# # Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Satoru Takabayashi # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto # All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' require 'qwik/ml-gettext' require 'qwik/ml-exception' require 'qwik/group' require 'qwik/mail' require 'qwik/util-charset' module QuickML class Processor include GetText def initialize (config, mail) @config = config @mail = mail @logger = @config.logger @catalog = @config.catalog if mail.multipart? sub_mail = Mail.new sub_mail.read(mail.parts.first) @message_charset = sub_mail.charset else @message_charset = mail.charset end # FIXME: too ad-hoc @rejection_ignore_list = %w(info ajax study test) if $test @rejection_ignore_list = [] if $test_rejection_ignore_list @rejection_ignore_list = $test_rejection_ignore_list end end end def process mail_log if @mail.looping? @logger.log "Looping Mail: from #{@mail.from}" return end @mail.recipients.each {|recipient| process_recipient(recipient) } end private def mail_log @logger.vlog "MAIL FROM:<#{@mail.mail_from}>" @mail.recipients.each {|recipient| @logger.vlog "RCPT TO:<#{recipient}>" } @logger.vlog 'From: ' + @mail.from @logger.vlog 'Cc: ' + @mail.collect_cc.join(', ') @logger.vlog 'bare From: ' + @mail['From'] @logger.vlog 'bare Cc: ' + @mail['Cc'] end def process_recipient (recipient) mladdress = recipient # Error mail handling. if to_return_address?(mladdress) handler = ErrorMailHandler.new(@config, @message_charset) handler.handle(@mail) return end # Confirm to create a new mailing list. if @config.confirm_ml_creation && to_confirmation_address?(mladdress) validate_confirmation(mladdress) return end begin ServerMemory.ml_mutex(@config, mladdress).synchronize { ml = Group.new(@config, mladdress, @mail.from, @message_charset) @message_charset ||= ml.charset #qp @mail.body if Processor.unsubscribe_requested?(@mail.body) unsubscribe(ml) return end submit(ml) } rescue InvalidMLName report_invalid_mladdress(mladdress) end end def to_return_address? (recipient) # "return=" for XVERP, 'return@' for without XVERP. return /^[^=]*=return[=@]/ =~ recipient end def to_confirmation_address? (address) return /\Aconfirm\+/.match(address) end def validate_confirmation (confirmation_address) m = /\Aconfirm\+(\d+)\+(.*)/.match(confirmation_address) return if m.nil? time = m[1] mladdress = m[2] ml = Group.new(@config, mladdress) if ml.validate_confirmation(time) ml.accept_confirmation end end UNSUBSCRIBE_THRESHOLD = 500 UNSUBSCRIBE_RE = /\A\s*(unsubscribe|bye|#\s*bye|quit|退会|脱退)\s*$/s def self.unsubscribe_requested?(body) return true if body.empty? return true if Mail.empty_body?(body) return false if UNSUBSCRIBE_THRESHOLD <= body.length return true if UNSUBSCRIBE_RE.match(body.tosjis) return false end def submit (ml) if Group.exclude?(@mail.from, @config.ml_domain) @logger.log "Invalid From Address: #{@mail.from}" return end if ml.forward? @logger.log "Forward Address: #{ml.address}" ml.submit(@mail) return end if confirmation_required?(ml) ml.prepare_confirmation(@mail) return end if acceptable_submission?(ml) submit_article(ml) return end report_rejection(ml) end def report_invalid_mladdress (mladdress) mail = { :mail_from => '', :recipient => @mail.from, :header => [ ['To', @mail.from], ['From', @config.ml_postmaster], ['Subject', Mail.encode_field(_("[QuickML] Error: %s", @mail['Subject']))], ['Content-Type', content_type] ], :body => _("Invalid mailing list name: <%s>\n", mladdress) + _("You can only use 0-9, a-z, A-Z, `-' for mailing list name\n") + generate_footer, } Sendmail.send_mail(@config.smtp_host, @config.smtp_port, @logger, mail) @logger.log "Invalid ML Address: #{mladdress}" end def content_type return Mail.content_type(@config.content_type, @message_charset) end def generate_footer return "\n-- \n" + _("Info: %s\n", @config.public_url) end def report_rejection (ml) # FIXME: too ad-hoc if @rejection_ignore_list.include?(ml.name) @logger.log "[#{ml.name}]: Reject quietly: #{@mail.from}" # do nothing return end header = [] subject = Mail.encode_field(_("[QuickML] Error: %s", @mail['Subject'])) header.push(['To', @mail.from], ['From', ml.address], ['Subject', subject]) body = _("You are not a member of the mailing list:\n<%s>\n", ml.address) body << "\n" body << _("Did you send a mail with a different address from the address registered in the mailing list?\n") body << _("Please check your 'From:' address.