#Payment Gateway API Specification.

#Payment Gateway API for payment processing. Version 

OpenAPI spec version:

Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech
OpenAPI Generator version: unset


require 'spec_helper'
require 'json'

# Unit tests for OpenapiClient::CardInfoLookupApi
# Automatically generated by openapi-generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
# Please update as you see appropriate
describe 'CardInfoLookupApi' do
  before do
    # run before each test
    @instance = OpenapiClient::CardInfoLookupApi.new

  after do
    # run after each test

  describe 'test an instance of CardInfoLookupApi' do
    it 'should create an instance of CardInfoLookupApi' do
      expect(@instance).to be_instance_of(OpenapiClient::CardInfoLookupApi)

  # unit tests for card_info_lookup
  # Card information lookUp
  # Use this to look up card related information such as issuer country, card function and card brand.
  # @param content_type content type
  # @param client_request_id A client-generated ID for request tracking and signature creation, unique per request.  This is also used for idempotency control. We recommend 128-bit UUID format.
  # @param api_key 
  # @param timestamp Epoch timestamp in milliseconds in the request from a client system. Used for Message Signature generation and time limit (5 mins).
  # @param card_info_lookup_request Card information lookup payload.
  # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
  # @option opts [String] :message_signature Used to ensure the request has not been tampered with during transmission. The Message-Signature is the Base64 encoded HMAC hash (SHA256  algorithm with the API Secret as the key.) For more information, refer to the supporting documentation on the Developer Portal.
  # @option opts [String] :region The region where client wants to process the transaction
  # @return [CardInfoLookupResponse]
  describe 'card_info_lookup test' do
    it 'should work' do
      # assertion here. ref: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/docs/built-in-matchers
