#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'open-uri' require 'active_record' require 'optparse' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/swivel2' SWIVEL_URL = "http://inviteonly.swivel.com" SWIVELRC = <<-EOS Your API key is read from ~/.swivelrc: You need a ~/.swivelrc file before you can use this program! The contents of your swivelrc file should look like this: --- !ruby/struct:Swivel2::Config site: https://x:@api.swivel.com timeout_read: 500 timeout_write: 1_000 extra_params: { noviews: true } EOS EXAMPLES = <<-EOS Examples: Upload a data set $ cat data.csv | #{$0} upload 1234567 Append data to data set with id 1234567 $ cat more_data.csv | #{$0} append 1234567 Replace underlying data for data set with id 1234567 $ cat new_data.csv | #{$0} replace 1234567 EOS # todo: allow users to input their api instead of editing a resource file but let them know api can be changed in the resource file options = Hash.new config = begin Swivel2::Config.load rescue Errno::ENOENT puts SWIVELRC exit end class SwivelHelper def initialize config @swivel = Swivel2::Connection.new config end def upload name, data, options = Hash.new opts = { 'data_set[name]' => name, 'data_set[citation]' => $0, 'data_set[public]' => 0, 'file[data]' => data } opts.merge! 'file[types]' => options[:types] if options[:types] opts.merge! 'file[headings]' => options[:headings] if options[:headings] opts.merge! 'file[sep]' => options[:sep] if options[:sep] data_set = @swivel.post '/data_sets', opts puts "uploaded #{data_set.id}" data_set.id end def append id, options = Hash.new opts = { 'file[mode]' => 'append', 'file[data]' => read(options[:filename]) } data_set = update id, opts puts "appended #{data_set.id}" end def replace id, data, options = Hash.new opts = { 'file[mode]' => 'replace', 'file[data]' => data } data_set = update id, opts puts "replaced #{data_set.id}" end private def update id, options @swivel.put "/data_sets/#{id}", options end def read filename = nil if filename open filename do |f| f.readlines.join end else readlines.join end end end class SqlTable attr_accessor :server, :port, :socket, :username, :password, :database, :table, :sql, :random_table, :data, :data_set_name, :data_set_id, :last_sync_time INPUT_CONSTS = { :server => ['Enter Mysql Server Host Address','','localhost'], :port => ['Enter Mysql Port','12345','3306'], :socket => ['Enter Mysql Socket Path','/tmp/mysql.socket','/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'], :username => ['Enter Mysql Username',"'bob'@'app01.xyz.com'","'root'@'localhost'"], :password => ['Enter Mysql Password If Needed',"mypassword123",""], :database => ['Enter Mysql Database Name',"db01","test"], :table => ['The above are the tables in the database you specified\nEnter the name of the table to sync to Swivel',"users",""], :sql => ['Customize your sql statement if needed (or press enter for default)','select name, address, date from users_table',''], :data_set_name => ['Enter the data set name to use in Swivel for this data','weather forecast year 2008 data',''] } MYSQL_TO_SWIVEL_TYPE = {} def input var, default_val = nil sym = var.to_sym default_val ||= INPUT_CONSTS[sym][2] puts '' puts INPUT_CONSTS[sym][0] puts " example: #{INPUT_CONSTS[sym][1]}" puts " default: #{default_val}" print '>' val = gets.chomp val = default_val if val.blank? self.send("#{sym.to_s}=", val) end def connect ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( :adapter => "mysql", :host => @server.chomp, :username => @username.chomp, :password => @password.chomp, :port => @port.chomp.to_i, :socket => @socket.chomp, :database => @database.chomp ) end def list_tables r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('show tables') h = r.all_hashes puts '' puts 'Listing all Tables in the Database Specified' h.each do |t| puts " #{t.values.first}" end @random_table = h.last.values.first end def list_fields r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("show create table #{@table}") h = r.all_hashes puts '' puts "Listing structure of table #{@table}" puts "#{h.first['Create Table']}" end def