require 'awesome_print' require 'json' require 'tempfile' if true require 'cli-colorize' cli = true end desc "Make copies via git to remote Repositories" task :archive do puts "## Archival Branch to Repositories!" system "git add -A ." puts "\n## Commiting: Site updated at #{}" message = "Project updated at #{}" system "git commit -m \"#{message}\"" ["github", "bitbucket"].each do |remote| puts "\n## Pushing to **#{remote}** website" system "git push #{remote} master" end puts "\n## Archival complete" end desc "Find a word in the text files. Good for error finding.." task :find, :item do |t, args| c = "find text -type f |xargs grep -l '#{args[:item]}'" system c end desc "Show a word in context. Good for error finding.." task :show, :item do |t, args| c = "find text -type f |xargs grep --color=auto '#{args[:item]}'" system c end task :findc, :item do |t, args| c = "find text -type f -name \"*#{args[:item]}*\"" system c end desc "Compile PDF and display." task :preview do puts "## Creating another craptacular preview for your viewing pleasure." puts "## Give me a second to start as looking at this stuff makes me puke." system "bookmaker compile --only pdf;" pdf = Dir.glob("output/*.pdf").first system "open #{pdf}" unless pdf.nil? end task :progress do log_file = "../../writing.log" if (!File.exist?(log_file)) puts "You don't have a log file." return end j = JSON.parse(,'r').read) # puts j.inspect s = j['%Y-%m-%d')] progress = s[File.basename(Dir.pwd)] text = Dir["text/**/[0-9]*.tex"].map{|f|,'r').read}.join("\n\n\n") file ='foo.tex') file.write(text) file.close today = `detex #{file.path}| wc -w`.to_i file.unlink target = (500.0 * (300.0 / 365.0)).to_i delta = today - progress puts "So far today: #{today} - #{progress} = #{delta} (#{delta / 333} & #{progress/333} pages) (Target: #{delta - target}) - #{}}" end task :wc, :target do |t, args| files = Dir["text/**/[0-9]*.tex"] detex = "/usr/texbin/detex" counts = {} total = 0 sections = 0 chapters = {} files.each do |f| next if !args[:target].nil? and !f.include?(args[:target]) counts[f] = `detex #{f} | wc -w`.to_i chapter = File.dirname(f) chapters[chapter] = chapters.fetch(chapter,0) + counts[f] total += counts[f] if cli case when counts[f] == 0 then next when counts[f] > 1500 then puts CLIColorize.safe_colorize("...counting #{f} : #{counts[f]}", :yellow) when counts[f] < 1000 then puts CLIColorize.safe_colorize("...counting #{f} : #{counts[f]}", :red) else puts CLIColorize.safe_colorize("...counting #{f} : #{counts[f]}", :green) end else next if counts[f] == 0 puts "...counting #{f} : #{counts[f]}" end sections += 1 end # sections = 1 if sections == 0 puts "Total: #{total} (#{sections} sections). Average #{total/(sections || 1)}" # chapters.keys.each {|k| chapters[k] /= 1} # ap chapters end