module Vacuum # A wrapper around the request to the Amazon Product Advertising API. class Request # The latest Amazon API version. CURRENT_API_VERSION = '2011-08-01' # A list of Amazon endpoints. HOSTS = { :ca => '', :cn => '', :de => '', :es => '', :fr => '', :it => '', :jp => '', :uk => '', :us => '' } # Creates a new request for given locale and credentials. # # @param [Hash] options # @option opts [#to_sym] :locale An Amazon locale # @option opts [String] :key An Amazon AWS access key ID # @option opts [String] :secret An Amazon AWS access secret key # @option opts [String] :tag An Amazon Associate tag # @raise [MissingKey] An Amazon AWS access key ID was not given # @raise [MissingSecret] An Amazon AWS secret key was not given # @raise [MissingTag] An Amazon Associate tag was not given # @return [self] def initialize(options) _reset! locale = (options[:locale] || :us).to_sym @host = HOSTS[locale] or raise BadLocale @key = options[:key] or raise MissingKey @secret = options[:secret] or raise MissingSecret @tag = options[:tag] or raise MissingTag end # Merges given parameters into the request query. # # @param [Hash] hsh Pairs of keys and values # @return [self] def build(hsh) hsh.each do |k, v| @params[k] = v.is_a?(Array) ? v.join(',') : v.to_s end self end # Replaces the request query with given parameters. # # see(#build) def build!(hsh = {}) _reset! build hsh end # Performs a request. # # @return [Vacuum::Response] A response def get res = Net::HTTP.get_response(url), res.code) end # @return [Hash] The parameters that make up the request query. def params _default_params.merge(@params) end # @return [URI::HTTP] The URL for the API request def url :host => @host, :path => '/onca/xml', :query => _query_string end private def _default_params default = { 'AWSAccessKeyId' => @key, 'AssociateTag' => @tag, 'Service' => 'AWSECommerceService', 'Timestamp' => _timestamp, 'Version' => CURRENT_API_VERSION } end def _escape(value) value.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-]+)/) do '%' + $1.unpack('H2' * $1.bytesize).join('%').upcase end end def _query_string qs = { |k, v| "#{k}=" + _escape(v) }.join('&') # Sign query string. dig = 'sha256' req = ['GET', @host, '/onca/xml', qs] hmac = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest dig, @secret, req.join("\n") sig = _escape [hmac].pack('m').chomp "#{qs}&Signature=#{sig}" end def _reset! @params = {} end def _timestamp end end end