require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Ticketmaster::Provider::Pivotal::Ticket" do before(:all) do headers = {'X-TrackerToken' => '000000'} wheaders = headers.merge('Content-Type' => 'application/xml') ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock| mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790.xml', headers, fixture_for('projects/93790'), 200 mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories.xml', headers, fixture_for('stories'), 200 mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories.xml?filter=', headers, fixture_for('stories'), 200 mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790/activities.xml?occurred_since_date=2010%2F06%2F26', headers, fixture_for('activities'), 200 mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories.xml?filter=id%3A4056827', headers, fixture_for('stories'), 200 mock.get '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories/4056827.xml', headers, fixture_for('stories/4056827'), 200 mock.put '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories/4056827.xml', wheaders, '', 200 '/services/v3/projects/93790/stories.xml', wheaders, fixture_for('stories/4056827'), 200 end @project_id = 93790 @ticket_id = 4056827 end before(:each) do @ticketmaster =, :token => '000000') @project = @ticketmaster.project(@project_id) @klass = TicketMaster::Provider::Pivotal::Ticket end it "should be able to load all tickets" do be_an_instance_of(Array) be_an_instance_of(@klass) end it "should be able to load all tickets based on an array of ids" do @tickets =[@ticket_id]) @tickets.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @tickets.first.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) == @ticket_id end it "should be able to load all tickets based on attributes" do @tickets = => @ticket_id) @tickets.should be_an_instance_of(Array) @tickets.first.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) == @ticket_id end it "should return the ticket class" do @project.ticket.should == @klass end it "should be able to load a single ticket" do @ticket = @project.ticket(@ticket_id) @ticket.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) == @ticket_id end it "should be able to load a single ticket based on attributes" do @ticket = @project.ticket(:id => @ticket_id) @ticket.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) == @ticket_id end it "should be able to update and save a ticket" do @ticket = @project.ticket(@ticket_id) == nil @ticket.description = 'hello' == true end it "should be able to create a ticket" do @ticket = @project.ticket!(:title => 'Ticket #12', :description => 'Body') @ticket.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) end it "should be able to load all tickets based on attributes using updated_at field" do @ticket = @project.ticket(@ticket_id) tickets = => @ticket.updated_at) tickets.should be_an_instance_of(Array) tickets.first.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) end it "shoule be able to load all tickets based on attributes using created_at field" do @ticket = @project.ticket(@ticket_id) tickets = => @ticket.created_at) tickets.should be_an_instance_of(Array) tickets.first.should be_an_instance_of(@klass) end it "should return the requested_by field" do @ticket = @project.ticket(@ticket_id) @ticket.requestor.should == 'Hong Quach' end end