class App.Models.Article extends App.Models.Base @identity = "Article" @resources = url: '/user/articles', paginate: {per: 5} main: url: '/articles', paginate: {per: 3} admin: url: '/admin/articles', paginate: {per: 4} @attributes = title: validations: presence: true length: {within: [3, 255]} content: validations: presence: true length: {minimum: 100} remoteName: "text" createdAt: type: "Date" remoteName: "created_at" updatedAt: type: "Date" remoteName: "updated_at" commentsCount: type: "Int" remoteName: "comments_count" publishedAt: type: "Date" remoteName: "published_at" published: {} adminReview: remoteName: "admin_review" adminRate: type: "Int" remoteName: "admin_rate" categoryId: type: "Int" remoteName: "category_id" adminReviewStartedAt: remoteName: "admin_review_started_at" @receivedSignal: (signal, data) -> @validate = ["vulgarityLevel"] constructor: (data) -> super data @published = if @publishedAt? then true else false receivedSignal: (signal, data) -> vulgarityLevel: -> if (this.title? and /fuck/i.exec(this.title)) or (this.content? and /fuck/i.exec(this.content)) this.addErrorMessage "Article contains strong language.", for: 'base' setDefaultValuesForAdminReview: -> @adminRate ?= 3 @categoryId ?= 6 @adminReviewStartedAt =