require 'open-uri' require 'pathname' require 'bigdecimal' require 'digest/sha1' require 'date' require 'thread' require 'timeout' require 'stringio' require 'yaml' require 'json-schema/schema/reader' require 'json-schema/errors/schema_error' require 'json-schema/errors/schema_parse_error' require 'json-schema/errors/json_load_error' require 'json-schema/errors/json_parse_error' require 'json-schema/util/uri' module JSON class Validator @@schemas = {} @@cache_schemas = true @@default_opts = { list: false, version: nil, validate_schema: false, record_errors: false, errors_as_objects: false, insert_defaults: false, clear_cache: false, strict: false, allPropertiesRequired: false, noAdditionalProperties: false, parse_data: true, parse_integer: true, } @@validators = {} @@default_validator = nil @@available_json_backends = [] @@json_backend = nil @@serializer = nil @@mutex = def initialize(schema_data, opts = {}) @options = @@default_opts.clone.merge(opts) @errors = [] configured_validator = self.class.validator_for_name(@options[:version]) @options[:schema_reader] ||= self.class.schema_reader @validation_options = @options[:record_errors] ? { record_errors: true } : {} @validation_options[:insert_defaults] = true if @options[:insert_defaults] if @options[:strict] == true @validation_options[:allPropertiesRequired] = true @validation_options[:noAdditionalProperties] = true else @validation_options[:allPropertiesRequired] = true if @options[:allPropertiesRequired] @validation_options[:noAdditionalProperties] = true if @options[:noAdditionalProperties] end @validation_options[:clear_cache] = true if !@@cache_schemas || @options[:clear_cache] @@mutex.synchronize { @base_schema = initialize_schema(schema_data, configured_validator) } @@mutex.synchronize { build_schemas(@base_schema) } # validate the schema, if requested if @options[:validate_schema] # Don't clear the cache during metaschema validation! meta_validator =, { clear_cache: false }) meta_validator.validate(@base_schema.schema) end # If the :fragment option is set, try and validate against the fragment if opts[:fragment] @base_schema = schema_from_fragment(@base_schema, opts[:fragment]) end end def schema_from_fragment(base_schema, fragment) schema_uri = base_schema.uri fragments = fragment.split('/').map { |f| f.gsub('~0', '~').gsub('~1', '/') } # ensure the first element was a hash, per the fragment spec if fragments.shift != '#' raise JSON::Schema::SchemaError, 'Invalid fragment syntax in :fragment option' end schema_fragment = base_schema.schema fragments.each do |f| case schema_fragment when Hash schema_fragment = schema_fragment[f] when Array schema_fragment = schema_fragment[f.to_i] end end unless schema_fragment.is_a?(Hash) raise JSON::Schema::SchemaError, 'Invalid fragment resolution for :fragment option' end schema =, schema_uri, base_schema.validator) if @options[:list] schema.to_array_schema elsif schema.is_a?(Hash), schema_uri, @options[:version]) else schema end end # Run a simple true/false validation of data against a schema def validate(data) original_data = data data = initialize_data(data) @base_schema.validate(data, [], self, @validation_options) if @options[:record_errors] if @options[:errors_as_objects] { |e| e.to_hash } else { |e| e.to_string } end else true end ensure @errors = [] if @validation_options[:clear_cache] == true self.class.clear_cache end if @validation_options[:insert_defaults] self.class.merge_missing_values(data, original_data) end end def load_ref_schema(parent_schema, ref) schema_uri = JSON::Util::URI.absolutize_ref(ref, parent_schema.uri) return true if self.class.schema_loaded?(schema_uri) validator = self.class.validator_for_uri(schema_uri, false) schema_uri = JSON::Util::URI.file_uri(validator.metaschema) if validator schema = @options[:schema_reader].read(schema_uri) self.class.add_schema(schema) build_schemas(schema) end # Build all schemas with IDs, mapping out the namespace def build_schemas(parent_schema) schema = parent_schema.schema # Build ref schemas if they exist if schema['$ref'] load_ref_schema(parent_schema, schema['$ref']) end case schema['extends'] when String load_ref_schema(parent_schema, schema['extends']) when Array schema['extends'].each do |type| handle_schema(parent_schema, type) end end # Check for schemas in union types %w[type disallow].each do |key| if schema[key].is_a?(Array) schema[key].each do |type| if type.is_a?(Hash) handle_schema(parent_schema, type) end end end end # Schema properties whose values are objects, the values of which # are themselves schemas. %w[definitions properties patternProperties].each do |key| next unless value = schema[key] value.each do |k, inner_schema| handle_schema(parent_schema, inner_schema) end end # Schema properties whose values are themselves schemas. %w[additionalProperties additionalItems dependencies extends].each do |key| next unless schema[key].is_a?(Hash) handle_schema(parent_schema, schema[key]) end # Schema properties whose values may be an array of schemas. %w[allOf anyOf oneOf not].each do |key| next unless value = schema[key] Array(value).each do |inner_schema| handle_schema(parent_schema, inner_schema) end end # Items are always schemas if schema['items'] items = schema['items'].clone items = [items] unless items.is_a?