module Orats module Commands module New module Rails def check_exit_conditions exit_if_process :not_found, 'rails', 'git' exit_if_process :not_running, 'postgres', 'redis' exit_if_path_exists end def rails_template(command, flags = '') orats_template = "--template #{base_path}/templates/#{command}.rb" run "rails new #{@active_path} #{flags} --skip-bundle #{orats_template unless command.empty?}" yield if block_given? end def custom_rails_template log_task 'Run custom rails template' @options[:template].include?('://') ? url_to_string(@options[:template]) : file_to_string(@options[:template]) rails_template '', "--skip --template #{@options[:template]}" end def gsub_postgres_info log_task 'Update the postgres connection details' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", 'DATABASE_HOST: localhost', "DATABASE_HOST: #{@options[:pg_location]}" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': postgres', ": #{@options[:pg_username]}" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': supersecrets', ": #{@options[:pg_password]}" git_commit 'Update the postgres connection details' end def gsub_redis_info log_task 'Update the redis connection details' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", 'HE_PASSWORD: ""', "HE_PASSWORD: #{@options[:redis_password]}" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", 'CACHE_HOST: localhost', "CACHE_HOST: #{@options[:redis_location]}" git_commit 'Update the redis connection details' end def gsub_project_path log_task 'Update the project path' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/.env", ': /full/path/to/your/project', ": #{File.expand_path(@active_path)}" git_commit 'Update the project path' end def gsub_readme log_task 'Update the readme' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/", 'VERSION', VERSION git_commit 'Update the version' end def bundle_install log_task 'Run bundle install, this may take a while' run_from @active_path, 'bundle install' git_commit 'Add Gemfile.lock' end def bundle_binstubs log_task 'Run bundle binstubs for a few gems' run_from @active_path, 'bundle binstubs whenever puma sidekiq backup' git_commit 'Add binstubs for the important gems' end def spring_binstub log_task 'Run spring binstub' run_from @active_path, 'bundle exec spring binstub --all' git_commit 'Add spring binstubs for all of the bins' end def run_rake(command) log_task 'Run rake command' run_from @active_path, "bundle exec rake #{command}" end def generate_home_page log_task 'Add pages controller with static page' run_from @active_path, 'bundle exec rails g controller Pages home' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/config/routes.rb", " # root 'welcome#index'" do <<-S root 'pages#home' S end gsub_file "#{@active_path}/config/routes.rb", " get 'pages/home'\n\n", '' gsub_file "#{@active_path}/test/controllers/pages_controller_test.rb", '"should get home"', "'expect home page'" gsub_file "#{@active_path}/app/views/pages/home.html.erb", /.*\n/, '' append_file "#{@active_path}/app/views/pages/home.html.erb" do <<-S <% title 'Welcome to Ruby on Rails' meta_description '...' heading 'Welcome to Ruby on Rails' %>

You have successfully generated a project with <%= link_to 'orats', '' %> v#{VERSION}.

<%= image_tag '', alt: 'Gem badge' %> is the latest version of orats.

Custom rake tasks

      # backup the database to S3 or any other location
      bundle exec rake orats:backup

      # generate a new set of favicons to the public directory
      bundle exec rake orats:favicons

Trying to figure out what to do next?

Visit the wiki guide for <%= link_to 'what to look at after making a new project', '' %>.

Looking to deploy your application?

Visit the wiki guide for <%= link_to 'get your application on a server ', '' %>.

Want to get rid of the pages controller?

No problem, just follow these steps:

<%= image_tag '/apple-touch-icon-228x228-precomposed.png', size: '228x228', alt: 'A ruby image I found on Google' %>
S end git_commit 'Add pages controller with home page' end def create_and_migrate_database run_rake 'db:create:all db:migrate' git_commit 'Add the database schema file' end end end end end