module Appcelerator class Service include Singleton def Service.Service(messagetype,handler,responsetype) self.instance.preregister(messagetype,handler,responsetype) end def Service.service_scaffold(model) servicename = model_name(model) self.instance.model_class = eval(model.to_s.camelize) %w(create retrieve update delete list assembly search).each do |operation| messagetype = "app."+ servicename +"."+ operation request = messagetype + ".request" response = messagetype + ".response" self.instance.preregister(request,operation,response) APP_SERVICES << {'name'=>name, 'model'=>servicename} end end # # The following methods are usable by services that call the "service_scaffold" method # to provide CRUD (and more) operations on a single model object. # def assembly(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_assembly) request,message = send(:before_assembly,request,message) end data = @model_class.columns.each do |column| data << {'name'=>,'type'=>column.type, 'limit'=>column.limit, 'nullable'=>column.null, 'primary'=>column.primary, 'default'=>column.default} end response = {'success'=>true,'columns'=>data} if self.respond_to?(:after_assembly) response = send(:after_assembly,response) end response end def create(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_create) request,message = send(:before_create,request,message) end o = response = {'success'=>true,'id'=>} if self.respond_to?(:after_create) response = send(:after_create,response) end response end def retrieve(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_retrieve) request,message = send(:before_retrieve,request,message) end o = @model_class.find(message['id']) response = {'success'=>true} o.attributes.each do |key,val| response[key]=val end response if self.respond_to?(:after_retrieve) response = send(:after_retrieve,response) end response end def update(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_update) request,message = send(:before_update,request,message) end o = @model_class.find(message['id']) return {'success'=>false,'message'=>'record does not exist'} unless o message.each do |key,value| if o.attributes.has_key?(key) o[key]=true if value=='true' o[key]=false if value=='false' o[key]=value if o[key]!=true && o[key]!=false end end! response = {'success'=>true,'id'=>} if self.respond_to?(:after_update) response = send(:after_update,response) end response end def delete(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_delete) request,message = send(:before_delete,request,message) end @model_class.delete(message['id']) response = {'success'=>true,'id'=>message['id']} if self.respond_to?(:after_delete) response = send(:after_delete,response) end response end def search(request,message) if self.respond_to?(:before_search) request,message = send(:before_search,request,message) end query = '%%' + message['query'] + '%%' conditions_str = @model_class.content_columns.each do |col| name = + ' like ?' conditions_str << name if col.type == :string end conditions = conditions << conditions_str.join(' OR ') conditions_str.length.times {|e| conditions<conditions) response = {'success'=>true, 'rows'=>results, 'total'=>@model_class.count, 'count'=>results.length} if self.respond_to?(:after_search) response = send(:after_search,response) end response end def list(request,message) pk = message['id'] limit = message['limit'] || 100 if pk objs = [@model_class.find_by_id(pk)] else objs = @model_class.find(:all,:limit=>limit) end response = {'success'=>true,'rows'=>objs, 'total'=>@model_class.count} if self.respond_to?(:after_list) response = send(:after_list,response) end response end def self.load_services APP_SERVICES.clear # TODO: remove this and solve the multiple singleton issue Appcelerator::ServiceBroker.clear_listeners Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/app/services/*_service.rb'].each do |file| name = Inflector.camelize(File.basename(file).chomp('_service.rb')) + 'Service' if Dependencies.load? if defined?(name) klass = eval(name) # clear the service class's existing listeners, if possible klass.instance.clear_listeners end load file else require file[0..-4] end begin klass = eval(name) klass.instance.register_listeners rescue puts 'Unable to find class "'+ name +'" in file "'+ file +'"' puts $! end end puts 'done loading services' puts Appcelerator::ServiceBroker.diagnostics end def initialize @listeners = [] @preregistrations = [] end def preregister(*args) @preregistrations << args end def register_listeners # call after class-load when all methods are defined @listeners = do |reg| register(*reg) end @preregistrations.clear @listeners.length end def clear_listeners num_cleared = @listeners.length @listeners.each do |listener| ServiceBroker.unregister_listener(listener.msgtype, listener) end @listeners.clear num_cleared end def register(msgtype,methodname,responsetype = nil) service = self.class # add to the ServiceProc binding handler = self.method(methodname) args = handler.arity proc = do |req,msgtype,obj| # # try and be smart about sending in the request to the # service based on the arguments he supports # case args when 2 resp =,obj) when 3 resp =,obj,req['session']) when 4 resp =,obj,req['session'],req['session']['username']) end if responsetype Dispatcher.instance.outgoing(req,responsetype,resp||{}) end end ServiceBroker.register_listener(msgtype,proc) proc end def send_message(req,type,message) ServiceBroker.send(req,type,message) end def secure_password_matches?(request,message,password_field,password) password_obj = message[password_field] if password_obj return Digest::MD5.hexdigest(password + request['authtoken']) == password_obj['auth'] end false end end # # Class to allow inspection and equality checking (for adding to sets) # TODO: remove the to_s in eql? and hash when the singleton issue is resolved # class ServiceProc < Proc def self.vars [:msgtype, :service, :methodname, :responsetype] end def method_missing name eval(name.to_s, self.binding) end def to_s "#{msgtype} -> #{service}.#{methodname} -> #{responsetype}" end def eql?(other) self.class.vars.all? do |var| self.send(var).to_s == other.send(var).to_s end end alias :== :eql? def hash val = 1 self.class.vars.each do |var| val << 4 val += self.send(var).to_s.hash end val end end # helper method class Array def all? &pred each do |e| if not return false end end return true end end end