(Array) items.each do |item| handle_schema(parent_schema, item) end end # Convert enum to a ArraySet if schema['enum'].is_a?(Array) schema['enum'] =['enum']) end end # Either load a reference schema or create a new schema def handle_schema(parent_schema, obj) if obj.is_a?(Hash) schema_uri = parent_schema.uri.dup schema =, schema_uri, parent_schema.validator) if obj['id'] self.class.add_schema(schema) end build_schemas(schema) end end def validation_error(error) @errors.push(error) end def validation_errors @errors end class << self def validate(schema, data, opts = {}) begin validate!(schema, data, opts) rescue JSON::Schema::ValidationError, JSON::Schema::SchemaError false end end def validate_json(schema, data, opts = {}) validate(schema, data, opts.merge(json: true)) end def validate_uri(schema, data, opts = {}) validate(schema, data, opts.merge(uri: true)) end def validate!(schema, data, opts = {}) validator = new(schema, opts) validator.validate(data) end def validate2(schema, data, opts = {}) warn '[DEPRECATION NOTICE] JSON::Validator#validate2 has been replaced by JSON::Validator#validate! and will be removed in version >= 3. Please use the #validate! method instead.' validate!(schema, data, opts) end def validate_json!(schema, data, opts = {}) validate!(schema, data, opts.merge(json: true)) end def validate_uri!(schema, data, opts = {}) validate!(schema, data, opts.merge(uri: true)) end def fully_validate(schema, data, opts = {}) validate!(schema, data, opts.merge(record_errors: true)) end def fully_validate_schema(schema, opts = {}) data = schema schema = validator_for_name(opts[:version]).metaschema fully_validate(schema, data, opts) end def fully_validate_json(schema, data, opts = {}) fully_validate(schema, data, opts.merge(json: true)) end def fully_validate_uri(schema, data, opts = {}) fully_validate(schema, data, opts.merge(uri: true)) end def schema_reader @@schema_reader ||= end def schema_reader=(reader) @@schema_reader = reader end def clear_cache @@schemas = {} end def schemas @@schemas end def add_schema(schema) @@schemas[schema_key_for(schema.uri)] ||= schema end def schema_for_uri(uri) # We only store normalized uris terminated with fragment #, so we can try whether # normalization can be skipped @@schemas[uri] || @@schemas[schema_key_for(uri)] end def schema_loaded?(schema_uri) !schema_for_uri(schema_uri).nil? end def schema_key_for(uri) key = Util::URI.normalized_uri(uri).to_s key.end_with?('#') ? key : "#{key}#" end def cache_schemas=(val) warn '[DEPRECATION NOTICE] Schema caching is now a validation option. Schemas will still be cached if this is set to true, but this method will be removed in version >= 3. Please use the :clear_cache validation option instead.' @@cache_schemas = val == true ? true : false end def validators @@validators end def default_validator @@default_validator end def validator_for_uri(schema_uri, raise_not_found = true) return default_validator unless schema_uri u = JSON::Util::URI.parse(schema_uri) validator = validators["#{u.scheme}://#{}#{u.path}"] if validator.nil? && raise_not_found raise JSON::Schema::SchemaError, "Schema not found: #{schema_uri}" else validator end end def validator_for_name(schema_name, raise_not_found = true) return default_validator unless schema_name schema_name = schema_name.to_s validator = validators.values.detect do |v| Array(v.names).include?(schema_name) end if validator.nil? && raise_not_found raise JSON::Schema::SchemaError, 'The requested JSON schema version is not supported' else validator end end def validator_for(schema_uri) warn '[DEPRECATION NOTICE] JSON::Validator#validator_for has been replaced by JSON::Validator#validator_for_uri and will be removed in version >= 3. Please use the #validator_for_uri method instead.' validator_for_uri(schema_uri) end def register_validator(v) @@validators["#{v.uri.scheme}://#{}#{v.uri.path}"] = v end def register_default_validator(v) @@default_validator = v end def register_format_validator(format, validation_proc, versions = (@@validators.flat_map { |k, v| v.names.first } + [nil])) custom_format_validator = versions.each do |version| validator = validator_for_name(version) validator.formats[format.to_s] = custom_format_validator end end def deregister_format_validator(format, versions = (@@validators.flat_map { |k, v| v.names.first } + [nil])) versions.each do |version| validator = validator_for_name(version) validator.formats[format.to_s] = validator.default_formats[format.to_s] end end def restore_default_formats(versions = (@@validators.flat_map { |k, v| v.names.first } + [nil])) versions.each do |version| validator = validator_for_name(version) validator.formats = validator.default_formats.clone end end def json_backend if defined?(MultiJson) MultiJson.respond_to?(:adapter) ? MultiJson.adapter : MultiJson.engine else @@json_backend end end def json_backend=(backend) if defined?(MultiJson) backend = backend == 'json' ? 'json_gem' : backend MultiJson.respond_to?