require 'volt/server/rack/source_map_server' # There is currently a weird issue with therubyracer # # # # To get around this, we just force Node for the time being ENV['EXECJS_RUNTIME'] = 'Node' # Sets up the maps for the opal assets, and source maps if enabled. module Volt class OpalFiles attr_reader :environment def initialize(builder, app_path, component_paths) Opal::Processor.source_map_enabled = Volt.source_maps? Opal::Processor.const_missing_enabled = true # Setup Opal paths # Add the lib directory to the load path Opal.append_path(Volt.root + '/app') Opal.append_path(Volt.root + '/lib') Gem.loaded_specs.values.each do |gem| path = gem.full_gem_path + '/app' if Dir.exists?(path) Opal.append_path(path) end end # Don't run arity checks in production # Opal::Processor.arity_check_enabled = !Volt.env.production? # Opal::Processor.dynamic_require_severity = :raise server = '/') @component_paths = component_paths # @environment = @environment = server.sprockets # Since the scope changes in builder blocks, we need to capture # environment in closure environment = @environment environment.cache ='./tmp') # Compress in production if Volt.config.compress_javascript require 'uglifier' environment.js_compressor = Sprockets::UglifierCompressor end if Volt.config.compress_css require 'ruby-clean-css' require 'ruby-clean-css/sprockets' RubyCleanCSS::Sprockets.register(environment) end server.append_path(app_path) volt_gem_lib_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../..')) server.append_path(volt_gem_lib_path) add_asset_folders(server) # Add the opal load paths Opal.paths.each do |path| server.append_path(path) end '/assets' do run server end # map server.source_maps.prefix do # run server.source_maps # end # if Volt.source_maps? # source_maps = # # do # run source_maps # end # end end def add_asset_folders(environment) @component_paths.asset_folders do |asset_folder| environment.append_path(asset_folder) end end end end