# # = Linear Algebra # # Contents: # 1. {LU Decomposition}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-LU+Decomposition] # 1. {QR Decomposition}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-QR+decomposition] # 1. {QR Decomposition with Column Pivoting}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-QR+Decomposition+with+Column+Pivoting] # 1. {Singular Value Decomposition}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Singular+Value+Decomposition] # 1. {Cholesky Decomposition}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Cholesky+Decomposition] # 1. {Tridiagonal Decomposition of Real Symmetric Matrices}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Tridiagonal+Decomposition+of+Real+Symmetric+Matrices] # 1. {Tridiagonal Decomposition of Hermitian Matrices}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Tridiagonal+Decomposition+of+Hermitian+Matrices] # 1. {Hessenberg Decomposition of Real Matrices}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Hessenberg+Decomposition+of+Real+Matrices] # 1. {Hessenberg-Triangular Decomposition of Real Matrices}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Hessenberg-Triangular+Decomposition+of+Real+Matrices] # 1. {Bidiagonalization}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Bidiagonalization] # 1. {Householder Transformations}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Householder+Transformations] # 1. {Householder solver for linear systems}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Householder+solver+for+linear+systems] # 1. {Tridiagonal Systems}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Tridiagonal+Systems] # 1. {Balancing}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-Balancing] # 1. {NArray}[link:rdoc/linalg_rdoc.html#label-NArray] # # == LU Decomposition # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.decomp(A) # * GSL::Matrix#LU_decomp # # These method calculate the LU decomposition of the matrix. The returned # value is an array of [LU, perm, sign]. # # Examples: # # 1. Singleton method of the GSL::Linalg::LU module # # >> m = Matrix[1..9, 3, 3] # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 # 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 # 7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ] # >> lu, perm, sign = Linalg::LU.decomp(m) # # 1. Instance method of GSL::Matrix class # # >> lu, perm, sign = m.LU_decomp # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.solve(A, b) # * GSL::Linalg::LU.solve(lu, perm, b) # * GSL::Matrix#LU_solve(b) # * GSL::Linalg::LUMatrix#solve(perm, b) # # The following is an example to solve a linear system # # A x = b, b = [1, 2, 3, 4] # # using LU decomposition. # # 1. Singleton method of the GSL::Linalg::LU module # # A = Matrix[[0.18, 0.60, 0.57, 0.96], [0.41, 0.24, 0.99, 0.58], # [0.14, 0.30, 0.97, 0.66], [0.51, 0.13, 0.19, 0.85]] # lu, perm, sign = A.LU_decomp # b = Vector[1, 2, 3, 4] # x = Linalg::LU.solve(lu, perm, b) # # 1. Instance method of GSL::Linalg::LUMatrix class # # lu, perm, sign = A.LU_decomp # lu is an instance of Linalg::LUMatrix class # b = Vector[1, 2, 3, 4] # x = lu.solve(perm, b) # # 1. Solve directly # # x = Linalg::LU.solve(A, b) # LU decomposition is calculated internally (A is not modified) # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.svx(A, b) # * GSL::Linalg::LU.svx(lu, perm, b) # * GSL::Matrix#svx(b) # * GSL::Linalg::LUMatrix#svx(perm, b) # # These solve the system Ax = b. The input vector b is overwitten by # the solution x. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.refine(A, lu, perm, b, x) # # This method applys an iterative improvement to x, # the solution of A x = b, using the LU decomposition of A. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.invert(A) # * GSL::Linalg::LU.invert(lu, perm) # * GSL::Matrix#invert # * GSL::Linalg::LUMatrix#invert(perm) # # These computes and returns the inverse of the matrix. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::LU.det(A) # * GSL::Linalg::LU.det(lu, signum) # * GSL::Matrix#det # * GSL::Linalg::LUMatrix#det(signum) # # These methods return the determinant of the matrix. # # === {Complex LU decomposition}[link:rdoc/linalg_complex_rdoc.html] # # == QR decomposition # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QR_decomp(A) # * GSL::Linalg::QR.decomp(A) # * GSL::Matrix#QR_decomp # # These compute QR decomposition of the matrix and return an array [QR, tau]. # # 1. Singleton method of the module GSL::Linalg # qr, tau = Linalg::QR_decomp(m) # p qr.class # GSL::Linalg::QRMatrix, subclass of GSL::Matrix # p tau.class # GSL::Linalg::TauVector, subclass of GSL::Vector # 1. Singleton method of the module GSL::Linalg:QR # qr, tau = Linalg::QR.decomp(m) # 1. Instance method of GSL::Matrix # qr, tau = m.QR_decomp # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QR.solve(A, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QR.solve(QR, tau, b) # * GSL::Matrix#QR_solve(b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRMatrix#solve(tau, b) # # Solve the system A x = b using the QR decomposition. # # * Ex1: # m = Matrix.alloc(...) # b = Vector.alloc(...) # x = Linalg::QR.solve(m, b) # * Ex2: # x = m.QR_solve(b) # * Ex3: # qr, tau = Linalg::QR.decomp(m) # or m.QR_decomp # x = Linalg::QR.solve(qr, tau, b) # * Ex4: # qr, tau = m.QR_decomp # x = qr.solve(tau, b) # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QR.svx(A, x) # * GSL::Linalg::QR.svx(QR, tau, x) # * GSL::Matrix#QR_svx(x) # * GSL::Linalg::QRMatrix#svx(tau, x) # # Solve the system A x = b. The input vector x is first give by # the right-hand side vector b, and is overwritten by the solution. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QR.unpack(QR, tau) # * GSL::Linalg::QRMatrix#unpack(tau) # # Unpack the encoded QR decomposition QR,tau and return an array # [Q, R]. # # Ex: # >> m = Matrix[1..9, 3, 3] # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 # 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 # 7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ] # >> qr, tau = m.QR_decomp # >> q, r = qr.unpack(tau) # >> q*r # Reconstruct the metrix m # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 # 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 # 7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ] # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QR.QRsolve(Q, R, tau) # # This method solves the system R x = Q^T b for x. # It can be used when the QR decomposition of a matrix is available # in unpacked form as Q,R. # # == QR Decomposition with Column Pivoting # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.decomp(A) # * GSL::Matrix#QRPT_decomp # # These methods factorize the M-by-N matrix A into the QRP^T decomposition A = Q R P^T, and return an array [QR, tau, perm, signum]. # # * Ex1: # require("gsl") # include GSL::Linalg # m = Matrix.alloc(...) # qr, tau, perm = QRPT.decomp(m) # p qr.class # GSL::Linalg::QRPTMatrix, subclass of GSL::Matrix # # * Ex2: # qr, tau, perm = m.QROT_decomp # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.decomp2(A) # * GSL::Matrix#QRPT_decomp2 # # These return an array [Q, R, tau, perm, signum]. # # * Ex # q, r, tau, perm = QRPT.decomp2(m) # p q.class <----- GSL::Linalg::QMatrix # p r.class <----- GSL::Linalg::RMatrix # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.solve(m, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.solve(qr, tau, perm, b) # * GSL::Matrix#QRPT_solve(A, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPQMatrix#solve(qr, tau, perm, b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b using the QRP^T decomposition of # A into QR, tau, perm. The solution x is returned as a Vector. # # * Ex1: # m = Matrix.alloc(...) # qr, tau, perm = m.QRPT_decomp # b = Vector.alloc([1, 2, 3, 4]) # x = Linalg::QRPT.solve(qr, tau, perm, b) # * Ex2: # x = Linalg::QRPT.solve(m, b) # * Ex3: # x = qr.solve(tau, p, b) # * Ex4: # x = m.QRPT_solve(b) # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.svx(m, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.svx(qr, tau, perm, b) # * GSL::Matrix#QRPT_svx(A, b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b using the QRP^T decomposition of # A into QR, tau, perm. The input b is overwritten by the solution # x. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.QRsolve(q, r, tau, perm, b) # # This method solves the system R P^T x = Q^T b for x. # It can be used when the QR decomposition of a matrix is available in # unpacked form as q, r obtained by the method decomp2. # # * Ex: # q, r, tau, perm = QRPT_decomp2 # x = Linalg::QRPT.QRsolve(q, r, perm, b) # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.update(q, r, perm, u, v) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.Rsolve(qr, perm, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPTMatrix#Rsolve(perm, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPT.Rsvx(qr, perm, b) # * GSL::Linalg::QRPTMatrix#Rsvx(perm, b) # # # == Singular Value Decomposition # --- # * GSL::Linalg::SV.decomp(A[, work]) # * \GSL::Matrix#SV_decomp([work]) # # These methods factorize the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value # decomposition A = U S V^T using the Golub-Reinsch SVD algorithm, # and return an array [U, V, S]. # # Ex: # >> m = Matrix[[3, 5, 2], [5, 1, 4], [7, 6, 3]] # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 3.000e+00 5.000e+00 2.000e+00 # 5.000e+00 1.000e+00 4.000e+00 # 7.000e+00 6.000e+00 3.000e+00 ] # >> u, v, s = m.SV_decomp # u, v: Matrix, s: Vector (singular values) # >> u*u.trans # u is orthnormal # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 1.000e+00 2.452e-17 -4.083e-16 # 2.452e-17 1.000e+00 -3.245e-16 # -4.083e-16 -3.245e-16 1.000e+00 ] # >> v*v.trans # v is also orthnormal # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 1.000e+00 3.555e-17 -1.867e-16 # 3.555e-17 1.000e+00 -1.403e-16 # -1.867e-16 -1.403e-16 1.000e+00 ] # >> u*Matrix.diagonal(s)*v.trans # Reconstruct the matrix # => GSL::Matrix: # [ 3.000e+00 5.000e+00 2.000e+00 # 5.000e+00 1.000e+00 4.000e+00 # 7.000e+00 6.000e+00 3.000e+00 ] # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::SV.decomp_mod(A) # * GSL::Matrix#SV_decomp_mod # # These compute the SVD using the modified Golub-Reinsch algorithm, # which is faster for M>>N. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::SV.decomp_jacobi(A) # * GSL::Matrix#SV_decomp_jacobi # # These compute the SVD using one-sided Jacobi orthogonalization. # The Jacobi method can compute singular values to higher relative accuracy # than Golub-Reinsch algorithms. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::SV.solve(A, b) # * GSL::Linalg::SV.solve(U, V, S, b) # * GSL::Matrix#SV_solve(b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b using the singular value # decomposition U, S, V of A. # # * Ex1: # m = Matrix.alloc(...) # b = Vector.alloc(...) # u, v, s = GSL::Linalg::SV.decomp(m) # x = GSL::Linalg::SV.solve(u, v, s, b) # * Ex2: # x = GSL::Linalg::SV.solve(m, b) # * Ex3: # x = m.SV_solve(b) # # == Cholesky Decomposition # A symmetric, positive definite square matrix A has a Cholesky decomposition # into a product of a lower triangular matrix L and its transpose L^T, # as A = L L^T. This is sometimes referred to as taking the square-root of a # matrix. The Cholesky decomposition can only be carried out when all the eigenvalues # of the matrix are positive. This decomposition can be used to convert the linear # system A x = b into a pair of triangular systems (L y = b, L^T x = y), # which can be solved by forward and back-substitution. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Cholesky.decomp(A) # # This method factorizes the positive-definite square matrix A # into the Cholesky decomposition A = L L^T. # The upper triangular part of the matrix returned contains L^T, the diagonal terms # being identical for both L and L^T. If the matrix is not positive-definite # then the decomposition will fail. # # Ex: # >> m = Matrix.pascal(3) # => GSL::Matrix # [ 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 3.000e+00 6.000e+00 ] # >> c = Linalg::Cholesky.decomp(m) # => GSL::Linalg::Cholesky::CholeskyMatrix # [ 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 1.000e+00 ] # >> l = c.lower # => GSL::Matrix # [ 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 # 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 1.000e+00 ] # >> (l*l.trans) == m # => true # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Cholesky.solve(cholesky, b) # * GSL::Linalg::Cholesky.svx(cholesky, x) # # These methods solve the system A x = b using the Cholesky decomposition # of A into the matrix cholesky given by GSL::Linalg::Cholesky.decomp. # # === {Complex Cholesky decomposition}[link:rdoc/cholesky_complex_rdoc.html] # # == Tridiagonal Decomposition of Real Symmetric Matrices # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Symmtd::decomp(A) # # Factorizes the symmetric square matrix A into the symmetric # tridiagonal decomposition Q T Q^T, and returns the results # (A', tau). On output the diagonal and subdiagonal part of the # matrix A' contain the tridiagonal matrix T. # The remaining lower triangular part of the matrix A' contains # the Householder vectors which, together with the Householder # coefficients tau, encode the orthogonal matrix Q. # This storage scheme is the same as used by LAPACK. # The upper triangular part of A is not referenced. # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Symmtd::unpack(A', tau) # # Unpacks the encoded symmetric tridiagonal decomposition (A', tau) # obtained from GSL::Linalg::Symmtd::decomp into the orthogonal # matrix Q, the vector of diagonal elements diag # and the vector of subdiagonal elements subdiag. # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Symmtd::unpack_T(A', tau) # # Unpacks the diagonal and subdiagonal of the encoded symmetric tridiagonal # decomposition (A', tau) obtained from # GSL::Linalg::Symmtd::decomp into the vectors # diag and subdiag. # # == Tridiagonal Decomposition of Hermitian Matrices # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hermtd::decomp(A) # # Factorizes the hermitian matrix A into the symmetric tridiagonal # decomposition U T U^T, and returns the result as (A', tau). # On output the real parts of the diagonal and subdiagonal part of the # matrix A' contain the tridiagonal matrix T. # The remaining lower triangular part of the matrix A' contains # the Householder vectors which, together with the Householder # coefficients tau, encode the orthogonal matrix Q. # This storage scheme is the same as used by LAPACK. # The upper triangular part of A and imaginary parts of the diagonal # are not referenced. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hermtd::unpack(A', tau) # # Unpacks the encoded tridiagonal decomposition (A', tau) # obtained from GSL::Linalg::Hermtd::decomp into the unitary matrix # U, the real vector of diagonal elements diag and # the real vector of subdiagonal elements subdiag. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hermtd::unpack_T(A', tau) # # Unpacks the diagonal and subdiagonal of the encoded tridiagonal # decomposition (A, tau) obtained from the # GSL::Linalg::Hermtd::decomp # into the real vectors diag and subdiag. # # == Hessenberg Decomposition of Real Matrices # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::decomp(A) # * GSL::Linalg::hessenberg_decomp(A) # # Computes the Hessenberg decomposition of the matrix A # by applying the similarity transformation H = U^T A U, and returns # the result as (A', tau. On output, H is stored in the upper # portion of A'. The information required to construct the matrix # U is stored in the lower triangular portion of A'. # U is a product of N - 2 Householder matrices. # The Householder vectors are stored in the lower portion of A' # (below the subdiagonal) and the Householder coefficients are stored # in the vector tau. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::unpack(A', tau) # * GSL::Linalg::hessenberg_unpack(A', tau) # # Constructs the orthogonal matrix U and returns it # from the information stored in the Hessenberg matrix A' # along with the vector tau. A' and tau # are outputs from GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::decomp. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::unpack_accum(A', tau, V = I) # * GSL::Linalg::hessenberg_unpack_accum(A', tau, V = I) # # This method is similar to GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::unpack, # except it accumulates the matrix U into V, so that # V' = VU, and returns V. Setting V to the identity matrix # provides the same result GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::unpack. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::set_zero(A') # * GSL::Linalg::hessenberg_set_zero(A') # # Sets the lower triangular portion of A', below the subdiagonal, # to zero. # It is useful for clearing out the Householder vectors after calling # GSL::Linalg::Hessenberg::decomp. # # == Hessenberg-Triangular Decomposition of Real Matrices # --- # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp(A, B) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp(A, B, work) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp(A, B, U, V) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp(A, B, U, V, work) # # Compute the Hessenberg-Triangular decomposition of the matrix pair # (A, B), and return (H, R. # If U and V are provided (they may be null), the similarity # transformations are stored in them. work is an additional workspace # of length N. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp!(A, B) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp!(A, B, work) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp!(A, B, U, V) # * GSL::Linalg::hesstri_decomp!(A, B, U, V, work) # # Compute the Hessenberg-Triangular decomposition of the matrix pair # (A, B). On output, H is stored in A, # and R is stored in B. # If U and V are provided (they may be null), the similarity # transformations are stored in them. work is an additional workspace # of length N. # # == Bidiagonalization # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Bidiag::decomp!(A) # * GSL::Linalg::bidiag_decomp!(A) # * GSL::Linalg::Bidiag::decomp(A) # * GSL::Linalg::bidiag_decomp(A) # # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Bidiag::unpack # * GSL::Linalg::bidiag_unpack # * GSL::Linalg::Bidiag::unpack2 # * GSL::Linalg::bidiag_unpack2 # * GSL::Linalg::Bidiag::unpack_B # * GSL::Linalg::bidiag_unpack_B # # # == Householder Transformations # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Householder::transform(v) # * GSL::Linalg::HH::transform(v) # * GSL::Vector#householder_transform # # These methods prepare a Householder transformation P = I - tau v v^T # which can be used to zero all the elements of the input vector except the first. # On output the transformation is stored in the vector v # and the scalar tau is returned. