// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('system/core_query'); sc_require('system/ready'); sc_require('system/root_responder'); sc_require('system/platform'); SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION = 'portrait'; SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION = 'landscape'; SC.NO_ORIENTATION = 'desktop'; // value 'desktop' for backwards compatibility /** The device object allows you to check device specific properties such as orientation and if the device is offline, as well as observe when they change state. h1. Orientation When a touch device changes orientation, the orientation property will be set accordingly which you can observe h1. Offline support In order to build a good offline-capable web application, you need to know when your app has gone offline so you can for instance queue your server requests for a later time or provide a specific UI/message. Similarly, you also need to know when your application has returned to an 'online' state again, so that you can re-synchronize with the server or do anything else that might be needed. By observing the 'isOffline' property you can be notified when this state changes. Note that this property is only connected to the navigator.onLine property, which is available on most modern browsers. */ SC.device = SC.Object.create({ /** Sets the orientation for touch devices, either SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION or SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION. Will be SC.NO_ORIENTATION in the case of non-touch devices that are also not simulating touch events. @property {String} @default SC.NO_ORIENTATION */ orientation: SC.NO_ORIENTATION, /** Indicates whether the device is currently online or offline. For browsers that do not support this feature, the default value is NO. Is currently inverse of the navigator.onLine property. Most modern browsers will update this property when switching to or from the browser's Offline mode, and when losing/regaining network connectivity. @property {Boolean} @default NO */ isOffline: NO, /** Returns a Point containing the last known X and Y coordinates of the mouse, if present. @property {Point} */ mouseLocation: function() { var responder = SC.RootResponder.responder, lastX = responder._lastMoveX, lastY = responder._lastMoveY; if (SC.empty(lastX) || SC.empty(lastY)) { return null; } return { x: lastX, y: lastY }; }.property(), /** Initialize the object with some properties up front */ init: function() { sc_super(); if (navigator && navigator.onLine === false) { this.set('isOffline', YES); } }, /** As soon as the DOM is up and running, make sure we attach necessary event handlers */ setup: function() { var responder = SC.RootResponder.responder; responder.listenFor('online offline'.w(), window, this); this.orientationHandlingShouldChange(); }, // .......................................................... // ORIENTATION HANDLING // /** Determines which method to use for orientation changes. Either detects orientation changes via the current size of the window, or by the window.onorientationchange event. */ orientationHandlingShouldChange: function() { if (SC.platform.windowSizeDeterminesOrientation) { SC.Event.remove(window, 'orientationchange', this, this.orientationchange); this.windowSizeDidChange(SC.RootResponder.responder.get('currentWindowSize')); } else if (SC.platform.supportsOrientationChange) { SC.Event.add(window, 'orientationchange', this, this.orientationchange); this.orientationchange(); } }, /** @param {Hash} newSize The new size of the window @returns YES if the method altered the orientation, NO otherwise */ windowSizeDidChange: function(newSize) { if (SC.platform.windowSizeDeterminesOrientation) { if (!SC.browser.iOS) { // in any browser other than iOS, use height vs. width test SC.run(function() { if (SC.platform.touch) { if (newSize.height >= newSize.width) { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION); } else { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION); } } else { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.NO_ORIENTATION); } }); } else { // in mobile safari, because some of its chrome can make the // above match landscape falsely, we compare to screen.width SC.run(function() { if (newSize.width === window.screen.width) { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION); } else { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION); } }); } return YES; } return NO; }, /** Called when the window.onorientationchange event is fired. */ orientationchange: function(evt) { SC.run(function() { if (window.orientation === 0 || window.orientation === 180) { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION); } else { SC.device.set('orientation', SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION); } }); }, orientationObserver: function(){ var body = SC.$(document.body), orientation = this.get('orientation'); if (orientation === SC.PORTRAIT_ORIENTATION) { body.addClass('portrait'); } else { body.removeClass('portrait'); } if (orientation === SC.LANDSCAPE_ORIENTATION) { body.addClass('landscape'); } else { body.removeClass('landscape'); } }.observes('orientation'), // .......................................................... // CONNECTION HANDLING // online: function(evt) { this.set('isOffline', NO); }, offline: function(evt) { this.set('isOffline', YES); } }); /* Invoked when the document is ready, but before main is called. Creates an instance and sets up event listeners as needed. */ SC.ready(function() { SC.device.setup() ; });