# Sanford's Host mixin is used to define service hosts. When mixed into a class # it provides the interface for configuring the service host and for adding # versioned services. It also contains the logic for routing a request to a # a service handler. # # Options: # * `name` - A string for naming this host. This can be used when specifying # a host with the rake tasks and will be used to name the PID # file. Defaults to the class's name. # * `ip` - The string for the ip that the TCP Server should bind to. This # defaults to ''. # * `port` - The integer for the port that the TCP Server should bind to. # This isn't defaulted and must be provided. # * `pid_dir` - The directory to write the PID file to. This is defaulted to # Dir.pwd. # * `logger` - The logger to use if the Sanford server logs messages. This is # defaulted to an instance of Ruby's Logger. # require 'logger' require 'ns-options' require 'pathname' require 'sanford/config' require 'sanford/exception_handler' require 'sanford/exceptions' require 'sanford/service_handler' module Sanford module Host # Notes: # * When Host is included on a class, it needs to mixin NsOptions and define # the options directly on the class (instead of on the Host module). # Otherwise, NsOptions will not work correctly for the class. def self.included(host_class) host_class.class_eval do include NsOptions extend Sanford::Host::Interface options :config do option :name, String, :default => host_class.to_s option :ip, String, :default => '' option :port, Integer option :pid_dir, Pathname, :default => Dir.pwd option :logger, :default => proc{ Sanford::NullLogger.new } option :exception_handler, :default => Sanford::ExceptionHandler option :versioned_services, Hash, :default => {} end end Sanford.config.hosts.add(host_class) end INTERFACE_OPTIONS = [ :name, :ip, :port, :pid_dir, :logger, :exception_handler ] # Notes: # * The `initialize` takes the values configured on the class and merges # the passed in options. This is used to set the individual instance's # configuration (which allows overwriting options like the port). def initialize(options = nil) options = self.remove_nil_values(options) config_options = self.class.config.to_hash.merge(options) self.config.apply(config_options) raise(Sanford::InvalidHostError.new(self.class)) if !self.port end INTERFACE_OPTIONS.each do |name| define_method(name) do self.config.send(name) end end def run(request) request_handler(request).run end def inspect reference = '0x0%x' % (self.object_id << 1) "#<#{self.class}:#{reference} ip=#{self.config.ip.inspect} " \ "port=#{self.config.port.inspect}>" end protected def request_handler(request) handler_class(get_handler_class_name(request)).new(self.logger, request) end def handler_class(class_name_str) self.logger.info(" Handler: #{class_name_str.inspect}") Sanford::ServiceHandler.constantize(class_name_str).tap do |handler_class| raise Sanford::NoHandlerClassError.new(self, class_name_str) if !handler_class end end def get_handler_class_name(request) services = self.config.versioned_services[request.version] || {} services[request.name].tap do |name| raise Sanford::NotFoundError if !name end end def remove_nil_values(options) (options || {}).inject({}) do |hash, (k, v)| hash.merge!({ k => v }) if !v.nil? hash end end module Interface INTERFACE_OPTIONS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args| self.config.send("#{name}=", *args) if !args.empty? self.config.send(name) end define_method("#{name}=") do |new_value| self.config.send("#{name}=", new_value) end end def version(name, &block) version_group = Sanford::Host::VersionGroup.new(name, &block) self.config.versioned_services.merge!(version_group.to_hash) end end class VersionGroup attr_reader :name, :services def initialize(name, &definition_block) @name = name @services = {} self.instance_eval(&definition_block) end def service_handler_ns(value = nil) @service_handler_ns = value if value @service_handler_ns end def service(service_name, handler_class_name) if self.service_handler_ns && !(handler_class_name =~ /^::/) handler_class_name = "#{self.service_handler_ns}::#{handler_class_name}" end @services[service_name] = handler_class_name end def to_hash { self.name => self.services } end end end end