# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' include TwitterCldr::Localized describe LocalizedString do describe '#%' do context 'when argument is not a Hash' do it 'performs regular formatting of values' do ('%d is an integer'.localize % 3.14).should == '3 is an integer' end it 'performs regular formatting of arrays' do ('"% 04d" is a %s'.localize % [12, 'number']).should == '" 012" is a number' end it 'ignores pluralization placeholders' do ('%s: %{horses_count:horses}'.localize % 'total').should == 'total: %{horses_count:horses}' end it 'raises ArgumentError when the string contains named placeholder' do lambda { '%{msg}: %{horses_count:horses}'.localize % 'total' }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context 'when argument is a Hash' do let(:horses) { { :one => '1 horse', :other => '%{horses_count} horses' } } before(:each) do stub(TwitterCldr::Formatters::Plurals::Rules).rule_for { |n, _| n == 1 ? :one : :other } end it 'interpolates named placeholders' do ('%.2f is a %{noun}'.localize % { :num => 3.1415, :noun => 'number' }).should == '3.14 is a number' end it 'performs regular pluralization' do ('%{horses_count:horses}'.localize % { :horses_count => 2, :horses => horses }).should == '2 horses' end it 'performs inline pluralization' do string = '%<{ "horses_count": { "other": "%{horses_count} horses" } }>'.localize (string % { :horses_count => 2 }).should == '2 horses' end it 'performs both formatting and regular pluralization simultaneously' do string = '%{msg}: %{horses_count:horses}'.localize (string % { :horses_count => 2, :horses => horses, :msg => 'result' }).should == 'result: 2 horses' end it 'performs both formatting and inline pluralization simultaneously' do string = '%{msg}: %<{"horses_count": {"other": "%{horses_count} horses"}}>'.localize (string % { :horses_count => 2, :msg => 'result' }).should == 'result: 2 horses' end it 'performs both formatted interpolation and inline pluralization simultaneously' do string = '%d, %<{"horses_count": {"other": "%{horses_count} horses" }}>'.localize (string % { :number => 3.14, :horses_count => 2 }).should == '3, 2 horses' end it 'leaves regular pluralization placeholders unchanged if not enough information given' do string = '%{msg}: %{horses_count:horses}'.localize (string % { :msg => 'no pluralization' } ).should == 'no pluralization: %{horses_count:horses}' end it 'leaves inline pluralization placeholders unchanged if not enough information given' do string = '%d, %<{"horses_count": {"one": "one horse"}}>'.localize (string % { :number => 3.14, :horses_count => 2 }).should == '3, %<{"horses_count": {"one": "one horse"}}>' end it 'raises KeyError when value for a named placeholder is missing' do lambda do '%{msg}: %{horses_count:horses}'.localize % { :horses_count => 2, :horses => horses } end.should raise_error(KeyError) end end end describe "#to_s" do it "should return a copy the base string" do string = "galoshes" result = string.localize.to_s result.should == string result.equal?(string).should_not be_true end end describe "#to_f" do it "should correctly parse a number with a thousands separator" do "1,300".localize.to_f.should == 1300.0 "1.300".localize(:es).to_f.should == 1300.0 end it "should correctly parse a number with a decimal separator" do "1.300".localize.to_f.should == 1.3 "1,300".localize(:es).to_f.should == 1.3 end it "should correctly parse a number with a thousands and a decimal separator" do "1,300.05".localize.to_f.should == 1300.05 "1.300,05".localize(:es).to_f.should == 1300.05 end it "should return zero if the string contains no numbers" do "abc".localize.to_f.should == 0.0 end it "should return only the numbers at the beginning of the string if the string contains any non-numeric characters" do "1abc".localize.to_f.should == 1.0 "a1bc".localize.to_f.should == 0.0 end end describe "#to_i" do it "should chop off the decimal" do "1,300.05".localize.to_i.should == 1300 "1.300,05".localize(:es).to_i.should == 1300 end end describe "#normalize" do let(:string) { 'string' } let(:normalized_string) { 'normalized' } let(:localized_string) { string.localize } it 'returns a LocalizedString' do localized_string.normalize.should be_an_instance_of(LocalizedString) end it 'it uses NFD by default' do mock(Eprun).normalize(string, :nfd) { normalized_string } localized_string.normalize.base_obj.should == normalized_string end it "uses specified algorithm if there is any" do mock(Eprun).normalize(string, :nfkd) { normalized_string } localized_string.normalize(:using => :NFKD).base_obj.should == normalized_string end it "raises an ArgumentError if passed an unsupported normalization form" do lambda { localized_string.normalize(:using => :blarg) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "#casefold" do it 'returns a LocalizedString' do str = "Weißrussland".localize.casefold str.should be_an_instance_of(LocalizedString) str.to_s.should == "weissrussland" end it 'does not pass the t option by default' do "Istanbul".localize.casefold.to_s.should == "istanbul" end it 'uses the t option when explicitly given' do "Istanbul".localize.casefold(:t => true).to_s.should == "ıstanbul" end it 'uses t by default if the locale is tr (az not supported)' do "Istanbul".localize(:tr).casefold.to_s.should == "ıstanbul" end end describe "#each_sentence" do it "returns an enumerator if not passed a block" do "foo bar".localize.each_sentence.should be_a(Enumerator) end it "yields sentences as localized strings" do str = "Quick. Brown. Fox.".localize str.each_sentence do |sentence| sentence.should be_a(LocalizedString) end str.each_sentence.to_a.map(&:to_s).should == [ "Quick.", " Brown.", " Fox." ] end end describe "#code_points" do it "returns an array of Unicode code points for the string" do "español".localize.code_points.should == [0x65, 0x73, 0x70, 0x61, 0xF1, 0x6F, 0x6C] end end describe "#each_char" do it "iterates over each character in the string if a block is given" do index = 0 str = "twitter" str.localize.each_char do |char| str.chars.to_a[index].should == char index += 1 end end it "returns an enumerator if no block is given" do "twitter".localize.each_char.should be_a(Enumerator) end it "responds to a few other methods from Enumerable" do upcased = "twitter".localize.map { |letter| letter.upcase } upcased.size.should == 7 upcased.join.should == "TWITTER" "twitter".localize.inject("") { |str, letter| str = "#{letter}#{str}"; str }.should == "rettiwt" end end describe "#to_yaml" do it "should be able to successfully roundtrip the string" do YAML.load("coolio".localize.to_yaml).should == "coolio" YAML.load("coolió".localize.to_yaml).should == "coolió" end end describe "#to_bidi" do it "should return an instance of TwitterCldr::Shared::Bidi" do "abc".localize.to_bidi.should be_a(TwitterCldr::Shared::Bidi) end end describe "#to_reordered_s" do it "should reverse the order a basic RTL string" do str = "{0} \331\210 {1}".gsub("{0}", "a").gsub("{1}", "b") chars = str.chars.to_a chars.first.should == "a" chars.last.should == "b" result = str.localize.to_reordered_s(:direction => :RTL) result_chars = result.chars.to_a result_chars.first.should == "b" result_chars.last.should == "a" end end end