window.GOVUK = window.GOVUK || {} window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4 = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4 || {}; (function (analytics) { 'use strict' var core = { load: function () { var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0] var newScript = document.createElement('script') newScript.async = true // initialise GTM window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [] window.dataLayer.push({ 'gtm.blocklist': ['customPixels', 'customScripts', 'html', 'nonGoogleScripts'] }) window.dataLayer.push({ 'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' }) var auth = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.vars.auth || '' var preview = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.vars.preview || '' if (auth) { auth = '>m_auth=' + auth } if (preview) { preview = '>m_preview=' + preview + '>m_cookies_win=x' } this.googleSrc = '' + + auth + preview newScript.src = this.googleSrc firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(newScript, firstScript) }, getUserAgent: function () { return navigator.userAgent }, getTimestamp: function () { return }, sendData: function (data) { // Allows us to stop sending tracking at the moment a user sets their usage cookies to "false" on the cookie settings page. if (window.GOVUK.stopSendingAnalytics) { return false } data.govuk_gem_version = this.getGemVersion() data.timestamp = this.getTimestamp() // set this in the console as a debugging aid if (window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.showDebug) { if (data.event_data) { data.event_data = this.sortEventData(data.event_data) } else if (data.page_view) { data.page_view = this.sortEventData(data.page_view) } else if (data.search_results) { data.search_results = this.sortEventData(data.search_results) }, null, ' ')) } // Send GA4 data to a fake dataLayer if smokey_cachebust or disable_ga4 is in the query string. Used to prevent Smokey/other tests from spamming our analytics. if (this.trackFunctions.getSearch().match(/[?&](disable_ga4|smokey_cachebust){1}/)) { window.fakeDataLayer = window.fakeDataLayer || [] window.fakeDataLayer.push(data) return } window.dataLayer.push(data) }, applySchemaAndSendData: function (data, name) { var schemas = new window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.Schemas() var schema = schemas.mergeProperties(data, name) this.sendData(schema) }, getGemVersion: function () { return window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.vars.gem_version || 'not found' }, sortEventData: function (eventData) { if (!Object.keys) { // check for IE9 and below return eventData } var keys = Object.keys(eventData) keys.sort() var newEventData = {} for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { newEventData[keys[i]] = eventData[keys[i]] } return newEventData }, trackFunctions: { getDomainRegex: function () { // This regex matches a protocol and domain name at the start of a string such as,, // return /^(http:||https:)?(\/\/)([^\/]*)/ // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape }, getSearch: function () { return }, findTrackingAttributes: function (clicked, trackingTrigger) { if (clicked.hasAttribute('[' + trackingTrigger + ']')) { return clicked } else { return clicked.closest('[' + trackingTrigger + ']') } }, hrefIsRelative: function (href) { // Checks that a href is relative by the lack of http:, https:// or // at the start of the href. var domain = this.getDomainRegex().exec(href) return !domain }, isMailToLink: function (href) { return href.substring(0, 7) === 'mailto:' }, getClickType: function (event) { switch (event.type) { case 'click': if (event.ctrlKey) { return 'ctrl click' } else if (event.metaKey) { return 'command/win click' } else if (event.shiftKey) { return 'shift click' } else if (event.altKey) { return 'alt/option click' } else { return 'primary click' } case 'mousedown': return 'middle click' case 'contextmenu': return 'secondary click' } }, isInternalLink: function (href) { var internalDomains = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.vars.internalDomains if (this.hrefIsRelative(href)) { return true } var result = false for (var i = 0; i < internalDomains.length; i++) { var internalDomain = internalDomains[i] if (this.hrefPointsToDomain(href, internalDomain)) { result = true } } return result }, isExternalLink: function (href) { return !this.isInternalLink(href) }, hrefPointsToDomain: function (href, domain) { /* Add a trailing slash to prevent an edge case such as the href being detected as an internal link, if we were checking for '' instead of '' */ if (domain.substring(domain.length) !== '/') { domain = domain + '/' } /* If the href doesn't end in a slash, we add one. This fixes an edge case where the is exactly `` but these checks would only look for `` */ if (href.substring(href.length) !