardError; end class FeedTargetIdsInvalid < StandardError; end class TemplateBundleInvalid < StandardError; end class ConfigurationMissing < StandardError; end class FQLParseError < StandardError; end class FQLFieldDoesNotExist < StandardError; end class FQLTableDoesNotExist < StandardError; end class FQLStatementNotIndexable < StandardError; end class FQLFunctionDoesNotExist < StandardError; end class FQLWrongNumberArgumentsPassedToFunction < StandardError; end class InvalidAlbumId < StandardError; end class AlbumIsFull < StandardError; end class MissingOrInvalidImageFile < StandardError; end class TooManyUnapprovedPhotosPending < StandardError; end class ExtendedPermissionRequired < StandardError; end class InvalidFriendList < StandardError; end class UserUnRegistrationFailed < StandardError attr_accessor :failed_users end class UserRegistrationFailed < StandardError attr_accessor :failed_users end API_SERVER_BASE_URL = ENV["FACEBOOKER_API"] == "new" ? "" : "" API_PATH_REST = "/restserver.php" WWW_SERVER_BASE_URL = ENV["FACEBOOKER_API"] == "new" ? "" : "" WWW_PATH_LOGIN = "/login.php" WWW_PATH_ADD = "/add.php" WWW_PATH_INSTALL = "/install.php" attr_writer :auth_token attr_reader :session_key attr_reader :secret_from_session def self.create(api_key=nil, secret_key=nil) api_key ||= self.api_key secret_key ||= self.secret_key raise ArgumentError unless !api_key.nil? && !secret_key.nil? new(api_key, secret_key) end def self.api_key extract_key_from_environment(:api) || extract_key_from_configuration_file(:api) rescue report_inability_to_find_key(:api) end def self.secret_key extract_key_from_environment(:secret) || extract_key_from_configuration_file(:secret) rescue report_inability_to_find_key(:secret) end def self.current Thread.current['facebook_session'] end def self.current=(session) Thread.current['facebook_session'] = session end def login_url(options={}) options = default_login_url_options.merge(options) "#{Facebooker.login_url_base(@api_key)}#{login_url_optional_parameters(options)}" end def install_url(options={}) "#{Facebooker.install_url_base(@api_key)}#{install_url_optional_parameters(options)}" end # The url to get user to approve extended permissions # # # permissions: # * email # * offline_access # * status_update # * photo_upload # * video_upload # * create_listing # * create_event # * rsvp_event # * sms def permission_url(permission,options={}) options = default_login_url_options.merge(options) "http://#{Facebooker.www_server_base_url}/authorize.php?api_key=#{@api_key}&v=1.0&ext_perm=#{permission}#{install_url_optional_parameters(options)}" end def install_url_optional_parameters(options) optional_parameters = [] optional_parameters += add_next_parameters(options) optional_parameters.join end def add_next_parameters(options) opts = [] opts << "&next=#{CGI.escape(options[:next])}" if options[:next] opts << "&next_cancel=#{CGI.escape(options[:next_cancel])}" if options[:next_cancel] opts end def login_url_optional_parameters(options) # It is important that unused options are omitted as stuff like &canvas=false will still display the canvas. optional_parameters = [] optional_parameters += add_next_parameters(options) optional_parameters << "&skipcookie=true" if options[:skip_cookie] optional_parameters << "&hide_checkbox=true" if options[:hide_checkbox] optional_parameters << "&canvas=true" if options[:canvas] optional_parameters.join end def default_login_url_options {} end def initialize(api_key, secret_key) @api_key = api_key @secret_key = secret_key @batch_request = nil @session_key = nil @uid = nil @auth_token = nil @secret_from_session = nil @expires = nil end def secret_for_method(method_name) @secret_key end def auth_token @auth_token ||= post 'facebook.auth.createToken' end def infinite? @expires == 0 end def expired? @expires.nil? || (!infinite? && <= end def secured? !@session_key.nil? && !expired? end def secure!(args = {}) response = post 'facebook.auth.getSession', :auth_token => auth_token, :generate_session_secret => args[:generate_session_secret] ? "1" : "0" secure_with!(response['session_key'], response['uid'], response['expires'], response['secret']) end def secure_with_session_secret!!(:generate_session_secret => true) end def secure_with!(session_key, uid = nil, expires = nil, secret_from_session = nil) @session_key = session_key @uid = uid ? Integer(uid) : post('facebook.users.getLoggedInUser', :session_key => session_key) @expires = Integer(expires) @secret_from_session = secret_from_session end def fql_build_object(type, hash) case type when 'user' user = user.session = self user.populate_from_hash!