# encoding: utf-8 # Given the four transition types (TS, Ts, tS, ts), transition construction # is not an easy task. Having convenient constructor syntax is an important # part of the functionality of the Transition class. Construction related # functionality is thus gathered together in this mixin. # module YPetri::Transition::ConstructionConvenience private # Checking in the arguments supplied to #initialize looks like a big job. # I won't contest to that, but let us not, that it is basically nothing # else then defining the duck type of the input argument collection. # TypeError is therefore raised if invalid collection has been supplied. # def check_in_arguments **nn, &block nn.update( action: block ) if block_given? nn.may_have :domain, syn!: [ :domain_arcs, :domain_places, :upstream, :upstream_arcs, :upstream_places ] nn.may_have :codomain, syn!: [ :codomain_arcs, :codomain_places, :downstream, :downstream_arcs, :downstream_places, :action_arcs ] nn.may_have :rate, syn!: [ :rate_closure, :propensity, :propensity_closure ] nn.may_have :action, syn!: :action_closure nn.may_have :assignment, syn!: :assignment_closure nn.may_have :stoichiometry, syn!: [ :stoichio, :s ] nn.may_have :domain_guard nn.may_have :codomain_guard # If the rate was given, the transition is timed: @timed = nn.has? :rate # If stoichiometry was given, the transition is stoichiometric: @stoichiometric = nn.has? :stoichiometry # If the assignment closure was given, the transition is of A type: @assignment_action = __assignment_action__( **nn ) # Downstream description involves the codomain, and the stochiometry # (for stoichiometric transitions only): if stoichiometric? then @codomain, @stoichiometry = __downstream_for_S__( **nn ) else @codomain = __downstream_for_s__( **nn ) end # Check in the domain first, :missing symbol may be returned if the user # has not supplied the domaing (the constructor will attempt to guessf it # automatically). @domain = __domain__( **nn ) # Upstream description involves the domain and the rate/action closure. # Also, :missing domain is taken care of here. if timed? then @domain, @rate_closure, @functional = __upstream_for_T__( **nn ) else if assignment_action? then @domain, @action_closure, @functional = __upstream_for_A__( **nn ) else @domain, @action_closure, @functional = __upstream_for_t__( **nn ) end end # Optional type guards for domain / codomain: @domain_guard, @codomain_guard = __guards__( **nn ) end # Validates that the supplied collection consists only of places of # correct type. Second optional argument customizes the error message. # def sanitize_place_collection place_collection, what_is_collection=nil c = what_is_collection ? what_is_collection.capitalize : "Collection" Array( place_collection ).map do |pl_id| begin place( pl_id ) rescue NameError raise TypeError, "#{c} member #{pl_id} does not specify a valid place!" end end.aT what_is_collection, "not contain duplicate places" do |coll| coll == coll.uniq end end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in. # def __domain__( **nn ) if nn.has? :domain then sanitize_place_collection( nn[:domain], "supplied domain" ) else if stoichiometric? then # take arcs with non-positive coefficients Hash[ @codomain.zip @stoichiometry ].delete_if { |_, c| c > 0 }.keys else :missing # may mean empty domain, or domain == codomain end end end # Private method, part of the init process for timed transitions. Also takes # care for :missing domain, if :missing. # def __upstream_for_T__( **nn ) dom = domain # this method may modify domain fail ArgumentError, "Rate and action collision!" if nn.has? :action # Let's figure the rate closure now. λ = nn[:rate] if λ.is_a? Proc then if dom == :missing then dom = λ.arity == 0 ? [] : codomain else msg = "Rate closure arity (#{λ.arity}) > domain (#{dom.size})!" fail TypeError, msg if λ.arity.abs > dom.size end else # not a Proc, must guess user's intent λ = if stoichiometric? then # standard mass action fail TypeError, "With numeric rate, domain must not be given!" if nn.has? :domain __standard_mass_action__( λ ) else # constant closure msg = "With numeric rate and no stoichio., codomain size must be 1!" fail TypeError, msg unless codomain.size == 1 lambda { λ }.tap do if dom == :missing then dom = [] # Missing domain is natural here else # but should it was supplied explicitly, it must be empty. fail TypeError, "Rate is a number, but domain non-empty!" unless domain.empty? if nn.has? :domain end end end end dom.aT_is_a Array λ.aT_is_a Proc return dom, λ, true # true here means "functional?", always true for T end # Private method, part of the init process when :rate is not given. Also # takes care for missing domain (@domain == :missing). # def __upstream_for_t__( **nn ) dom = domain # this method