module Cloudist module EMTimerUtils def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods # Trap exceptions leaving the block and log them. Do not re-raise def trap_exceptions yield rescue => e em_exception(e) end def em_exception(e) msg = format_em_exception(e) log.error "[EM.timer] #{msg}", :exception => e end def format_em_exception(e) # avoid backtrace in /usr or vendor if possible system, app = e.backtrace.partition { |b| b =~ /(^\/usr\/|vendor)/ } reordered_backtrace = app + system # avoid "/" as the method name (we want the controller action) row = 0 row = 1 if reordered_backtrace[row].match(/in `\/'$/) # get file and method name begin file, method = reordered_backtrace[row].match(/(.*):in `(.*)'$/)[1..2] file.gsub!(/.*\//, '') "#{e.class} in #{file} #{method}: #{e.message}" rescue "#{e.class} in #{e.backtrace.first}: #{e.message}" end end # One-shot timer def timer(duration, &blk) EM.add_timer(duration) { trap_exceptions(&blk) } end # Add a periodic timer. If the now argument is true, run the block # immediately in addition to scheduling the periodic timer. def periodic_timer(duration, now=false, &blk) timer(1, &blk) if now EM.add_periodic_timer(duration) { trap_exceptions(&blk) } end end def timer(*args, &blk); self.class.timer(*args, &blk); end def periodic_timer(*args, &blk); self.class.periodic_timer(*args, &blk); end end end