(:use) ? MultiJson.use(backend) : MultiJson.engine = backend else backend = backend.to_s if @@available_json_backends.include?(backend) @@json_backend = backend else raise JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, "The JSON backend '#{backend}' could not be found." end end end def parse(s) if defined?(MultiJson) begin MultiJson.respond_to?(:adapter) ? MultiJson.load(s) : MultiJson.decode(s) rescue MultiJson::ParseError => e raise JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, e.message end else case @@json_backend.to_s when 'json' begin JSON.parse(s, quirks_mode: true) rescue JSON::ParserError => e raise JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, e.message end when 'yajl' begin json = parser = parser.parse(json) or raise(JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, 'The JSON could not be parsed by yajl') rescue Yajl::ParseError => e raise JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, e.message end else raise JSON::Schema::JsonParseError, "No supported JSON parsers found. The following parsers are suported:\n * yajl-ruby\n * json" end end end def merge_missing_values(source, destination) case destination when Hash source.each do |key, source_value| destination_value = destination[key] || destination[key.to_sym] if destination_value.nil? destination[key] = source_value else merge_missing_values(source_value, destination_value) end end when Array source.each_with_index do |source_value, i| destination_value = destination[i] merge_missing_values(source_value, destination_value) end end end if !defined?(MultiJson) if Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('json').any? require 'json' @@available_json_backends << 'json' @@json_backend = 'json' else # Try force-loading json for rubies > 1.9.2 begin require 'json' @@available_json_backends << 'json' @@json_backend = 'json' rescue LoadError end end if Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('yajl-ruby').any? require 'yajl' @@available_json_backends << 'yajl' @@json_backend = 'yajl' end if @@json_backend == 'yajl' @@serializer = lambda { |o| Yajl::Encoder.encode(o) } elsif @@json_backend == 'json' @@serializer = lambda { |o| JSON.dump(o) } else @@serializer = lambda { |o| YAML.dump(o) } end end end private if Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('uuidtools').any? require 'uuidtools' @@fake_uuid_generator = lambda { |s| UUIDTools::UUID.sha1_create(UUIDTools::UUID_URL_NAMESPACE, s).to_s } else require 'json-schema/util/uuid' @@fake_uuid_generator = lambda { |s| JSON::Util::UUID.create_v5(s, JSON::Util::UUID::Nil).to_s } end def serialize schema if defined?(MultiJson) MultiJson.respond_to?(:dump) ? MultiJson.dump(schema) : MultiJson.encode(schema) else end end def fake_uuid schema end def initialize_schema(schema, default_validator) if schema.is_a?(String) begin # Build a fake URI for this schema_uri = JSON::Util::URI.parse(fake_uuid(schema)) schema =, schema_uri, default_validator) if @options[:list] && @options[:fragment].nil? schema = schema.to_array_schema end self.class.add_schema(schema) rescue JSON::Schema::JsonParseError # Build a uri for it schema_uri = Util::URI.normalized_uri(schema) if !self.class.schema_loaded?(schema_uri) schema = @options[:schema_reader].read(schema_uri) schema = JSON::Schema.stringify(schema) if @options[:list] && @options[:fragment].nil? schema = schema.to_array_schema end self.class.add_schema(schema) else schema = self.class.schema_for_uri(schema_uri) if @options[:list] && @options[:fragment].nil? schema = schema.to_array_schema schema.uri = JSON::Util::URI.parse(fake_uuid(serialize(schema.schema))) self.class.add_schema(schema) end schema end end elsif schema.is_a?(Hash) schema_uri = JSON::Util::URI.parse(fake_uuid(serialize(schema))) schema = JSON::Schema.stringify(schema) schema =, schema_uri, default_validator) if @options[:list] && @options[:fragment].nil? schema = schema.to_array_schema end self.class.add_schema(schema) else raise JSON::Schema::SchemaParseError, 'Invalid schema - must be either a string or a hash' end schema end def initialize_data(data) if @options[:parse_data] if @options[:json] data = self.class.parse(data) elsif @options[:uri] json_uri = Util::URI.normalized_uri(data) data = self.class.parse(custom_open(json_uri)) elsif data.is_a?(String) begin # Check if the string is valid integer strict_convert = data.match?(/\A[+-]?\d+\z/) && !@options[:parse_integer] data = strict_convert ? data : self.class.parse(data) rescue JSON::Schema::JsonParseError begin json_uri = Util::URI.normalized_uri(data) data = self.class.parse(custom_open(json_uri)) rescue JSON::Schema::JsonLoadError, JSON::Schema::UriError # Silently discard the error - use the data as-is end end end end JSON::Schema.stringify(data) end def custom_open(uri) uri = Util::URI.normalized_uri(uri) if uri.is_a?(String) if uri.absolute? && Util::URI::SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS.include?(uri.scheme) begin rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, Timeout::Error => e raise JSON::Schema::JsonLoadError, e.message end else begin rescue SystemCallError => e raise JSON::Schema::JsonLoadError, e.message end end end end end