require "spring/boot" require "pty" module Spring class Application attr_reader :manager, :watcher, :spring_env, :original_env def initialize(manager, original_env, spring_env = @manager = manager @original_env = original_env @spring_env = spring_env @mutex = @waiting = {} @clients = {} @preloaded = false @state = :initialized @interrupt = IO.pipe end def state(val) return if exiting? log "#{@state} -> #{val}" @state = val end def state!(val) state val @interrupt.last.write "." end def app_env ENV['RAILS_ENV'] end def app_name spring_env.app_name end def log(message) spring_env.log "[application:#{app_env}] #{message}" end def preloaded? @preloaded end def preload_failed? @preloaded == :failure end def exiting? @state == :exiting end def terminating? @state == :terminating end def watcher_stale? @state == :watcher_stale end def initialized? @state == :initialized end def start_watcher @watcher = Spring.watcher @watcher.on_stale do state! :watcher_stale end if @watcher.respond_to? :on_debug @watcher.on_debug do |message| spring_env.log "[watcher:#{app_env}] #{message}" end end @watcher.start end def preload log "preloading app" begin require "spring/commands" ensure start_watcher end require Spring.application_root_path.join("config", "application") unless Rails.respond_to?(:gem_version) && Rails.gem_version >='6.0.0') raise "Spring only supports Rails >= 6.0.0" end Rails::Application.initializer :ensure_reloading_is_enabled, group: :all do if Rails.application.config.cache_classes raise <<-MSG.strip_heredoc Spring reloads, and therefore needs the application to have reloading enabled. Please, set config.cache_classes to false in config/environments/#{Rails.env}.rb. MSG end end require Spring.application_root_path.join("config", "environment") disconnect_database @preloaded = :success rescue Exception => e @preloaded = :failure watcher.add { |line| line[/^(.*)\:\d+/, 1] } raise e unless initialized? ensure watcher.add loaded_application_features watcher.add Spring.gemfile, Spring.gemfile_lock if defined?(Rails) && Rails.application watcher.add Rails.application.paths["config/initializers"] watcher.add Rails.application.paths["config/database"] if secrets_path = Rails.application.paths["config/secrets"] watcher.add secrets_path end end end def eager_preload with_pty do # we can't see stderr and there could be issues when it's overflown # see STDERR.reopen("/dev/null") preload end end def run state :running manager.puts loop do [manager, @interrupt.first] if terminating? || watcher_stale? || preload_failed? exit else serve manager.recv_io(UNIXSocket) end end end def serve(client) log "got client" manager.puts @clients[client] = true _stdout, stderr, _stdin = streams = { client.recv_io } [STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN].zip(streams).each { |a, b| a.reopen(b) } if preloaded? client.puts(0) # preload success else begin preload client.puts(0) # preload success rescue Exception log "preload failed" client.puts(1) # preload failure raise end end args, env = JSON.load("args", "env") command = Spring.command(args.shift) connect_database setup command if Rails.application.reloaders.any?(&:updated?) Rails.application.reloader.reload! end pid = fork { # Make sure to close other clients otherwise their graceful termination # will be impossible due to reference from this fork. @clients.each_key { |c| c.close if c != client } Process.setsid IGNORE_SIGNALS.each { |sig| trap(sig, "DEFAULT") } trap("TERM", "DEFAULT") unless Spring.quiet STDERR.puts "Running via Spring preloader in process #{}" if Rails.env.production? STDERR.puts "WARNING: Spring is running in production. To fix " \ "this make sure the spring gem is only present " \ "in `development` and `test` groups in your Gemfile " \ "and make sure you always use " \ "`bundle install --without development test` in production" end end ARGV.replace(args) $0 = command.exec_name # Delete all env vars which are unchanged from before Spring started original_env.each { |k, v| ENV.delete k if ENV[k] == v } # Load in the current env vars, except those which *were* changed when Spring started env.each { |k, v| ENV[k] ||= v } connect_database srand invoke_after_fork_callbacks shush_backtraces } disconnect_database log "forked #{pid}" manager.puts pid wait pid, streams, client rescue Exception => e log "exception: #{e}" manager.puts unless pid if streams && !e.is_a?(SystemExit) print_exception(stderr, e) streams.each(&:close) end client.puts(1) if pid client.close ensure # Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to prevent from keeping the original FDs # (i.e. to prevent `spring rake -T | grep db` from hanging forever), # even when exception is raised before forking (i.e. preloading). reset_streams end def terminate if exiting? # Ensure that we do not ignore subsequent termination attempts log "forced exit" @waiting.each_key { |pid| Process.kill("TERM", pid) } Kernel.exit else state! :terminating end end def exit state :exiting manager.shutdown(:RDWR) exit_if_finished sleep end def exit_if_finished @mutex.synchronize { Kernel.exit if exiting? && @waiting.empty? } end # The command might need to require some files in the # main process so that they are cached. For example a test command wants to # load the helper file once and have it cached. def setup(command) if command.setup watcher.add loaded_application_features # loaded features may have changed end end def invoke_after_fork_callbacks Spring.after_fork_callbacks.each do |callback| end end def loaded_application_features root = Spring.application_root_path.to_s $ { |f| f.start_with?(root) } end def disconnect_database ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection if active_record_configured? end def connect_database ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection if active_record_configured? end # This feels very naughty def shush_backtraces Kernel.module_eval do old_raise = Kernel.method(:raise) remove_method :raise define_method :raise do |*args| begin*args) ensure if $! lib = File.expand_path("..", __FILE__) $!.backtrace.reject! { |line| line.start_with?(lib) } unless $!.backtrace.frozen? end end end private :raise end end def print_exception(stream, error) first, rest = error.backtrace.first, error.backtrace.drop(1) stream.puts("#{first}: #{error} (#{error.class})") rest.each { |line| stream.puts("\tfrom #{line}") } end def with_pty do |master, slave| [STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN].each { |s| s.reopen slave } reader_thread = Spring.failsafe_thread { } begin yield ensure reader_thread.kill reset_streams end end end def reset_streams [STDOUT, STDERR].each { |stream| stream.reopen(spring_env.log_file) } STDIN.reopen("/dev/null") end def wait(pid, streams, client) @mutex.synchronize { @waiting[pid] = true } # Wait in a separate thread so we can run multiple commands at once Spring.failsafe_thread { begin _, status = Process.wait2 pid log "#{pid} exited with #{status.exitstatus}" streams.each(&:close) client.puts(status.exitstatus) client.close ensure @mutex.synchronize { @waiting.delete pid } exit_if_finished end } Spring.failsafe_thread { while signal = client.gets.chomp begin Process.kill(signal, -Process.getpgid(pid)) client.puts(0) rescue Errno::ESRCH client.puts(1) end end } end private def active_record_configured? defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) && ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.any? end end end