/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright 2020-2021 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "test_helper_integration.hxx" #include "test/utils/logger.hxx" #include "utils/move_only_context.hxx" TEST_CASE("integration: connecting with empty bootstrap nodes list", "[integration]") { asio::io_context io{}; auto connstr = couchbase::core::utils::parse_connection_string("couchbase://"); REQUIRE(connstr.bootstrap_nodes.empty()); auto origin = couchbase::core::origin({}, connstr); auto cluster = couchbase::core::cluster::create(io); auto io_thread = std::thread([&io]() { io.run(); }); auto barrier = std::make_shared>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); cluster->open(origin, [barrier](std::error_code ec) mutable { barrier->set_value(ec); }); auto rc = f.get(); REQUIRE(rc == couchbase::errc::common::invalid_argument); test::utils::close_cluster(cluster); io_thread.join(); } TEST_CASE("integration: connecting with unresponsive first node in bootstrap nodes list", "[integration]") { test::utils::init_logger(); asio::io_context io{}; auto ctx = test::utils::test_context::load_from_environment(); if (ctx.deployment == test::utils::deployment_type::capella) { // This breaks SRV assumptions (only one host in connection string) return; } auto connstr = couchbase::core::utils::parse_connection_string(ctx.connection_string); REQUIRE_FALSE(connstr.bootstrap_nodes.empty()); connstr.bootstrap_nodes.insert(connstr.bootstrap_nodes.begin(), couchbase::core::utils::connection_string::node{ "example.com", 11210, couchbase::core::utils::connection_string::address_type::dns, couchbase::core::utils::connection_string::bootstrap_mode::gcccp, }); auto origin = couchbase::core::origin(ctx.build_auth(), connstr); auto cluster = couchbase::core::cluster::create(io); auto io_thread = std::thread([&io]() { io.run(); }); auto barrier = std::make_shared>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); cluster->open(origin, [barrier](std::error_code ec) mutable { barrier->set_value(ec); }); auto rc = f.get(); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(rc); test::utils::close_cluster(cluster); io_thread.join(); } TEST_CASE("integration: can connect with handler capturing non-copyable object", "[integration]") { test::utils::integration_test_guard integration; auto cluster = couchbase::core::cluster::create(integration.io); // test connecting { auto barrier = std::make_shared>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); test::utils::move_only_context ctx("foobar"); std::string output; cluster->open(integration.origin, [barrier, ctx = std::move(ctx), &output](std::error_code ec) { output = ctx.payload(); barrier->set_value(ec); }); auto rc = f.get(); REQUIRE(!rc); CHECK(output == "foobar"); } // test opening a bucket { auto barrier = std::make_shared>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); test::utils::move_only_context ctx("foobar"); std::string output; cluster->open_bucket(integration.ctx.bucket, [barrier, ctx = std::move(ctx), &output](std::error_code ec) { output = ctx.payload(); barrier->set_value(ec); }); auto rc = f.get(); REQUIRE(!rc); CHECK(output == "foobar"); } // test disconnecting { auto barrier = std::make_shared>(); auto f = barrier->get_future(); test::utils::move_only_context ctx("foobar"); std::string output; cluster->close([barrier, ctx = std::move(ctx), &output]() mutable { output = ctx.payload(); barrier->set_value(false); }); auto rc = f.get(); REQUIRE(!rc); CHECK(output == "foobar"); } } TEST_CASE("integration: destroy cluster without waiting for close completion", "[integration]") { test::utils::init_logger(); auto ctx = test::utils::test_context::load_from_environment(); asio::io_context io{}; auto cluster = couchbase::core::cluster::create(io); auto io_thread = std::thread([&io]() { io.run(); }); auto origin = couchbase::core::origin(ctx.build_auth(), couchbase::core::utils::parse_connection_string(ctx.connection_string)); test::utils::open_cluster(cluster, origin); test::utils::open_bucket(cluster, ctx.bucket); // hit KV { couchbase::core::document_id id{ ctx.bucket, "_default", "_default", test::utils::uniq_id("foo") }; couchbase::core::operations::upsert_request req{ id, couchbase::core::utils::to_binary("{{}}") }; auto resp = test::utils::execute(cluster, req); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(resp.ctx.ec()); } // hit Query { couchbase::core::operations::query_request req{ R"(SELECT 42 AS the_answer)" }; auto resp = test::utils::execute(cluster, req); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(resp.ctx.ec); } // close but do not explicitly wait for callback std::atomic_bool closed{ false }; cluster->close([&closed]() { closed = true; }); cluster.reset(); io_thread.join(); REQUIRE(closed); }