require 'tasks/version' require 'matrix' require 'conditions' module Tasks class Error < StandardError; end # 50 tasks class Task class << self # number => array, example 234 => [2, 3, 4] def number_array(digit:) digit.to_s.split('').map(&:to_i) end # array of prime numbers def array_separators(array:) { |x| (1..x).select { |y| (x % y).zero? }.length <= 2 } end # matrix n x m def new_matrix(n_lines:, m_lines:) array = [] (0..(n_lines - 1)).each do |i| array[i] = [] (0..(m_lines - 1)).each { array[i].push(rand(1..10)) } end array end # array with random digits in diapason lower_bound..y def new_array(quantity:, lower_bound: -100, top_bound: 100) array = [] quantity.times { array.push(rand(lower_bound..top_bound)) } array end # hint when comparing numbers def hint(digit1:, digit2:) if digit1 > digit2 'more than needed' elsif digit1 < digit2 'less than needed' end end def task_1(a:, b:) sum = a + b diff = a - b mult = a * b { sum: sum.round(2), difference: diff.round(2), multiplication: mult.round(2) } end def task_2(x:, y:) difference = x.abs - y.abs multiplication = (x * y).abs (difference / (1 + multiplication)).round(4) end def task_3(edge_length:) volume = edge_length**3 square = edge_length**2 * 6 { Volume: volume.round(2), Square: square.round(2) } end def task_6(cathetus_a:, cathetus_b:) hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(cathetus_a**2 + cathetus_b**2).round(2) square = (cathetus_a * cathetus_b / 2).round(2) { hypotenuse: hypotenuse, Square: square } end def task_8(n_corners:, radius:) result = 2 * radius * Math.tan(3.14 / n_corners) * n_corners { Perimeter: result.round(4) } end def task_9(resistance1:, resistance2:, resistance3:) (1 / (1 / resistance1 + 1 / resistance2 + 1 / resistance3)).round(4) end def task_10(height:) result = Math.sqrt((2 * height) / 9.81) { time: result.round(2) } end def task_12(side_of_triangle:) result = Math.sqrt(3) * side_of_triangle / 4 * side_of_triangle**2 { Square: result.round(2) } end def task_13(pendulum_length:) result = (2 * 3.14 * Math.sqrt(pendulum_length / 9.81)).round(2) { period: result } end def task_15(cathetus_a:, hypotenuse:) cathetus_b = Math.sqrt(hypotenuse**2 - cathetus_a**2) square = ((cathetus_a + cathetus_b - hypotenuse) / 2).round(2) { cathetus_b: cathetus_b.round(2), Square: square } end def task_16(circumference:) result = Math::PI * Math.sqrt(circumference / (2 * Math::PI)) { Square: result.round(2) } end def task_24(x1:, x2:, y1:, y2:) diff_x = x1 - x2 diff_y = y1 - y2 result = Math.sqrt(diff_x**2 + diff_y**2) result.round(2) end def task_30(x:) degree3 = x**3 middle = 2 * x + 3 * x**2 res1 = 1 - middle - 4 * degree3 res2 = 1 + middle + 4 * degree3 { result1: res1.round(2), result2: res2.round(2) } end def task_33(x:, y:) array = [x, y] { min: array.min, max: array.max } end def task_34(x:, y:, z:) array = [x, y, z] { min: array.min, max: array.max } end def task_39(digit1:, digit2:) digit1 > digit2 ? digit1 : [digit1, digit2] end def task_41(x:, y:, z:) array = [x, y, z] { |x| x <= 3 && x >= 1 } end def task_43(x:, y:, z:) array = [x, y, z] { |x| x > 0 }.map { |x| x**2 } end def task_62(digit:) digit.to_i (digit % 2).zero? ? 'yes' : 'no' end def task_64(digit:) (digit / 100).to_i end def task_65(digit:) sum_array = number_array(digit: digit.to_i).reduce(:+) sum_array**3 == digit**2 ? 'yes' : 'no' end def task_67(digit:) digit = digit.to_i array = number_array(digit: digit) penultimate_number = array[array.length - 2] if digit >= 10 { digits_number: array.length, sum: array.reduce(:+), last_digit: array[array.length - 1], first_digit: array[0], penultimate_number: penultimate_number } end def task_182(n:) array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i) array2 = { |elem| (elem % 5).zero? && elem % 7 != 0 } sum = array2.reduce(:+) { arr_new: array2, sum: sum, quantity: array2.length } end def task_185(n:) array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i) array2 = { |elem| elem > 0 } sum = if array2 != [] array2.reduce(:+)**2 else 0 end { array: array2, sum: sum } end def task_191(n:) quantity = 0 array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i)! do |elem| quantity += 1 if elem > 7 elem > 7 ? 