class MaskValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # # This validator use the characters 'a', '9' and '*' # to validate the format with regular expression # # Example using in models: # validates :phone, :mask => "(99) 9999-9999" # validates :acronym, :mask => "***" # # Where: # a - to letters (A-Z, a-z) # 9 - to numbers (0-9) # * - to alphanumerics (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) # def initialize(options) @allow_nil, @allow_blank = options.delete(:allow_nil), options.delete(:allow_blank) super end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) value = normalize_value(record, attribute, value) return if (@allow_nil && value.nil?) || (@allow_blank && value.blank?) record.errors.add(attribute, message, options) unless value.to_s.match regexp(record) end # # Transform the string in a regular expression: # # mask_value_for(record) => "9a" # # regexp #=> /[0-9][a-zA-Z]/ # # TODO: improve this def regexp(record=nil) /\A#{(mask_value_for(record).to_s.each_char.collect { |char| character_map[char] || "\\#{char}" }).join}\z/ end def character_map { "9" => "[0-9]", "a" => "[a-zA-Z]", "*" => "[a-zA-Z0-9]" } end # # Evaluate the options[:with] according with its class: # # options[:with] = :custom_mask # options[:with] = {|o| o.custom_mask} # options[:with] = "9a" # # TODO: improve this def mask_value_for(record=nil) case options[:with] when String options[:with] when Proc options[:with].call(record) when Symbol record.send(options[:with]) end end private def message options[:message] || :invalid end def normalize_value(record, attribute, value) attribute_before_type_cast = "#{attribute.to_s}_before_type_cast" if record.respond_to?(attribute_before_type_cast) value = record.send(attribute_before_type_cast) end value end end