module Micron # Default backtrace filter # # This can be swapped out by setting Micron::Runner.backtrace_filter # to a block, proc, lambda, or a class with a #call method. class BacktraceFilter def call(bt) return ["No backtrace"] unless bt and !bt.empty? new_bt = [] unless $DEBUG then if bt.first =~ %r{^/.*?/lib/micron/test_case/assertions.rb:\d+:in} then # first line is an assertion, pop it off bt.shift end bt.each do |line| break if line =~ %r{(bin|lib)/micron} new_bt << line end # make sure we didn't remove everything - if we did, the error was in our code new_bt = bt.reject { |line| line =~ %r{(bin|lib)/micron} } if new_bt.empty? new_bt = bt.dup if new_bt.empty? else new_bt = bt.dup end new_bt end end end