\n") body << generate_footer body << "\n" body << _("----- Original Message -----\n") orig_subject = codeconv(Mail.decode_subject(@mail['Subject'])) body << "Subject: #{orig_subject}\n" body << "To: #{@mail['To']}\n" body << "From: #{@mail['From']}\n" body << "Date: #{@mail['Date']}\n" body << "\n" =begin if @mail.multipart? ['Content-Type', 'Mime-Version', 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'].each {|key| header.push([key, @mail[key]]) unless @mail[key].empty? } sub_mail = Mail.new parts = @mail.parts sub_mail.read(parts.first) body << sub_mail.body sub_mail.body = body parts[0] = sub_mail.to_s body = Mail.join_parts(parts, @mail.boundary) else unless @mail['Content-Type'].empty? header.push(['Content-Type', @mail['Content-Type']]) end body << @mail.body end =end body << _("The original body is omitted to avoid spam trouble.\n") mail = { :mail_from => '', :recipient => @mail.from, :header => header, :body => body, } Sendmail.send_mail(@config.smtp_host, @config.smtp_port, @logger, mail) @logger.log "[#{ml.name}]: Reject: #{@mail.from}" end def report_unsubscription (ml, member, requested_by = nil) header = [] subject = Mail.encode_field(_("[%s] Unsubscribe: %s", ml.name, ml.address)) header.push(['To', member], ['From', ml.address], ['Subject', subject], ['Content-Type', content_type]) if requested_by body = _("You are removed from the mailing list:\n<%s>\n", ml.address) body << _("by the request of <%s>.\n", requested_by) else body = _("You have unsubscribed from the mailing list:\n<%s>.\n", ml.address) end body << generate_footer mail = { :mail_from => '', :recipient => member, :header => header, :body => body, } Sendmail.send_mail(@config.smtp_host, @config.smtp_port, @logger, mail) @logger.log "[#{ml.name}]: Unsubscribe: #{member}" end def report_too_many_members (ml, unadded_addresses) header = [ ['To', @mail.from], ['From', ml.address], ['Subject', Mail.encode_field(_("[QuickML] Error: %s", @mail['Subject']))], ['Content-Type', content_type] ] body = _("The following addresses cannot be added because <%s> mailing list reaches the maximum number of members (%d persons)\n\n", ml.address, ml.get_max_members) unadded_addresses.each {|address| body << sprintf("<%s>\n", address) } body << generate_footer mail = { :mail_from => '', :recipient => @mail.from, :header => header, :body => body, } Sendmail(@config.smtp_host, @config.smtp_port, @logger, mail) str = unadded_addresses.join(',') @logger.log "[#{ml.name}]: Too Many Members: #{str}" end def sender_knows_an_active_member? (ml) return @mail.collect_cc.find {|address| ml.active_members_include?(address) } end def add_member (ml, address) begin ml.add_member(address) rescue TooManyMembers @unadded_addresses.push(address) end end def ml_address_in_to? (ml) return @mail.collect_to.find {|address| address == ml.address } end def submit_article (ml) @unadded_addresses = [] if ml_address_in_to?(ml) add_member(ml, @mail.from) @mail.collect_cc.each {|address| add_member(ml, address) } end if ! @unadded_addresses.empty? report_too_many_members(ml, @unadded_addresses) end ml.submit(@mail) end def unsubscribe_self (ml) if ml.active_members_include?(@mail.from) ml.remove_member(@mail.from) report_unsubscription(ml, @mail.from) else report_rejection(ml) end end def unsubscribe_other (ml, cc) if ml.active_members_include?(@mail.from) cc.each {|other| if ml.active_members_include?(other) ml.remove_member(other) report_unsubscription(ml, other, @mail.from) end } else @logger.vlog 'rejected' end end def unsubscribe (ml) cc = @mail.collect_cc if cc.empty? unsubscribe_self(ml) else unsubscribe_other(ml, cc) end end def acceptable_submission? (ml) ml.newly_created? || ml.active_members_include?(@mail.from) || ml.former_members_include?(@mail.from) || sender_knows_an_active_member?(ml) end def confirmation_required? (ml) @config.confirm_ml_creation and ml.newly_created? end end class ErrorMailHandler def initialize (config, message_charset) @config = config @logger = config.logger @message_charset = message_charset end def handle (mail) if /\A(.*)=return=(.*?)@(.*?)\z/ =~ mail.recipients.first mladdress = $1 + '@' + $3 error_address = $2.sub(/=/, '@') ServerMemory.ml_mutex(@config, mladdress).synchronize { ml = Group.new(@config, mladdress, nil, @message_charset) handle_error(ml, error_address) } else @logger.vlog "Error: Use Postfix with XVERP to handle an error mail!" end end private def handle_error (ml, error_address) @logger.log "ErrorMail: [#{ml.name}] #{error_address}" ml.add_error_member(error_address) end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/testunit' require 'qwik/test-module-ml' require 'qwik/config' require 'qwik/mail' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test class TestMLProcessor < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestModuleML def test_class_method c = QuickML::Processor eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('') eq false, c.unsubscribe_requested?