module Alchemy
module PagesHelper
include Alchemy::BaseHelper
include Alchemy::ElementsHelper
include Alchemy::DeprecatedPagesHelper
def picture_essence_caption(content)
# Renders links to language root pages of all published languages.
# @option options linkname [String] ('name')
# Renders name/code of language, or I18n translation for code.
# @option options show_title [Boolean] (true)
# Renders title attributes for the links.
# @option options spacer [String] ('')
# Renders the passed spacer string. You can also overwrite the spacer partial: "alchemy/language_links/_spacer".
# @option options reverse [Boolean] (false)
# Reverses the ordering of the links.
def language_links(options = {})
options = {
linkname: 'name',
show_title: true,
spacer: '',
reverse: false
languages = Language.on_current_site.published.with_root_page.order("name #{options[:reverse] ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'}")
return nil if languages.count < 2
partial: "alchemy/language_links/language",
collection: languages,
spacer_template: "alchemy/language_links/spacer",
locals: {languages: languages, options: options}
# Renders the layout for current page.
# Page layout files belongs in +/app/views/alchemy/page_layouts/+
# Falls back to +/app/views/alchemy/page_layouts/standard+ if the page_layout partial is not found.
def render_page_layout
render @page, page: @page
rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate
warning("PageLayout: '#{@page.page_layout}' not found. Rendering standard page_layout.")
render 'alchemy/page_layouts/standard', page: @page
# Renders a partial for current site
# Place a rails partial into +app/views/alchemy/site_layouts+
# and name it like your site name.
# == Example:
# <%= render_site_layout %>
# renders +app/views/alchemy/site_layouts/_default_site.html.erb+ for the site named "Default Site".
def render_site_layout
render current_alchemy_site
rescue ActionView::MissingTemplate
warning("Site layout for #{current_alchemy_site.try(:name)} not found. Please run `rails g alchemy:site_layouts`")
return ""
# Renders the navigation.
# It produces a html
structure with all necessary classes so you can produce every navigation the web uses today.
# I.E. dropdown-navigations, simple mainnavigations or even complex nested ones.
# === HTML output:
# As you can see: Everything you need.
# Not pleased with the way Alchemy produces the navigation structure?
# Then feel free to overwrite the partials (_renderer.html.erb and _link.html.erb) found in +views/navigation/+ or pass different partials via the options +:navigation_partial+ and +:navigation_link_partial+.
# === Passing HTML classes and ids to the renderer
# A second hash can be passed as html_options to the navigation renderer partial.
# ==== Example:
# <%= render_navigation({from_page: 'subnavi'}, {class: 'navigation', id: 'subnavigation'}) %>
# @option options submenu [Boolean] (false)
# Do you want a nested - structure for the deeper levels of your navigation, or not?
# Used to display the subnavigation within the mainnaviagtion. I.e. for dropdown menues.
# @option options all_sub_menues [Boolean] (false)
# Renders the whole page tree.
# @option options from_page [Alchemy::Page] (@root_page)
# Do you want to render a navigation from a different page then the current page?
# Then pass an Page instance or a Alchemy::PageLayout name as string.
# @option options spacer [String] (nil)
# A spacer for the entries can be passed.
# Simple string, or even a complex html structure.
# I.e: "|".
# @option options navigation_partial [String] ("navigation/renderer")
# Pass a different partial to be taken for the navigation rendering.
# Alternatively you could override the +app/views/alchemy/navigation/renderer+ partial in your app.
# @option options navigation_link_partial [String] ("navigation/link")
# Alchemy places an html link in
- tags.
# The tag automatically has an active css class if necessary.
# So styling is everything. But maybe you don't want this.
# So feel free to make you own partial and pass the filename here.
# Alternatively you could override the +app/views/alchemy/navigation/link+ partial in your app.
# @option options show_nonactive [Boolean] (false)
# Commonly Alchemy only displays the submenu of the active page (if submenu: true).
# If you want to display all child pages then pass true (together with submenu: true of course).
# I.e. for css-driven drop down menues.
# @option options show_title [Boolean] (true)
# For our beloved SEOs :)
# Appends a title attribute to all links and places the +page.title+ content into it.
# @option options restricted_only [Boolean] (false)
# Render only restricted pages. I.E for members only navigations.
# @option options reverse [Boolean] (false)
# Reverse the output of the pages
# @option options reverse_children [Boolean] (false)
# Like reverse option, but only reverse the children of the first level
# @option options deepness [Fixnum] (nil)
# Show only pages up to this depth.
def render_navigation(options = {}, html_options = {})
options = {
submenu: false,
all_sub_menues: false,
from_page: @root_page || Language.current_root_page,
spacer: nil,
navigation_partial: 'alchemy/navigation/renderer',
navigation_link_partial: 'alchemy/navigation/link',
show_nonactive: false,
restricted_only: false,
show_title: true,
reverse: false,
reverse_children: false
page = page_or_find(options[:from_page])
return nil if page.blank?
