module ActivityNotification module Swagger::NotificationSchema #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern include ::Swagger::Blocks included do swagger_component do schema :NotificationAttributes do key :type, :object property :id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :example, 123 end property :target_type do key :type, :string key :example, "User" end property :target_id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :example, 1 end property :notifiable_type do key :type, :string key :example, "Comment" end property :notifiable_id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :example, 22 end property :key do key :type, :string key :example, "comment.default" end property :group_type do key :type, :string key :nullable, true key :example, "Article" end property :group_id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string }, { nullable: true } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :nullable, true key :example, 11 end property :group_owner_id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string }, { type: :object }, { nullable: true } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string or object including $oid with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :nullable, true key :example, 123 end property :notifier_type do key :type, :string key :nullable, true key :example, "User" end property :notifier_id do key :oneOf, [ { type: :integer }, { type: :string }, { nullable: true } ] key :description, "This parameter type is integer with ActiveRecord, but will be string with Mongoid or Dynamoid ORMs." key :nullable, true key :example, 2 end property :parameters do key :type, :object key :additionalProperties, { type: :string } key :example, { test_default_param: "1" } end property :opened_at do key :type, :string key :format, :'date-time' key :nullable, true end property :created_at do key :type, :string key :format, :'date-time' end property :updated_at do key :type, :string key :format, :'date-time' end end schema :Notification do key :type, :object key :required, [ :id, :target_type, :target_id, :notifiable_type, :notifiable_id, :key, :created_at, :updated_at, :target, :notifiable ] allOf do schema do key :'$ref', :NotificationAttributes end schema do key :type, :object property :notifiable_path do key :type, :string key :format, :uri key :example, "/articles/11" end property :printable_notifiable_name do key :type, :string key :format, :uri key :example, "comment \"This is the first Stephen's comment to Ichiro's article.\"" end property :group_member_notifier_count do key :type, :integer key :example, 1 end property :group_notification_count do key :type, :integer key :example, 2 end property :target do key :type, :object key :description, "Associated target model in your application" key :example, { id: 1, email: "", name: "Ichiro", created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, provider: "email", uid: "", printable_type: "User", printable_target_name: "Ichiro" } end property :notifiable do key :type, :object key :description, "Associated notifiable model in your application" key :example, { id: 22, user_id: 2, article_id: 11, body: "This is the first Stephen's comment to Ichiro's article.", created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, printable_type: "Comment" } end property :group do key :type, :object key :description, "Associated group model in your application" key :nullable, true key :example, { id: 11, user_id: 4, title: "Ichiro's great article", body: "This is Ichiro's great article. Please read it!", created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, printable_type: "Article", printable_group_name: "article \"Ichiro's great article\"" } end property :notifier do key :type, :object key :description, "Associated notifier model in your application" key :nullable, true key :example, { id: 2, email: "", name: "Stephen", created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, provider: "email", uid: "", printable_type: "User", printable_notifier_name: "Stephen" } end property :group_members do key :type, :array items do key :'$ref', :NotificationAttributes end end end end end end end end end