('unsubscribe'+' '*489) eq false, c.unsubscribe_requested?(' '*499) eq false, c.unsubscribe_requested?(' '*500) eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?(' ') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?("\n") eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('unsubscribe') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?(' unsubscribe') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('bye') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('#bye') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('# bye') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('退会') eq true, c.unsubscribe_requested?('unsubscribe'+' '*488) eq false, c.unsubscribe_requested?('unsubscribe desu.') eq false, c.unsubscribe_requested?('I want to unsubscribe.') end def test_instance_method mail = QuickML::Mail.generate { 'From: "Test User" To: "Test Mailing List" Subject: Test Mail Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2001 12:34:56 +0900 This is a test. ' } pro = QuickML::Processor.new(@ml_config, mail) # test_to_return_address t_make_public(QuickML::Processor, :to_return_address?) eq nil, pro.to_return_address?('t@example.com') assert pro.to_return_address?('t=return@example.com') # test_to_confirmation_address t_make_public(QuickML::Processor, :to_confirmation_address?) eq nil, pro.to_confirmation_address?('t@example.com') assert pro.to_confirmation_address?('confirm+t@example.com') end def ok_file(e, file) dir = @config.sites_dir.path str = (dir + "test/#{file}").path.read ok_eq(e, str) end def ok_config(e) dir = @config.sites_dir.path str = (dir + 'test/_GroupConfig.txt').path.read hash = QuickML::GroupConfig.parse_hash(str) ok_eq(e, hash) end def test_all mail = QuickML::Mail.generate { 'From: "Test User" To: "Test Mailing List" Subject: Test Mail Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2001 12:34:56 +0900 This is a test. ' } processor = QuickML::Processor.new(@ml_config, mail) processor.process ok_file("user@e.com\n", '_GroupMembers.txt') ok_config({ :auto_unsubscribe_count=>5, :max_mail_length=>102400, :max_members=>100, :ml_alert_time=>2073600, :ml_life_time=>2678400, :forward=>false, :permanent=>false, :unlimited=>false, }) end def test_with_confirm message = 'From: "Test User" To: "Test Mailing List" Subject: Test Mail Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2001 12:34:56 +0900 This is a test. ' mail = QuickML::Mail.generate { message } org_confirm_ml_creation = @ml_config[:confirm_ml_creation] @ml_config[:confirm_ml_creation] = true ".test/data/test".path.rmtree processor = QuickML::Processor.new(@ml_config, mail) processor.process eq "ply to this mail to create ML .\n", $quickml_sendmail[4][-50..9999] ok_file('', '_GroupMembers.txt') ok_file("user@e.com\n", '_GroupWaitingMembers.txt') ok_file(message, '_GroupWaitingMessage.txt') h = { :auto_unsubscribe_count=>5, :max_mail_length=>102400, :max_members=>100, :ml_alert_time=>2073600, :ml_life_time=>2678400, :forward=>false, :permanent=>false, :unlimited=>false, } ok_config(h) @ml_config[:confirm_ml_creation] = org_confirm_ml_creation end def test_invalid_mlname message = 'From: user@e.com To: invalid_mlname@example.com Subject: Test Mail Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2001 12:34:56 +0900 This is a test. ' mail = QuickML::Mail.generate { message } processor = QuickML::Processor.new(@ml_config, mail) processor.process eq "To: user@e.com\nFrom: postmaster@q.example.com\nSubject: [QuickML] Error: Test Mail\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nInvalid mailing list name: \nYou can only use 0-9, a-z, A-Z, `-' for mailing list name\n\n-- \nInfo: http://example.com/\n", $quickml_sendmail[4] end def test_ignore_list $test_rejection_ignore_list = ["test"] # # normal case # send_normal_mail('bob@example.net') # Bob creates a new ML. sendmail('bob@example.net', 'test@q.example.com', 'test mail') { "This is a test." } eq true, @site.exist?('1') eq 'test mail', @site['1'].get_title eq "* test mail\n{{mail(bob@example.net,0)\nThis is a test.\n}}\n", @site['1'].load # # sent from alien # # clear probe $quickml_sendmail = nil # rejection message should be null expected = nil input = [] input << 'alice@example.net' # from input << 'test@q.example.com' # to input << 'spam mail' # subject inputBody = 'This is spam.' sendmail(*input) { inputBody } actual = $quickml_sendmail ok_eq(expected, actual) # clean up for test suite $test_rejection_ignore_list = nil end end end