require 'fileutils' module Fastlane module Actions class CopyArtifactsAction < Action def # expand the path to make sure we can deal with relative paths target_path = File.expand_path(params[:target_path]) # we want to make sure that our target folder exist already FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_path) # Ensure that artifacts is an array artifacts_to_search = [params[:artifacts]].flatten # If any of the paths include "*", we assume that we are referring to the Unix entries # e.g /tmp/fastlane/* refers to all the files in /tmp/fastlane # We use Dir.glob to expand all those paths, this would create an array of arrays though, so flatten artifacts = { |f| f.include?("*") ? Dir.glob(f) : f }.flatten UI.verbose("Copying artifacts #{artifacts.join(', ')} to #{target_path}") UI.verbose(params[:keep_original] ? "Keeping original files" : "Not keeping original files") if params[:fail_on_missing] missing = { |a| !File.exist?(a) } UI.user_error! "Not all files were present in copy artifacts. Missing #{missing.join(', ')}" unless missing.empty? else # If we don't fail on non-existant files, don't try to copy non-existant files artifacts.reject! { |artifact| !File.exist?(artifact) } end if params[:keep_original] FileUtils.cp_r(artifacts, target_path, remove_destination: true) else, target_path, force: true) end UI.success('Build artifacts successfully copied!') end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Small action to save your build artifacts. Useful when you use reset_git_repo" end def self.available_options [ :keep_original, description: "Set this to true if you want copy, rather than move, semantics", is_string: false, optional: true, default_value: true), :target_path, description: "The directory in which you want your artifacts placed", is_string: false, optional: false, default_value: 'artifacts'), :artifacts, description: "An array of file patterns of the files/folders you want to preserve", is_string: false, optional: false, default_value: []), :fail_on_missing, description: "Fail when a source file isn't found", is_string: false, optional: true, default_value: false) ] end def self.authors ["lmirosevic"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end