extract_data r = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(@sql) fs = r.fetch_fields # do field mapping here so no autoestimation buffer = StringIO.new #titles buffer << fs.map(&:name).join("\t") buffer << "\n" #data r.each do |row| next if row.all? &:blank? buffer << row.join("\t").gsub('"','').gsub("'",'').gsub("\n",'') buffer << "\n" end @data = buffer.string puts '' puts "#{r.num_rows} rows of data ready to upload to Swivel" end end class Mysql2Swivel def initialize(config) @helper = SwivelHelper.new config @sqltables = [] @sqltables = File.open("mysql2swivel.yml") do |f| YAML.load(f) end if File.exist?('mysql2swivel.yml') end def display_syncs_detailed puts '' puts '' puts "There are currently #{@sqltables.size} mysql datastreams syncing to swivel" puts '-----------------------------------------' @sqltables.each_with_index do |s,i| puts "[#{i}] dataset name: #{s.data_set_name}" puts " swivel dataset id: #{s.data_set_id}" puts " url: #{SWIVEL_URL}/data_sets/#{s.data_set_id}" puts " last updated at: #{s.last_sync_time}" puts " data from:" puts " host: #{s.server} db: #{s.database} table: #{s.table}" puts " sql: #{s.sql}" puts '-----------------------------------------' end end def display_syncs puts '' puts '' puts "There are currently #{@sqltables.size} mysql datastreams syncing to swivel" puts '-----------------------------------------' @sqltables.each_with_index do |s,i| puts "[#{i}] dataset name: #{s.data_set_name} last sync: #{s.last_sync_time.to_s}" puts '-----------------------------------------' end end def cron_info puts 'all the datastreams above will update and sync with the dataset in Swivel' puts 'when you run this script with the -update option' puts "you can add the script to your cron jobs for regular updates" puts " example: to run the updates everyday at 4am add following line to your crontab" puts " 0 4 * * * mysql2swivel -update" end def main_menu exit = false verbose = false while !exit verbose ? display_syncs_detailed : display_syncs cron_info unless @sqltables.blank? puts "You can (A)dd or (D)elete a datastream from mysql, (T)oggle verbose or (Q)uit" print ">" command = gets if command.downcase.starts_with? 'a' add elsif command.downcase.starts_with? 'd' delete elsif command.downcase.starts_with? 'q' exit = true elsif command.downcase.starts_with? 't' verbose = !verbose else puts '' puts "'#{command}' is not a valid action!" end save end end def add puts 'Adding a mysql datastream' sqltable = SqlTable.new sqltable.input :server sqltable.input :port sqltable.input :socket sqltable.input :username sqltable.input :password sqltable.input :database sqltable.connect sqltable.list_tables sqltable.input :table, sqltable.random_table sqltable.list_fields sqltable.input :sql, "select * from #{sqltable.table}" sqltable.extract_data sqltable.input :data_set_name puts 'uploading...' sqltable.data_set_id = @helper.upload sqltable.data_set_name, sqltable.data sqltable.last_sync_time = Time.now sqltable.data = nil puts "data successfully uploaded to Swivel" sleep 2 puts "the swivel dataset can be found at #{SWIVEL_URL}/data_sets/#{sqltable.data_set_id}" sleep 2 puts "the data source has also been setup to update when you run this script with -update option" @sqltables << sqltable sleep 5 end def delete display_syncs_detailed puts 'give index of the datastream to delete:' print '>' index = gets.to_i s = @sqltables.delete_at index puts '' puts "#{s.data_set_name} deleted" sleep 3 end def save @sqltables.each{|s|s.data = nil} File.open("mysql2swivel.yml",'w') do |f| YAML.dump(@sqltables, f) end end def update @sqltables.each do |s| begin s.connect s.extract_data @helper.replace s.data_set_id.to_i, s.data s.last_sync_time = Time.now rescue Exception => e puts "dataset #{s.data_set_name} with id #{s.data_set_id} did not update due to error: #{e.message}" end end save end end r = Mysql2Swivel.new config if ARGV.blank? r.main_menu elsif ARGV.first.downcase.starts_with?('-u') r.update else puts 'run script with no options to setup datastreams' puts 'use -update option to sync all previously setup datastreams' end