require 'spec_helper' describe FileAttachmentsController do def flash_now controller.instance_eval{flash.stub!(:sweep)} end def mock_container @mock_container ||= mock_model(FileAttachment) end def mock_file_attachment @mock_file_attachment ||= mock_model(FileAttachment, { :uploaded_file => some_file, :filepath= => nil, :name => 'what', :attachable_id =>, :attachable_type => mock_container.class, :attachable => mock_container, :save => true }) end def some_file fixture_file_upload(File.join(Rails.root.to_s, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'somefile.txt'), 'text/plain') end describe "when logged in as admin" do before do FileAttachment.stub(:new).and_return(mock_file_attachment) @params = { :description => "blah blah", :name => "agenda", :uploaded_file => some_file, :container => "MockContainer_#{}" } end context "http upload" do context "no file is selected for upload" do it "redirects to the home page if no file was uploaded" do post :create, :file_attachment => {} response.should redirect_to(file_attachments_path(:std => 1)) end it "sets a flash[:warning]" do post :create, :file_attachment => {} flash[:warning].should_not be_nil end end it "should upload a new file attachment with an attachable" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:new).and_return(mock_file_attachment) post :create, :file_attachment => @params response.should redirect_to(file_attachment_path(mock_container, {:std => 1})) end it "should upload a new file attachment without an attachable" do @params.merge!(:container => '') mock_file = mock_model(FileAttachment, @params.merge({ :save => nil, :errors => mock('Error', { :full_messages => [] }), :attachable_id => '', :attachable_type => '', :attachable => nil })) FileAttachment.should_receive(:new).and_return(mock_file) post :create, :file_attachment => @params end it "should save the new file attachment" do mock_file_attachment.should_receive(:save) post :create, :file_attachment => @params end it "when file is attached to an attachable, redirect to the attachable page" do post :create, :file_attachment => @params response.should redirect_to file_attachment_path(mock_container, :std => 1) end it "when file is not attached, redirect to the file attachments page" do mock_file = mock_model(FileAttachment, { :uploaded_file => some_file, :filepath => nil, :name => 'what', :save => true, :attachable_id => '', :attachable_type => '', :attachable => nil }) FileAttachment.stub(:new).and_return(mock_file) post :create, :file_attachment => @params response.should redirect_to file_attachments_path(:std => 1) end end context "plupload" do before(:each) do @params.delete(:name) && @params.delete(:description) end it "should upload a new file attachment with an attachable" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:new).and_return(mock_file_attachment) post :create, { :file => some_file, :attachable_type => 'MockContainer', :attachable_id => } assigns[:file_attachment].should == mock_file_attachment response.should render_template('file_attachments/_file_attachment') end it "should upload a new file attachment without an event" do post :create, { :file => some_file } assigns[:file_attachment].should == mock_file_attachment end end context "delete a file" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) mock_file_attachment.stub(:full_path).and_return(File.join(Rails.root.to_s, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'somefile.txt')) mock_file_attachment.stub(:destroy).and_return(mock_file_attachment) File.stub(:rm) end it "load the file attachment" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) post :destroy, :id => 1 assigns[:file_attachment].should == mock_file_attachment end it "destroys the file attachment" do mock_file_attachment.should_receive(:destroy) post :destroy, :id => 1 end it "sets a flash[:notice]" do post :destroy, :id => 1 flash[:notice].should_not be_nil end end end describe "when Errno::ENOENT is raised" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) mock_file_attachment.stub(:destroy).and_raise("File not found")) end it "logs the error" do controller.logger.should_receive(:error).with("FileAttachmentsController[destroy] was rescued with :file_not_found. No such file or directory - File not found") post :destroy, :id => 1 end it "sets a flash[:warning]" do post :destroy, :id => 1 flash[:warning].should_not be_nil end end describe ":show, :id => int" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) end it "loads a @file_attachment" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:find).with('1').and_return(mock_file_attachment) get :show, :id => "1" assigns[:file_attachment].should eql mock_file_attachment end it "renders the show template" do get :show, :id => "1" response.should render_template("file_attachments/show") end end describe ":edit, :id => integer" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) end it "loads a file_attachment as @file_attachment" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:find).with('1').and_return(mock_file_attachment) get :edit, :id => "1" assigns[:file_attachment].should eql @mock_file_attachment end it "loads potential containers as @file_containers" do FileContainer.stub(:types).and_return([mock_container.class]) mock_container.class.should_receive(:all).and_return([mock_container]) get :edit, :id => "1" assigns[:file_containers].should eql [mock_container] end end describe ":update, :id => integer, :file_attachment => {}" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) mock_file_attachment.stub(:update_attributes).and_return(nil) end it "loads a file attachment" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:find).with('1').and_return(@mock_file_attachment) put :update, :id => "1" assigns[:file_attachment].should == @mock_file_attachment end it "updates the file attachment" do @mock_file_attachment.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({ 'description' => 'some lovely new description', 'name' => 'slightly.modified.txt' }).and_return(nil) put :update, :id => 1, :file_attachment => { :description => 'some lovely new description', :name => 'slightly.modified.txt' } end context "update succeeds (std HTML POST:)" do before(:each) do @mock_file_attachment.stub(:update_attributes).and_return(true) end it "sets a flash[:notice]" do put :update, :id => "1" flash[:notice].should_not be_nil end it "redirects to index or event for file" do put :update, :id => "1" response.should redirect_to(file_attachment_path(mock_container)) end end context "update fails (std HTML POST):" do before(:each) do flash_now @mock_file_attachment.stub(:update_attributes).and_return(false) end it "sets a flash[:warning]" do put :update, :id => "1" flash[:warning].should_not be_nil end it "renders the edit template" do put :update, :id => "1" response.should render_template('file_attachments/edit') end end context "xhr POST" do it "renders the update template" do xhr :put, :update, :id => "1" response.should render_template("file_attachments/update") end end end describe ":download, :id => required" do before(:each) do mock_file_attachment.stub(:full_path).and_return(File.join(Rails.root.to_s, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'somefile.txt')) FileAttachment.stub(:find).and_return(mock_file_attachment) end it ":download, :id => required" do controller.stub(:render) controller.should_receive(:send_data).with(, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'somefile.txt')).read, :filename => 'somefile.txt', :stream => true, :buffer_size => 1.megabyte ) get :download, :id => end end describe ":index" do before(:each) do FileAttachment.stub(:all).and_return([mock_file_attachment]) mock_container.class.stub(:all).and_return([mock_container]) end it "loads orphaned file attachments as @orphans" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:orphans).and_return([mock_file_attachment]) get :index assigns[:orphans].should eql [mock_file_attachment] end it "loads attached file attachments as @files" do FileAttachment.should_receive(:attached).and_return([mock_file_attachment]) get :index assigns[:files].should eql [mock_file_attachment] end it "loads potential containers as @file_containers" do FileContainer.stub(:types).and_return([mock_container.class]) mock_container.class.should_receive(:all).and_return([mock_container]) get :index assigns[:file_containers].should eql [mock_container] end it "renders the index template" do get :index response.should render_template("file_attachments/index") end end end