module ChunkyPNG class Canvas # Methods for decoding and encoding Adam7 interlacing. # # Adam7 interlacing extracts 7 pass images out of a single image, that can be encoded to a # stream separately so the image can be built up progressively. The module is included into # ChunkyPNG canvas and is used to extract the pass images from the original image, or to # reconstruct an original image from separate pass images. module Adam7Interlacing # Returns an array with the x-shift, x-offset, y-shift and y-offset for the requested pass. # @param [Integer] pass The pass number, should be in 0..6. def adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) [3 - (pass >> 1), (pass & 1 == 0) ? 0 : 8 >> ((pass + 1) >> 1), pass == 0 ? 3 : 3 - ((pass - 1) >> 1), (pass == 0 || pass & 1 == 1) ? 0 : 8 >> (pass >> 1)] end # Returns the pixel dimensions of the requested pass. # @param [Integer] pass The pass number, should be in 0..6. # @param [Integer] original_width The width of the original image. # @param [Integer] original_height The height of the original image. def adam7_pass_size(pass, original_width, original_height) x_shift, x_offset, y_shift, y_offset = adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) [ (original_width - x_offset + (1 << x_shift) - 1) >> x_shift, (original_height - y_offset + (1 << y_shift) - 1) >> y_shift] end # Returns an array of the dimension of all the pass images. # @param [Integer] original_width The width of the original image. # @param [Integer] original_height The height of the original image. # @return [Array<Array<Integer>>] Returns an array with 7 pairs of dimensions. # @see #adam7_pass_size def adam7_pass_sizes(original_width, original_height) (0...7).map { |pass| adam7_pass_size(pass, original_width, original_height) } end # Merges a pass image into a total image that is being constructed. # @param [Integer] pass The pass number, should be in 0..6. # @param [ChunkyPNG::Canvas] canvas The image that is being constructed. # @param [ChunkyPNG::Canvas] subcanvas The pass image that should be merged def adam7_merge_pass(pass, canvas, subcanvas) x_shift, x_offset, y_shift, y_offset = adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) for y in 0...subcanvas.height do for x in 0...subcanvas.width do new_x = (x << x_shift) | x_offset new_y = (y << y_shift) | y_offset canvas[new_x, new_y] = subcanvas[x, y] end end end # Extracts a pass from a complete image # @param [Integer] pass The pass number, should be in 0..6. # @param [ChunkyPNG::Canvas] canvas The image that is being deconstructed. # @return [ChunkyPNG::Canvas] The extracted pass image. def adam7_extract_pass(pass, canvas) x_shift, x_offset, y_shift, y_offset = adam7_multiplier_offset(pass) sm_pixels = [] y_offset.step(canvas.height - 1, 1 << y_shift) do |y| x_offset.step(canvas.width - 1, 1 << x_shift) do |x| sm_pixels << canvas[x, y] end end new_canvas_args = adam7_pass_size(pass, canvas.width, canvas.height) + [sm_pixels]*new_canvas_args) end end end end