ziya by Fernand Galiana ziya.rubyforge.org == RELEASES 2.0.0 - Added support for XML/SWF 5.02 2.0.1 - Additional support for 5.02 + Added donut chart from 5.03 2.0.2 - Changed logging required to 0.9.X - Update to xml/swf 5.0.4 2.0.3 - README file update - Thanks to Paul James ! 2.0.4 - Fixed missing encoding on composite urls == DESCRIPTION: ZiYa allows you to easily display graphs in your ruby based applications by leveraging SWF Charts (http://www.maani.us/xml_charts/index.php) and SWF gauges (http://www.maani.us/gauge/index.php). This gem bundles version 5.03 and 1.6 of these flash libraries. Incorporating flash graphs or gauge in your app relieves the server by allowing for delegating graph rendering to the client side. Using this gem, you will be able to easily create great looking charts for your application. You will also be able to use the charts or gauges has a navigation scheme by embedding various link in the graphical components thus bring to the table an ideal scheme for reporting and dashboard like applications. Your managers will love you for it !! Checkout the demo: http://ziya.liquidrail.com Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axIMmMHdXzo ( Out of date but you'll get the basics... ) Documentation : http://ziya.liquidrail.com/docs Forum : http://groups.google.com/group/ziya-plugin == FEATURES: * Allows you to style your charts just like you would an html page using css styles philosophy. Each chart can be associated with a YAML file that allows you to specify preferences based on SWF Charts properties. Chart style sheet reside under public/charts/themes. By default all styling resides under the 'default' directory. Each chart type may have an associated YAML file. You can either inherit the default styles or define your own by specifying an id when you create your graph. The styles will cascade thru your graph class hierarchy and override default preferences as you would in a style sheet. NOTE: XML/SWF charts are free of charge unless you need to use special features such as embedded links and printing. The package cost $45 per domain and is well worth the investment. A similar fee applies to the gauge framework. * We are leveraging ERB within the YAML file to provide access to the chart/gauge state. State can be passed in via the options hash when the graph/gauge is generated. You can also define your own methods in helpers/ziya/xxx_helper. Where xxYou can access these helper methods in your style file just like you would in a rails template. * Theme support. You can change the appearance and behavior of any charts by introducing new themes under the public/charts/themes directory. == SYNOPSIS: IMPORTANT: This new gem version requires a client update to flash 9.0 and possibly you will need to get a new license from XML/SWF ( $45.0 for your domain ), if you want to use advanced features like links and live updates. Also some api's have changed. I will try to push a new sample application and more docs in the next few weeks. So make sure you try this out first in a non production environment and report bugs or side effects. I'll do my best to keep up with the demand. If anyone would like to give me a hand with a tutorial app or improving the docs, I am all hears... When using within a rails application you will need to create a ziya.rb file in your config/initializers directory ( Rails 2.0 ) ziya.rb: # Pull in the ZiYa gem framework gem "ziya", "~> 2.0.0" require 'ziya' # Initializes the ZiYa Framework Ziya.initialize( :logger => RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, :helpers_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. app helpers ziya] ), :themes_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. public charts themes]) ) This will initialize the gem. You can log the output to stdout as well using the ZiYa bundled logger or specify a file ie File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. log ziya.log]. If you choose to use the ZiYa logger, you can specify the :log_level option to either :warn :info :debug or :error. You will need to indicate your themes directory typically located under public/charts/themes or any location you'll choose. Otherwise ZiYa will used the default themes from < { render :xml => chart.to_xml } end end blee/index.html.erb <%= ziya_chart load_chart_url, :size => "300x200" -%> config/routes.rb # Creates a named route for the chart. map.load_chart '/blee/load_chart', :controller => 'blee', :action => 'load_chart' * Creating a gauge You will need to modify the ziya initializer and add the following directive Ziya.initialize( :logger => RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, :helpers_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. app helpers ziya] ), :designs_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. public gauges designs] ), # => Add this !! :themes_dir => File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. public charts themes]) ) fred_controller.rb class FredController < ApplicationController def load_gauge gauge = Ziya::Gauges::Base.new( @license_key, 'my_gauge' ) respond_to do |fmt| fmt.xml => { render :xml => gauge.to_xml } end end end fred/index.html.erb <%= ziya_gauge load_gauge_url, :size => "300x200" -%> config/routes.rb # Creates a named route for the chart. map.load_gauge '/fred/load_gauge', :controller => 'fred', :action => 'load_gauge' public/gauges/designs/my_gauge.yml In the design file you will leverage the components defined in the Ziya::Gauges::Support package to create your gauge desgins. You gauges can be animated using rotate, scale and move operations. In this example we will create a volume control that will rotate to the desired position. In real life you will fetch the volume level from your models to set the desired position. Take a look at the ZiYa sample application for the various possibilities. You can think of a gauge as a portable canvas element where you can draw you own designs using the various components provided ZiYa components ( No need to worry about various browsers' canvas support ) <%= gauge :base %> # specifies the number of ticks to draw in a circular fashion <%= dial :radial_ticks, :volume %> x: 100 y: 75 radius: 35 length: 4 start_angle: 235 end_angle: 485 ticks: 10 thickness: 2 color: 000000 # rotates the volume to the desired position. <%= dial :rotate, :volume_setting %> x: 100 y: 75 start: 300 span: 160 step: 5 skake_span: 20 shadow_alpha: 20 shadow_x_offset: 3 shadow_y_offset: 3 <%= dials %> <%= dial :circle, :circle_1 %> x: 100 y: 75 radius: 30 fill_color: 777777 line_thickness: 5 line_alpha: 75 <%= dial :circle, :circle_2 %> x: 100 y: 55 radius: 5 fill_alpha: 80 == REQUIREMENTS: ZiYa depends on the logging gem version > 0.9.0 == INSTALL: sudo gem install ziya cd to your application directory and issue the following command > ziyafy This will copy the necessary themes and flash files to run ziya in your application public/charts directory. == LICENSE: (The MIT License) Copyright (c) 2008 FIXME (different license?) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.