module Wukong module SpecHelpers # Provides matchers for STDOUT, STDERR, and exit code when writing # integration tests for Wukong's command-line APIs. module IntegrationMatchers # Checks that each `expectation` appears in the STDOUT of the # command. Order is irrelevant and each `expectation` can be # either a String to check for inclusion or a Regexp to match # with. # # @param [Array] expectations def have_stdout *expectations*expectations) end # Checks that each `expectation` appears in the STDERR of the # command. Order is irrelevant and each `expectation` can be # either a String to check for inclusion or a Regexp to match # with. # # @param [Array] expectations def have_stderr *expectations*expectations) end # Checks that the command exits with the given `code`. # # @param [Integer] code def exit_with code end end # A class for running commands and capturing their STDOUT, STDERR, # and exit code. This class is designed to work with the matchers # defined in IntegrationMatchers. class IntegrationMatcher # The driver used to run the actual commands. attr_accessor :driver # An array of expectations about the output of the driver. attr_accessor :expectations # The expectation which caused failure. attr_accessor :failed_expectation # Return whether or not the given command's output matches # expectations. # # If an expectation failes to match, the `failed_expectation` # attribute will be set accordingly. # # @param [IntegrationDriver] driver # @return [true, false] def matches?(driver) self.driver = driver! expectations.each do |expectation| unless output.send(match_function(expectation), expectation) self.failed_expectation = expectation return false end end true end # Create a matcher on the given expectations. Each expectation # can be either a String or a Regexp. Strings will be tested # for inclusion in the output, Regexps will be tested for a # match against the output. # # @param [Array] expectations def initialize *expectations self.expectations = expectations end # :nodoc: def failure_message "Ran\n\n #{formatted_command}\n\nand expected #{output_description}\n\n#{formatted_output}\n\nto #{match_type}\n\n #{failed_expectation}" end # :nodoc: def negative_failure_message "Expected #{output_description} of #{driver.cmd}\n\n#{output}\n\nto NOT #{match_type}\n\n#{self.failed_expectation}." end # :nodoc: def formatted_output output.split("\n").map { |line| ' ' + line }.join("\n") end # :nodoc: def formatted_command "$ #{driver.cmd}" end # :nodoc: def match_function expectation expectation.is_a?(Regexp) ? :match : :include? end # :nodoc: def match_type failed_expectation.is_a?(Regexp) ? 'match' : 'include' end end # A matcher for the STDOUT of a command. class StdoutMatcher < IntegrationMatcher # Picks the STDOUT of the command. def output driver.stdout end # :nodoc: def output_description "STDOUT" end def description "have the correct #{output_description}" end end # A matcher for the STDOUT of a command. class StderrMatcher < IntegrationMatcher # Picks the STDOUT of the command. def output driver.stderr end # :nodoc: def output_description "STDERR" end def description "print an appropriate error message on #{output_description}" end end # A matcher for the exit code of a command. class ExitCodeMatcher < IntegrationMatcher # Initialize this matcher with the given `code`. # # If `code` is the symbol :non_zero then the # expectation will be any non-zero exit code. # # @param [Integer,Symbol] code def initialize code if code == :non_zero @expected_code = :non_zero else @expected_code = code.to_i end end # Return whether or not the given command's exit code matches # the expectation. # # @param [IntegrationDriver] driver # @return [true, false] def matches?(driver) self.driver = driver! if non_zero_exit_code? @failed = true if driver.exit_code == 0 else @failed = true if driver.exit_code != expected_exit_code end @failed ? false : true end # :nodoc: def failure_message "Ran\n\n #{formatted_command}\n\nexpecting #{expected_exit_code_description} Got #{driver.exit_code} instead." end # :nodoc: def negative_failure_message "Ran\n\n #{formatted_command}\n\nNOT expecting #{expected_exit_code_description}." end # :nodoc: def non_zero_exit_code? @expected_code == :non_zero end # :nodoc: def expected_exit_code (@expected_code || 0).to_i end # :nodoc: def expected_exit_code_description if non_zero_exit_code? "a non-zero exit code" else "an exit code of #{expected_exit_code}" end end # :nodoc: def description "exit with #{expected_exit_code_description}" end end end end