# cartage s3 - Manage packages in remote storage Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application that can be used in deployment with a configuration tool like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, or Salt. This is the documentation for the `cartage s3` command and plug-in for Cartage. All existing global Cartage options apply. Commands to upload, download, list, or delete packages and package metadata to remote storage. ## `s3` Options __`-D`, `--destination DESTINATION`__ The name of the remote destination in the Cartage configuration file. Defaults to `default`. If the destination does not exist in the configuration, an error will be reported. ## `s3` Subcommands ### `s3 get`, `s3 download` Downloads packages from remote storage. This command requires that a timestamp is provided, either through a Cartage configuration file or through a global --timestamp flag. Any active plug-in supporting :build_package requests will provide a package name to be downloaded. If the package file does not exist remotely, an error will occur. *__Options__* __`--local-path PATH`__ The local path to write packages. Defaults to the current working directly ($PWD). ### `s3 ls`, `s3 list` Lists packages in remote storage. Shows packages related to the current Cartage project name. *__Options__* __`--all`__ Show all files in remote storage, not just the files related to the current project. ### `s3 put`, `s3 upload` Uploads packages and metadata from a previous build to remote storage. This command requires that a timestamp is provided, either through a Cartage configuration file or through the global --timestamp flag. Any active plug-in supporting :build_package requests will provide a package name to be uploaded. If the package file does not exist locally, an error will occur. ### `s3 rm`, `s3 delete` Removes packages from remote storage. This command requires that a timestamp is provided, either through a Cartage configuration file or through a global --timestamp flag. Any active plug-in supporting :build_package requests will provide a package name to be removed.