require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') module Thor::Util def self.clear_user_home! @@user_home = nil end end describe Thor::Util do describe "#find_by_namespace" do it "returns 'default' if no namespace is given" do Thor::Util.find_by_namespace('').should == Scripts::MyDefaults end it "adds 'default' if namespace starts with :" do Thor::Util.find_by_namespace(':child').should == Scripts::ChildDefault end it "returns nil if the namespace can't be found" do Thor::Util.find_by_namespace('thor:core_ext:ordered_hash').should be_nil end it "returns a class if it matches the namespace" do Thor::Util.find_by_namespace('app:broken:counter').should == BrokenCounter end it "matches classes default namespace" do Thor::Util.find_by_namespace('scripts:my_script').should == Scripts::MyScript end end describe "#namespace_from_thor_class" do it "replaces constant nesting with task namespacing" do Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class("Foo::Bar::Baz").should == "foo:bar:baz" end it "snake-cases component strings" do Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class("FooBar::BarBaz::BazBoom").should == "foo_bar:bar_baz:baz_boom" end it "accepts class and module objects" do Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class(Thor::CoreExt::OrderedHash).should == "thor:core_ext:ordered_hash" Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class(Thor::Util).should == "thor:util" end it "removes Thor::Sandbox namespace" do Thor::Util.namespace_from_thor_class("Thor::Sandbox::Package").should == "package" end end describe "#namespaces_in_content" do it "returns an array of names of constants defined in the string" do list = Thor::Util.namespaces_in_content("class Foo; class Bar < Thor; end; end; class Baz; class Bat; end; end") list.should include("foo:bar") list.should_not include("bar:bat") end it "doesn't put the newly-defined constants in the enclosing namespace" do Thor::Util.namespaces_in_content("class Blat; end") defined?(Blat).should_not be defined?(Thor::Sandbox::Blat).should be end end describe "#snake_case" do it "preserves no-cap strings" do Thor::Util.snake_case("foo").should == "foo" Thor::Util.snake_case("foo_bar").should == "foo_bar" end it "downcases all-caps strings" do Thor::Util.snake_case("FOO").should == "foo" Thor::Util.snake_case("FOO_BAR").should == "foo_bar" end it "downcases initial-cap strings" do Thor::Util.snake_case("Foo").should == "foo" end it "replaces camel-casing with underscores" do Thor::Util.snake_case("FooBarBaz").should == "foo_bar_baz" Thor::Util.snake_case("Foo_BarBaz").should == "foo_bar_baz" end it "places underscores between multiple capitals" do Thor::Util.snake_case("ABClass").should == "a_b_class" end end describe "#find_class_and_task_by_namespace" do it "returns a Thor::Group class if full namespace matches" do Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("my_counter").should == [MyCounter, nil] end it "returns a Thor class if full namespace matches" do Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("thor").should == [Thor, nil] end it "returns a Thor class and the task name" do Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("thor:help").should == [Thor, "help"] end it "falls back in the namespace:task look up even if a full namespace does not match" do Thor.const_set(:Help, Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("thor:help").should == [Thor, "help"] Thor.send :remove_const, :Help end it "falls back on the default namespace class if nothing else matches" do Thor::Util.find_class_and_task_by_namespace("test").should == [Scripts::MyDefaults, "test"] end end describe "#thor_classes_in" do it "returns thor classes inside the given class" do Thor::Util.thor_classes_in(MyScript).should == [MyScript::AnotherScript] Thor::Util.thor_classes_in(MyScript::AnotherScript).should be_empty end end describe "#user_home" do before(:each) do ENV.stub!(:[]) Thor::Util.clear_user_home! end it "returns the user path if none variable is set on the environment" do Thor::Util.user_home.should == File.expand_path("~") end it "returns the *unix system path if file cannot be expanded and separator does not exist" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with("~").and_raise(RuntimeError) previous_value = File::ALT_SEPARATOR capture(:stderr){ File.const_set(:ALT_SEPARATOR, false) } Thor::Util.user_home.should == "/" capture(:stderr){ File.const_set(:ALT_SEPARATOR, previous_value) } end it "returns the windows system path if file cannot be expanded and a separator exists" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with("~").and_raise(RuntimeError) previous_value = File::ALT_SEPARATOR capture(:stderr){ File.const_set(:ALT_SEPARATOR, true) } Thor::Util.user_home.should == "C:/" capture(:stderr){ File.const_set(:ALT_SEPARATOR, previous_value) } end it "returns HOME/.thor if set" do ENV.stub!(:[]).with("HOME").and_return("/home/user/") Thor::Util.user_home.should == "/home/user/" end it "returns path with HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH if set" do ENV.stub!(:[]).with("HOMEDRIVE").and_return("D:/") ENV.stub!(:[]).with("HOMEPATH").and_return("Documents and Settings/James") Thor::Util.user_home.should == "D:/Documents and Settings/James" end it "returns APPDATA/.thor if set" do ENV.stub!(:[]).with("APPDATA").and_return("/home/user/") Thor::Util.user_home.should == "/home/user/" end end end