pages = page.children.accessible_by(current_ability, :see)
pages = pages.restricted if options.delete(:restricted_only)
if depth = options[:deepness]
pages = pages.where("#{Page.table_name}.depth <= #{depth}")
if options[:reverse]
render options[:navigation_partial],
options: options,
pages: pages,
html_options: html_options
# Renders navigation the children and all siblings of the given page (standard is the current page).
# Use this helper if you want to render the subnavigation independent from the mainnavigation. I.E. to place it in a different area on your website.
# This helper passes all its options to the the render_navigation helper.
# === Options:
# from_page: @page # The page to render the navigation from
# submenu: true # Shows the nested children
# level: 2 # Normally there is no need to change the level parameter, just in a few special cases
def render_subnavigation(options = {}, html_options = {})
default_options = {
from_page: @page,
submenu: true,
level: 2
options = default_options.merge(options)
if !options[:from_page].nil?
while options[:from_page].level > options[:level]
options[:from_page] = options[:from_page].parent
render_navigation(options, html_options)
return nil
# Returns true if page is in the active branch
def page_active?(page)
@_page_ancestors ||= Page.ancestors_for(@page)
# Returns +'active'+ if the given external page is in the current url path or +nil+.
def external_page_css_class(page)
return nil if !page.redirects_to_external?
request.path.split('/').delete_if(&:blank?).first == page.urlname.gsub(/^\//, '') ? 'active' : nil
# Returns page links in a breadcrumb beginning from root to current page.
# === Options:
# separator: %(>) # Maybe you don't want this separator. Pass another one.
# page: @page # Pass a different Page instead of the default (@page).
# without: nil # Pass Page object or array of Pages that must not be displayed.
# restricted_only: false # Pass boolean for displaying restricted pages only.
# reverse: false # Pass boolean for displaying breadcrumb in reversed reversed.
def render_breadcrumb(options = {})
options = {
separator: ">",
page: @page,
restricted_only: false,
reverse: false,
link_active_page: false
pages = Page.
accessible_by(current_ability, :see)
if options.delete(:restricted_only)
pages = pages.restricted
if options.delete(:reverse)
if options[:without].present?
if options[:without].class == Array
pages = pages.to_a - options[:without]
render 'alchemy/breadcrumb/wrapper', pages: pages, options: options
# Returns current page title
# === Options:
# prefix: "" # Prefix
# separator: "" # Separating prefix and title
def page_title(options = {})
return "" if @page.title.blank?
options = {
prefix: "",
separator: ""
title_parts = [options[:prefix]]
if response.status == 200
title_parts << @page.title
title_parts << response.status
def meta_description
@page.meta_description.presence || Language.current_root_page.try(:meta_description)
def meta_keywords
@page.meta_keywords.presence || Language.current_root_page.try(:meta_keywords)
def meta_robots
"#{@page.robot_index? ? '' : 'no'}index, #{@page.robot_follow? ? '' : 'no'}follow"
# Renders the partial for the cell with the given name of the current page.
# Cell partials are located in +app/views/cells/+ of your project.
# === Options are:
# from_page: Alchemy::Page # Alchemy::Page object from which the elements are rendered from.
# locals: Hash # Hash of variables that will be available in the partial. Example: {user: var1, product: var2}
def render_cell(name, options = {})
default_options = {
from_page: @page,
locals: {}
options = default_options.merge(options)
cell = options[:from_page].cells.find_by_name(name)
return "" if cell.blank?
render partial: "alchemy/cells/#{name}", locals: {cell: cell}.merge(options[:locals])
# Returns true or false if no elements are in the cell found by name.
def cell_empty?(name)
cell = @page.cells.find_by_name(name)
return true if cell.blank?