7 : elem end { array: array, quantity: quantity } end def task_205(n:) array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i) max = sum = Math.sqrt( { |x| x * x }.reduce(:+)) { array: array, max: max, sum: sum } end def task_207(n:) arr = number_array(digit: n.to_i).delete_if do |x| || x == 5 end arr.join.to_i end def task_224(n:) n = n.to_i (1..n).select { |x| (n % x).zero? } end def task_225(n:) n = n.to_i (1..n).select {|x| (n % x**2).zero? && n % x**3 != 0 } end def task_230(n:) min = 1000 num_array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i) num_array.inject do |x, y| min = (x - y).abs if (x - y).abs < min y end { array: num_array, min: min } end def task_272(n:) precipitation = new_array(quantity: n.to_i, lower_bound: 1, top_bound: 100) average = precipitation.reduce(:+) / precipitation.size deviation = [] precipitation.each { |x| deviation.push(x - average) } { precipitation: precipitation, average: average, deviation: deviation } end def task_279(n:) n = n.to_i a = new_array(quantity: n) b = new_array(quantity: n).reverse! ab = [] (0..n - 1).each { |i| ab.push(a[i] + b[i]) } { array_a: a, array_b: b, array_ab: ab } end def task_302(n:) number = number_array(digit: n.to_i) number.uniq! number.length end def task_317(n:) n = n.to_i array = new_array(quantity: n) sum_array = 0 (0..n - 1).each { |i| sum_array += array[i]**(i + 1) } { array: array, sum: sum_array } end def task_325(n:) n = n.to_i separators = (1..n).select do |x| (n % x).zero? end array_separators(array: separators) end def task_328 array_separators(array: (1..100)) end def task_536(n:) array = new_array(quantity: n.to_i) result = array != array.uniq ? 'yes' : 'no' { array: array, identical_elements: result } end def task_555(n:) n.to_i a = [] (0..n - 1).each do |i| a[i] = [] a[i].push(1) if i > 0 (0..a[i - 1].size - 2).each do |j| a[i].unshift(a[i - 1][j] + a[i - 1][j + 1]) end a[i].unshift(1) end end a end def task_561(n:) n = n.to_i new_array = [] (1..n).each do |s| array = number_array(digit: s * s) if array.last(number_array(digit: s).size).join.to_i == s new_array.push(s) end end new_array end def task_606(a:, b:, c:, d:) rectangle = [a, b, c, d] sum = rectangle.reduce(:+) rectangle_flag = true (0..3).each do |i| rectangle_flag = false if (sum - rectangle[i]) < rectangle[i] end rectangle_flag ? 'yes' : 'no' end def task_697(k:, m:, l:) k = k.to_i m = m.to_i l = l.to_i matrix_a = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: k, m_lines: m)) matrix_b = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: m, m_lines: l)) mult = matrix_a * matrix_b { matrix_a: matrix_a, matrix_b: matrix_b, result: mult } end def task_698(n:) n = n.to_i matrix = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) { matrix: matrix, result: matrix**2 } end def task_699(n:) n = n.to_i matrix_a = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) matrix_b = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) result = matrix_a * matrix_b - matrix_b * matrix_a { matrix_a: matrix_a, matrix_b: matrix_b, result: result } end def task_704(n:) n = n.to_i matrix_a = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) matrix_b = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) matrix_c = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: n, m_lines: n)) result = (matrix_a + matrix_b) * matrix_c { matrix_a: matrix_a, matrix_b: matrix_b, matrix_c: matrix_c, result: result } end def task_710(m:, n:) matrix = Matrix.rows(new_matrix(n_lines: m.to_i, m_lines: n.to_i)) matrix.transpose end def task_822(year:) (year.to_i % 4).zero? ? '366 days' : '365 days' end def task_823(n:, m:) n = n.to_i m = m.to_i leap_years = 0 (n..m).each { |y| leap_years += 1 if (y % 4).zero? } leap_years end def task_831(n:) n = n.to_i october = Time.mktime(n, 10, 1) day1 = october.wday if day1 < 7 day = 7 - day1 Time.mktime(n, 10, day + 1) else Time.mktime(n, 10, day1) end end def task_986(n:) digit = rand(0..9) digit_user = n.to_i return 'incorrect value' unless (0..9).cover? digit_user digit_user != digit ? hint(digit1: digit_user, digit2: digit) : 'Right you are!' end # place of the horse, task 988 def horse_place(run:, horse_num:) horse_num -= 1 if run[horse_num] == run.max 'Victory!' elsif run[horse_num] == run.min 'Last.' else 'Second.' end end def task_988(horse_num:) horse_num = horse_num.to_i return 'incorrect value' unless (1..3).cover? horse_num finish = 500 horses_run = [] 3.times { horses_run.push(rand(1..100)) } while horses_run.max < finish! { |x| x + rand(1..100) } end horse_place(run: horses_run, horse_num: horse_num) end # return array with numbers of all tasks def all_tasks method_name = 'task_' methods = Task.methods(false) tasks = { |elem| elem.to_s.include? method_name }! { |elem| elem.to_s.delete method_name }!(&:to_i).sort! end # return task condition by number def conditions(num:) num = num.to_i if all_tasks.include? num CONDITIONS[num] else 'Task not found.' end end end end end