Given "a new lexer" do @lexer = @custom_stanzas = {} @custom_events = {} @GivenPong = lambda do |with_or_without, action_id, number| number = number == "a" ? 1 : number.to_i data = case with_or_without when "with" then "Response: Pong\r\nActionID: #{action_id}\r\n\r\n" when "without" then "Response: Pong\r\n\r\n" else raise "Do not recognize preposition #{with_or_without.inspect}. Should be either 'with' or 'without'" end number.times do @lexer << data end end end Given "a version header for AMI $version" do |version| @lexer << "Asterisk Call Manager/#{version}\r\n" end Given "a normal login success with events" do @lexer << fixture('login/standard/success') end Given "a normal login success with events split into two pieces" do stanza = fixture('login/standard/success') @lexer << stanza[0...3] @lexer << stanza[3..-1] end Given "a stanza break" do @lexer << "\r\n\r\n" end Given "a multi-line Response:Follows body of $method_name" do |method_name| multi_line_response_body = send(:follows_body_text, method_name) multi_line_response = format_newlines(<<-RESPONSE + "\r\n") % multi_line_response_body Response: Follows\r Privilege: Command\r ActionID: 123123\r %s\r --END COMMAND--\r\n\r RESPONSE @lexer << multi_line_response end Given "a multi-line Response:Follows response simulating uptime" do uptime_response = "Response: Follows\r Privilege: Command\r System uptime: 46 minutes, 30 seconds\r --END COMMAND--\r\n\r\n" @lexer << uptime_response end Given "syntactically invalid $name" do |name| @lexer << send(:syntax_error_data, name) end Given /^(\d+) Pong responses with an ActionID of ([\d\w.]+)$/ do |number, action_id| "with", action_id, number end Given /^a Pong response with an ActionID of ([\d\w.]+)$/ do |action_id| "with", action_id, 1 end Given /^(\d+) Pong responses without an ActionID$/ do |number| "without",, number end Given /^a custom stanza named "(\w+)"$/ do |name| @custom_stanzas[name] = "Response: Success\r\n" end Given 'the custom stanza named "$name" has key "$key" with value "$value"' do |name,key,value| @custom_stanzas[name] << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end Given 'an AMI error whose message is "$message"' do |message| @lexer << "Response: Error\r\nMessage: #{message}\r\n\r\n" end Given 'an immediate response with text "$text"' do |text| @lexer << "#{text}\r\n\r\n" end Given 'a custom event with name "$event_name" identified by "$identifier"' do |event_name, identifer| @custom_events[identifer] = {:Event => event_name } end Given 'a custom header for event identified by "$identifier" whose key is "$key" and value is "$value"' do |identifier, key, value| @custom_events[identifier][key] = value end Given "an Authentication Required error" do @lexer << "Response: Error\r\nActionID: BPJeKqW2-SnVg-PyFs-vkXT-7AWVVPD0N3G7\r\nMessage: Authentication Required\r\n\r\n" end Given "a follows packet with a colon in it" do @lexer << follows_body_text("with_colon") end ######################################## #### WHEN ######################################## When 'the custom stanza named "$name" is added to the buffer' do |name| @lexer << (@custom_stanzas[name] + "\r\n") end When 'the custom event identified by "$identifier" is added to the buffer' do |identifier| custom_event = @custom_events[identifier].clone event_name = custom_event.delete :Event stringified_event = "Event: #{event_name}\r\n" custom_event.each_pair do |key,value| stringified_event << "#{key}: #{value}\r\n" end stringified_event << "\r\n" @lexer << stringified_event end ######################################## #### THEN ######################################## Then "the protocol should have lexed without syntax errors" do current_pointer = @lexer.send(:instance_variable_get, :@current_pointer) data_ending_pointer = @lexer.send(:instance_variable_get, :@data_ending_pointer) current_pointer.should == data_ending_pointer @lexer.syntax_errors.size.should equal(0) end Then /^the protocol should have lexed with (\d+) syntax errors?$/ do |number| @lexer.syntax_errors.size.should == number.to_i end Then "the syntax error fixture named $name should have been encountered" do |name| irregularity = send(:syntax_error_data, name) @lexer.syntax_errors.find { |error| error == irregularity }.should_not be_nil end Then /^(\d+) messages? should have been received$/ do |number_received| @lexer.received_messages.size.should == number_received.to_i end Then /^the 'follows' body of (\d+) messages? received should equal (\w+)$/ do |number, method_name| multi_line_response = follows_body_text method_name @lexer.received_messages.should_not be_empty do |message| message.text_body == multi_line_response end.size.should == number.to_i end Then "the version should be set to $version" do |version| @lexer.ami_version.should eql(version) end Then /^the ([\w\d]*) message received should have a key "([^\"]*)" with value "([^\"]*)"$/ do |ordered,key,value| ordered = ordered[/^(\d+)\w+$/, 1].to_i - 1 @lexer.received_messages[ordered][key].should eql(value) end Then "$number AMI error should have been received" do |number| @lexer.ami_errors.size.should equal(number.to_i) end Then 'the $order AMI error should have the message "$message"' do |order, message| order = order[/^(\d+)\w+$/, 1].to_i - 1 @lexer.ami_errors[order].should be_kind_of(RubyAMI::Error) @lexer.ami_errors[order].message.should eql(message) end Then '$number message should be an immediate response with text "$text"' do |number, text| matching_immediate_responses = do |response| response.kind_of?(RubyAMI::Response) && response.text_body == text end matching_immediate_responses.size.should equal(number.to_i) matching_immediate_responses.first["ActionID"].should eql(nil) end Then 'the $order event should have the name "$name"' do |order, name| order = order[/^(\d+)\w+$/, 1].to_i - 1 do |response| response.kind_of?(RubyAMI::Event) end[order].name.should eql(name) end Then '$number event should have been received' do |number| do |response| response.kind_of?(RubyAMI::Event) end.size.should equal(number.to_i) end Then 'the $order event should have key "$key" with value "$value"' do |order, key, value| order = order[/^(\d+)\w+$/, 1].to_i - 1 do |response| response.kind_of?(RubyAMI::Event) end[order][key].should eql(value) end