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Householder::hm(tau, v, A) # * GSL::Linalg::HH::hm(tau, v, A) # # These methods apply the Householder matrix P defined by the scalar # tau and the vector v to the left-hand side of the matrix A. # On output the result P A is stored in A. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Householder::mh(tau, v, A) # * GSL::Linalg::HH::mh(tau, v, A) # # These methods apply the Householder matrix P defined by the scalar tau # and the vector v to the right-hand side of the matrix A. # On output the result A P is stored in A. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::Householder::hv(tau, v, w) # * GSL::Linalg::HH::hv(tau, v, w) # # These methods apply the Householder transformation P defined by the scalar # tau and the vector v to the vector w. # On output the result P w is stored in w. # # == Householder solver for linear systems # --- # * GSL::Linalg::HH.solve(A, b) # * GSL::Matrix#HH_solve(b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b directly using Householder # transformations. The matrix A is not modified. # --- # * GSL::Linalg::HH.solve!(A, b) # * GSL::Matrix#HH_solve!(b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b directly using Householder # transformations. The matrix A is destroyed by the # Householder transformations. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::HH.svx(A, b) # * GSL::Matrix#HH_svx(b) # # These methods solve the system A x = b in-place directly using Householder # transformations. The input vector b is replaced by the solution. # # == Tridiagonal Systems # --- # * GSL::Linglg::solve_tridiag(diag, e, f, b) # * GSL::Linglg::Tridiag::solve(diag, e, f, b) # # These methods solve the general N-by-N system A x = b where A # is tridiagonal ( N >= 2). The super-diagonal and sub-diagonal vectors e # and f must be one element shorter than the diagonal vector diag. # The form of A for the 4-by-4 case is shown below, # A = ( d_0 e_0 0 0 ) # ( f_0 d_1 e_1 0 ) # ( 0 f_1 d_2 e_2 ) # ( 0 0 f_2 d_3 ) # # --- # * GSL::Linglg::solve_symm_tridiag(diag, e, b) # * GSL::Linglg::Tridiag::solve_symm(diag, e, b) # # These methods solve the general N-by-N system A x = b where A is # symmetric tridiagonal ( N >= 2). The off-diagonal vector e must # be one element shorter than the diagonal vector diag. # The form of A for the 4-by-4 case is shown below, # A = ( d_0 e_0 0 0 ) # ( e_0 d_1 e_1 0 ) # ( 0 e_1 d_2 e_2 ) # ( 0 0 e_2 d_3 ) # # --- # * GSL::Linglg::solve_cyc_tridiag(diag, e, f, b) # * GSL::Linglg::Tridiag::solve_cyc(diag, e, f, b) # # These methods solve the general N-by-N system A x = b where A is # cyclic tridiagonal ( N >= 3). The cyclic super-diagonal and sub-diagonal # vectors e and f must have the same number of elements as the # diagonal vector diag. The form of A for the 4-by-4 case is shown below, # A = ( d_0 e_0 0 f_3 ) # ( f_0 d_1 e_1 0 ) # ( 0 f_1 d_2 e_2 ) # ( e_3 0 f_2 d_3 ) # # --- # * GSL::Linglg::solve_symm_cyc_tridiag(diag, e, b) # * GSL::Linglg::Tridiag::solve_symm_cyc(diag, e, b) # # These methods solve the general N-by-N system A x = b where A # is symmetric cyclic tridiagonal ( N >= 3). The cyclic off-diagonal vector e # must have the same number of elements as the diagonal vector diag. # The form of A for the 4-by-4 case is shown below, # A = ( d_0 e_0 0 e_3 ) # ( e_0 d_1 e_1 0 ) # ( 0 e_1 d_2 e_2 ) # ( e_3 0 e_2 d_3 ) # # == Balancing # The process of balancing a matrix applies similarity transformations to # make the rows and columns have comparable norms. This is useful, # for example, to reduce roundoff errors in the solution of eigenvalue problems. # Balancing a matrix A consists of replacing A with a similar matrix # where D is a diagonal matrix whose entries are powers of the floating # point radix. # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::balance(A) # * GSL::Linalg::balance(A, D) # # Calculates the balanced counterpart of A and the diagonal elements # of the similarity transformation. The result is returned as (A', D). # # --- # * GSL::Linalg::balance!(A) # * GSL::Linalg::balance!(A, D) # # Replaces the matrix A with its balanced counterpart and # stores the diagonal elements of the similarity transformation into # the vector D. # # # == NArray # The following Linalg methods can handle NArray objects: # * GSL::Linalg:: # * LU:: # * LU.decomp(m) # * LU.solve(lu, b) # * LU.svx(lu, bx) # * LU.det(lu, sign) # * LU.lndet(lu) # * LU.invert(lu, perm) # * QR:: # * QR.decomp(m) # * QR.solve(qr, tau, b) # * QR.svx(qr, tau, bx) # * SV:: # * SV.decomp(m) # * SV.solve(u, v, s, b) # * SV.svx(u, v, s, bx) # * Cholesky:: # * Cholesky.decomp(m) # * Cholesky.solve(u, v, s, b) # * Cholesky.svx(u, v, s, bx) # * HH:: # * HH.solve(m, b) # * HH.svx(m, bx) # # {prev}[link:rdoc/blas_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:rdoc/eigen_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:index.html] # #