module Ecm module CmsCore class Template < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'ecm_cms_core_templates' belongs_to :folder, :counter_cache => true validates :pathname, :presence => true validates :basename, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :folder_id } validates :format, :inclusion =>, :allow_nil => true, :allow_blank => true # validates :locale, :inclusion => validate :available_locale validates :handler, :inclusion => after_initialize :set_defaults before_validation :normalize_locale, :update_pathname attr_accessible :folder_id, :basename, :title, :meta_description, :body, :layout, :locale, :format, :handler, :partial def available_locale end def normalize_locale self.locale = self.locale.to_s end def set_defaults if self.new_record? self.locale ||= I18n.default_locale # self.format ||= 'html' self.handler ||= 'texterb' end end def update_pathname self.pathname = self.folder.fullname unless self.folder.blank? # if self.folder.blank? # self.pathname = "/" # else # self.pathname = self.folder.fullname # end end def update_pathname! self.update_pathname! end after_save do Resolver.instance.clear_cache end def self.partials where("partial = ?", true) end def self.templates where("partial = ?", false) end def filename if format.blank? "#{basename}.#{locale}.#{handler}" else "#{basename}.#{locale}.#{format}.#{handler}" end end def formatted_partial_flag ::I18n.t(self.partial.to_s) end def to_s "#{self.pathname}#{self.basename}" end class Resolver < ActionView::Resolver require "singleton" include Singleton def find_templates(name, prefix, partial, details) if prefix.length > 0 pathname = "#{normalize_array(details[:locale]).first}/#{prefix}/" else pathname = "#{normalize_array(details[:locale]).first}/" end # ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug("prefix: #{prefix}") ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug("pathname: #{pathname}") ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug("basename: #{name}") conditions = { # :pathname => normalize_path(name, prefix), :pathname => pathname, :basename => name, :locale => normalize_array(details[:locale]).first, :format => normalize_array(details[:formats]).first, :handler => normalize_array(details[:handlers]), :partial => partial || false } format = conditions.delete(:format) query = Ecm::CmsCore::Template.where(conditions) # 2) Check for templates with the given format or format is nil query = query.where(["format = ? OR format = ''", format]) # 3) Ensure templates with format come first query = query.order("format DESC") # 4) Now trigger the query passing on conditions to initialization do |record| initialize_template(record, details) end end # Normalize name and prefix, so the tuple ["index", "users"] becomes # "users/index" and the tuple ["template", nil] becomes "template". def normalize_path(name, prefix) prefix.present? ? "#{prefix}/#{name}" : name end # Normalize arrays by converting all symbols to strings. def normalize_array(array) end # Initialize an ActionView::Template object based on the record found. def initialize_template(record, details) source = record.body identifier = "Template - #{} - #{record.pathname.inspect}" handler = ::ActionView::Template.registered_template_handler(record.handler) # 5) Check for the record.format, if none is given, try the template # handler format and fallback to the one given on conditions format = record.format && Mime[record.format] format ||= handler.default_format if handler.respond_to?(:default_format) format ||= details[:formats] details = { :format => format, :updated_at => record.updated_at, :virtual_path => virtual_path(record.pathname, record.partial) }, identifier, handler, details) end # Make paths as "users/user" become "users/_user" for partials. def virtual_path(path, partial) return path unless partial if index = path.rindex("/") path.insert(index + 1, "_") else "_#{path}" end end end end end end