(hash) user when 'photo' Photo.from_hash(hash) when 'page' Page.from_hash(hash) when 'page_admin' Page.from_hash(hash) when 'group' Group.from_hash(hash) when 'event_member' Event::Attendance.from_hash(hash) else hash end end def fql_query(query, format = 'XML') post('facebook.fql.query', :query => query, :format => format) do |response| type = response.shift return [] if type.nil? do |hash| fql_build_object(type, hash) end end end def fql_multiquery(queries, format = 'XML') results = {} post('facebook.fql.multiquery', :queries => queries.to_json, :format => format) do |responses| responses.each do |response| name = response.shift response = response.shift type = response.shift value = [] unless type.nil? value = do |hash| fql_build_object(type, hash) end end results[name] = value end end results end def user @user ||=, self) end # # This one has so many parameters, a Hash seemed cleaner than a long param list. Options can be: # :uid => Filter by events associated with a user with this uid # :eids => Filter by this list of event ids. This is a comma-separated list of eids. # :start_time => Filter with this UTC as lower bound. A missing or zero parameter indicates no lower bound. (Time or Integer) # :end_time => Filter with this UTC as upper bound. A missing or zero parameter indicates no upper bound. (Time or Integer) # :rsvp_status => Filter by this RSVP status. def events(options = {}) @events ||= post('', options) do |response| do |hash| Event.from_hash(hash) end end end def event_members(eid) @members ||= post('', :eid => eid) do |response| do |attendee_hash| Event::Attendance.from_hash(attendee_hash) end end end def users_standard(user_ids, fields=[]) post("facebook.users.getStandardInfo",:uids=>user_ids.join(","),:fields=>User.standard_fields(fields)) do |users| { |u|} end end def users(user_ids, fields=[]) post("facebook.users.getInfo",:uids=>user_ids.join(","),:fields=>User.user_fields(fields)) do |users| { |u|} end end def pages(options = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'fields option is mandatory' unless options.has_key?(:fields) @pages ||= {} @pages[options] ||= post('facebook.pages.getInfo', options) do |response| do |hash| Page.from_hash(hash) end end end # Takes page_id and uid, returns true if uid is a fan of the page_id def is_fan(page_id, uid) post('facebook.pages.isFan', :page_id=>page_id, :uid=>uid) end # # Returns a proxy object for handling calls to Facebook cached items # such as images and FBML ref handles def server_cache end # # Returns a proxy object for handling calls to the Facebook Data API def data end def admin end def mobile end # # Given an array like: # [[userid, otheruserid], [yetanotherid, andanotherid]] # returns a Hash indicating friendship of those pairs: # {[userid, otheruserid] => true, [yetanotherid, andanotherid] => false} # if one of the Hash values is nil, it means the facebook platform's answer is "I don't know" def check_friendship(array_of_pairs_of_users) uids1 = [] uids2 = [] array_of_pairs_of_users.each do |pair| uids1 << pair.first uids2 << pair.last end post('facebook.friends.areFriends', :uids1 => uids1.join(','), :uids2 => uids2.join(',')) end def get_photos(pids = nil, subj_id = nil, aid = nil) if [subj_id, pids, aid].all? {|arg| arg.nil?} raise ArgumentError, "Can't get a photo without a picture, album or subject ID" end @photos = post('', :subj_id => subj_id, :pids => pids, :aid => aid ) do |response| do |hash| Photo.from_hash(hash) end end end def get_albums(aids) @albums = post('', :aids => aids) do |response| do |hash| Album.from_hash(hash) end end end def get_tags(pids) @tags = post('', :pids => pids) do |response| do |hash| Tag.from_hash(hash) end end end def add_tags(pid, x, y, tag_uid = nil, tag_text = nil ) if [tag_uid, tag_text].all? {|arg| arg.nil?} raise ArgumentError, "Must enter a name or string for this tag" end @tags = post('', :pid => pid, :tag_uid => tag_uid, :tag_text => tag_text, :x => x, :y => y ) end def send_notification(user_ids, fbml, email_fbml = nil) params = {:notification => fbml, :to_ids =>{ |id| User.cast_to_facebook_id(id)}.join(',')} if email_fbml params[:email] = email_fbml end params[:type]="user_to_user" # if there is no uid, this is an announcement unless uid? params[:type]="app_to_user" end post 'facebook.notifications.send', params,uid? end ## # Register a template bundle with Facebook. # returns the template id to use to send using this template def register_template_bundle(one_line_story_templates,short_story_templates=nil,full_story_template=nil, action_links=nil) parameters = {:one_line_story_templates => Array(one_line_story_templates).to_json} parameters[:action_links] = action_links.to_json unless action_links.blank? parameters[:short_story_templates] = Array(short_story_templates).to_json unless short_story_templates.blank? parameters[:full_story_template] = full_story_template.to_json