may modify domain funct = true # "functional?" # Was action given explicitly? if nn.has? :action then λ = nn[:action].aT_is_a Proc, "supplied :action argument" # Time to worry about the domain_missing, guess the user's intention: if dom == :missing then dom = λ.arity == 0 ? [] : codomain else msg = "Action closure arity (#{λ.arity}) > domain (#{dom.size})!" fail TypeError, msg if λ.arity.abs > dom.size end else # "functionless" funct = false λ = proc { 1 } msg = "Stoichiometry is compulsory, if no rate/action was supplied!" fail ArgumentError, msg unless stoichiometric? dom = [] # in any case, the domain is empty end return dom, λ, funct end # Private method, part of the init process for assignment transitions. # def __upstream_for_A__( **nn ) dom = domain funct = true λ = nn[:assignment].aT_is_a Proc, "supplied assignment argument" if dom == :missing then dom = λ.arity == 0 ? [] : codomain else msg = "Assignment closure arity (#{λ.arity}) > domain (#{dom.size})!" fail TypeError, msg if λ.arity.abs > dom.size end return dom, λ, funct end # Default rate closure for SR transitions whose rate is hinted as a number. # def __standard_mass_action__( num ) # assume standard mass-action law nonpositive_coeffs = stoichiometry.select { |coeff| coeff <= 0 } # the closure takes markings of the domain as its arguments -> *markings do nonpositive_coeffs.size.times.reduce num do |acc, i| marking, coeff = markings[ i ], nonpositive_coeffs[ i ] # Stoichiometry coefficients equal to zero are taken to indicate # plain factors, assuming that if these places were not involved # in the transition at all, the user would not be mentioning them. case coeff when 0 then marking * acc # coefficient 0 indicates plain factor when -1 then marking * acc # for speed, 1 gets special treatment else marking ** -coeff * acc end end end end # Private method, checking in downstream specification from the argument # field for stoichiometric transition. # def __downstream_for_S__( **oo ) codomain, stoichio = case oo[:stoichiometry] when Hash then # contains pairs { codomain place => stoichiometry coefficient } msg = "With hash-type stoichiometry, :codomain must not be given!" fail ArgumentError, msg if oo.has? :codomain oo[:stoichiometry].each_with_object [[], []] do |(cd_pl, coeff), memo| memo[0] << cd_pl memo[1] << coeff end else # array of stoichiometry coefficients msg = "With array-type stoichiometry, :codomain must be given!" fail ArgumentError, msg unless oo.has? :codomain [ oo[:codomain], Array( oo[:stoichiometry] ) ] end # enforce that stoichiometry is a collection of numbers return sanitize_place_collection( codomain, "supplied codomain" ), stoichio.aT_all_numeric( "supplied stoichiometry" ) end # Private method, checking in downstream specification from the argument # field for nonstoichiometric transition. # def __downstream_for_s__( **oo ) # codomain must be explicitly given - no way around it: fail ArgumentError, "For non-stoichiometric transitions, :codomain " + "argument is compulsory." unless oo.has? :codomain return sanitize_place_collection( oo[:codomain], "supplied codomain" ) end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in. # def __assignment_action__( **oo ) if oo.has? :assignment then if timed? then false.tap do fail TypeError, "Timed transitions may not have assignment action!" end elsif stoichiometric? then false.tap do fail TypeError, "S transitions may not have assignment action!" end else true end # ts transition with assignment keyword else false end # the default value end # Private method, part of #initialize argument checking-in # def __guards__( **oo ) if oo.has? :domain_guard then oo[:domain_guard].aT_is_a Proc, "supplied domain guard" else place_guards = domain_places.map &:guard -> dm do # constructing the default domain guard fails = [domain, dm, place_guards].transpose.map { |pl, m, guard| [ pl, m, begin; guard.( m ); true; rescue YPetri::GuardError; false end ] }.reduce [] do |memo, triple| memo << triple unless triple[2] end # TODO: Watch "Exceptional Ruby" video by Avdi Grimm. unless fails.size == 0 fail YPetri::GuardError, "Domain guard of #{self} rejects marking " + if fails.size == 1 then p, m, _ = fails[0] "#{m} of place #{p.name || p.object_id}!" else "of the following places: %s!" % Hash[ fails.map { |pl, m, _| [pl.name || pl.object_id, m] } ] end end end end end # Informs upstream places that they have been connected to this transition. # def inform_upstream_places upstream_places.each { |p| p.send :register_downstream_transition, self } end # Informs downstream places that they are connected to this transition. # def inform_downstream_places downstream_places.each { |p| p.send :register_upstream_transition, self } end end # class YPetri::Transition::ConstructionConvenience