module Fastlane module Actions # Does a hard reset and clean on the repo class ResetGitRepoAction < Action def if params[:force] || params[:force] || Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GIT_REPO_WAS_CLEAN_ON_START] paths = (params[:files] rescue nil) return paths if Helper.is_test? if (paths || []).count == 0'git reset --hard HEAD')'git clean -qfdx') 'Git repo was reset and cleaned back to a pristine state.'.green else paths.each do |path| Helper.log.warn("Couldn't find file at path '#{path}'") unless File.exists?(path)"git checkout -- '#{path}'") end "Git cleaned up #{paths.count} files.".green end else raise 'This is a destructive and potentially dangerous action. To protect from data loss, please add the `ensure_git_status_clean` action to the beginning of your lane, or if you\'re absolutely sure of what you\'re doing then call this action with the :force option.'.red end end def self.description "Resets git repo to a clean state by discarding uncommited changes" end def self.details [ "This action will reset your git repo to a clean state, discarding any uncommitted and untracked changes. Useful in case you need to revert the repo back to a clean state, e.g. after the fastlane run.", "It's a pretty drastic action so it comes with a sort of safety latch. It will only proceed with the reset if either of these conditions are met:", "You have called the ensure_git_status_clean action prior to calling this action. This ensures that your repo started off in a clean state, so the only things that will get destroyed by this action are files that are created as a byproduct of the fastlane run." ].join(' ') end def self.available_options [ :files, env_name: "FL_RESET_GIT_FILES", description: "Array of files the changes should be discarded from. If not given, all files will be discarded", optional: true, is_string: false, verify_block: do |value| raise "Please pass an array only" unless value.kind_of?Array end), :force, env_name: "FL_RESET_GIT_FORCE", description: "Skip verifying of previously clean state of repo. Only recommended in combination with `files` option", is_string: false, default_value: false), ] end def 'lmirosevic' end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end