unless full_story_template.blank? post("facebook.feed.registerTemplateBundle", parameters, false) end ## # publish a previously rendered template bundle # see # def publish_user_action(bundle_id,data={},target_ids=nil,body_general=nil,story_size=nil) parameters={:template_bundle_id=>bundle_id,:template_data=>data.to_json} parameters[:target_ids] = target_ids unless target_ids.blank? parameters[:body_general] = body_general unless body_general.blank? parameters[:story_size] = story_size unless story_size.nil? post("facebook.feed.publishUserAction", parameters) end ## # Send email to as many as 100 users at a time def send_email(user_ids, subject, text, fbml = nil) user_ids = Array(user_ids) params = {:fbml => fbml, :recipients =>{ |id| User.cast_to_facebook_id(id)}.join(','), :text => text, :subject => subject} post 'facebook.notifications.sendEmail', params, false end # Only serialize the bare minimum to recreate the session. def marshal_load(variables)#:nodoc: fields_to_serialize.each_with_index{|field, index| instance_variable_set_value(field, variables[index])} end # Only serialize the bare minimum to recreate the session. def marshal_dump#:nodoc:{|field| instance_variable_value(field)} end # Only serialize the bare minimum to recreate the session. def to_yaml( opts = {} ) YAML::quick_emit(self.object_id, opts) do |out| do |map| fields_to_serialize.each do |field| map.add(field, instance_variable_value(field)) end end end end def instance_variable_set_value(field, value) self.instance_variable_set("@#{field}", value) end def instance_variable_value(field) self.instance_variable_get("@#{field}") end def fields_to_serialize %w(session_key uid expires secret_from_session auth_token api_key secret_key) end class Desktop < Session def login_url super + "&auth_token=#{auth_token}" end def secret_for_method(method_name) secret = auth_request_methods.include?(method_name) ? super : @secret_from_session secret end def post(method, params = {},use_session=false) if method == 'facebook.profile.getFBML' || method == 'facebook.profile.setFBML' raise"User #{@uid} is not the logged in user.") unless @uid == params[:uid] end super end private def auth_request_methods ['facebook.auth.getSession', 'facebook.auth.createToken'] end end def batch_request? @batch_request end def add_to_batch(req,&proc) batch_request =,proc) Thread.current[:facebooker_current_batch_queue]<{|q| q.uri}.to_json,:serial_only=>serial_only.to_s) ensure @batch_request=false BatchRun.current_batch=nil end def post_without_logging(method, params = {}, use_session_key = true, &proc) add_facebook_params(params, method) use_session_key && @session_key && params[:session_key] ||= @session_key final_params=params.merge(:sig => signature_for(params)) if batch_request? add_to_batch(final_params,&proc) else result = result = yield result if block_given? result end end def post(method, params = {}, use_session_key = true, &proc) if batch_request? post_without_logging(method, params, use_session_key, &proc) else Logging.log_fb_api(method, params) do post_without_logging(method, params, use_session_key, &proc) end end end def post_file(method, params = {}) base = params.delete(:base) Logging.log_fb_api(method, params) do add_facebook_params(params, method) @session_key && params[:session_key] ||= @session_key unless params[:uid] service.post_file(params.merge(:base => base, :sig => signature_for(params.reject{|key, value| key.nil?}))) end end @configuration_file_path = nil def self.configuration_file_path @configuration_file_path || File.expand_path("~/.facebookerrc") end def self.configuration_file_path=(path) @configuration_file_path = path end private def add_facebook_params(hash, method) hash[:method] = method hash[:api_key] = @api_key hash[:call_id] = unless method == 'facebook.auth.getSession' hash[:v] = "1.0" end # This ultimately delgates to the adapter def self.extract_key_from_environment(key_name) Facebooker.send(key_name.to_s + "_key") rescue nil end def self.extract_key_from_configuration_file(key_name) read_configuration_file[key_name] end def self.report_inability_to_find_key(key_name) raise ConfigurationMissing, "Could not find configuration information for #{key_name}" end def self.read_configuration_file eval( end def service @service ||=, Facebooker.api_rest_path, @api_key) end def uid @uid || (secure!; @uid) end def uid? !! @uid end def signature_for(params) raw_string = params.inject([]) do |collection, pair| collection << { |x| Array === x ? Facebooker.json_encode(x) : x }.join("=") collection end.sort.join Digest::MD5.hexdigest([raw_string, secret_for_method(params[:method])].join) end end class CanvasSession < Session def default_login_url_options {:canvas => true} end end end