window.<%= RailsScript.app_namespace %> ||= {} class <%= RailsScript.app_namespace %>.Base constructor: -> if (window.jQuery) then @setClearEventHandlers() # clearing application event handlers only possible with jQuery return this ### Run the new action for the create action. Generally the create action will 'render :new' if there was a problem. This prevents doubling the code for each action. ### create: -> if typeof $ == 'function' return $ ### Run the edit action for the update action. Generally the update action will 'render :edit' if there was a problem. This prevents doubling the code for each action. ### update: -> if typeof $this.edit == 'function' return $this.edit() ### Clear event handlers with a blank namespace. This will prevent window and document event handlers from stacking when each new page is fetched. Adding a namespace to your events will prevent them from being removed between page loads, i.e. "$(window).on '', myHandler" ### setClearEventHandlers: -> jQuery(document).on 'page:before-change', -> for element in [window, document] for event, handlers of (jQuery._data(element, 'events') || {}) for handler in handlers if handler? && handler.namespace == '' jQuery(element).off event, handler.handler