== '/') { href = href + '/' } // matches the domain preceded by https:// http:// or // var regex = new RegExp('^((http)*(s)*(:)*//)(' + domain + ')', 'g') return regex.test(href) }, removeLinesAndExtraSpaces: function (text) { text = text.trim() text = text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ' ') // Replace line breaks with 1 space text = text.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // Replace instances of 2+ spaces with 1 space return text }, removeCrossDomainParams: function (href) { if (href.indexOf('_ga') !== -1 || href.indexOf('_gl') !== -1) { // _ga & _gl are values needed for cross domain tracking, but we don't want them included in our click tracking. href = href.replace(/_g[al]=([^&]*)/g, '') // The following code cleans up inconsistencies such as,,, and href = href.replace(/(&&)+/g, '&') href = href.replace('?&', '?') if (this.stringEndsWith(href, '?') || this.stringEndsWith(href, '&')) { href = href.substring(0, href.length - 1) } } return href }, stringStartsWith: function (string, stringToFind) { return string.substring(0, stringToFind.length) === stringToFind }, stringEndsWith: function (string, stringToFind) { return string.substring(string.length - stringToFind.length, string.length) === stringToFind }, populateLinkDomain: function (href) { // We always want mailto links to have an undefined link_domain if (this.isMailToLink(href)) { return undefined } if (this.hrefIsRelative(href)) { return this.getProtocol() + '//' + this.getHostname() } else { var domain = this.getDomainRegex().exec(href) if (domain) { return domain[0] } } }, getPathname: function () { return window.location.pathname }, getProtocol: function () { return window.location.protocol }, getHostname: function () { return window.location.hostname }, appendDomainsWithoutWWW: function (domainsArrays) { // Add domains with www. removed, in case site hrefs are marked up without www. included. for (var i = 0; i < domainsArrays.length; i++) { var domain = domainsArrays[i] if (this.stringStartsWith(domain, 'www.')) { var domainWithoutWww = domain.replace('www.', '') domainsArrays.push(domainWithoutWww) } } }, // The index and index_total properties are usually set by the application's templating engine however in instances where this isn't possible, // we use JavaScript to calculate the index_total and append it to data-ga4-link and add an index property to each link setIndexes: function (module) { var links = module.querySelectorAll('a') var totalLinks = 0 for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var link = links[i] // Ignore links that don't have a href, have a data-ga4-do-not-index attribute on them, or are search result links. if (!link.getAttribute('href') || link.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-path') || link.getAttribute('data-ga4-do-not-index') !== null) { continue } totalLinks++ link.setAttribute('data-ga4-index', '{"index_link": ' + totalLinks + '}') } try { var ga4LinkData = JSON.parse(module.getAttribute('data-ga4-link')) // use index_total if it already exists, otherwise calculate it and set it ga4LinkData.index_total = ga4LinkData.index_total || totalLinks module.setAttribute('data-ga4-link', JSON.stringify(ga4LinkData)) } catch (e) { // if there's a problem with the config, don't start the tracker console.error('Unable to JSON.parse or JSON.stringify index: ', e, window.location) } }, applyRedactionIfRequired: function (PIIRemover, element, data) { return element.closest('[data-ga4-do-not-redact]') ? data : PIIRemover.stripPIIWithOverride(data, true, true) }, appendPathToAnchorLinks: function (url) { if (!this.stringStartsWith(url, '#') || this.getPathname() === '/') { return url } return this.getPathname() + url }, standardiseSearchTerm: function (searchTerm) { if (!searchTerm) { return undefined // Prevents conversion of undefined to a string by this function. } var PIIRemover = new window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.PIIRemover() searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/\++|(%2B)+/gm, ' ') // Turn + characters or unicode + characters (%2B) into a space. searchTerm = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.removeLinesAndExtraSpaces(searchTerm) searchTerm = PIIRemover.stripPIIWithOverride(searchTerm, false, true) searchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase() return searchTerm } }, ecommerceHelperFunctions: { clearEcommerceObject: function () { window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.sendData({ search_results: { ecommerce: null } }) }, getIndex: function (element, startPosition) { var index = element.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-index') if (!index) { return null } return parseInt(index) + startPosition - 1 }, getResultCount: function (element, id) { var resultCount = element.querySelector('#' + id) if (!resultCount) { return null } // Remove anything that isn't a number from the result count heading. E.g. 'Results:' or the comma in '1,234' resultCount = resultCount.textContent.replace(/[^0-9]+/g, '') return parseInt(resultCount) }, populateEcommerceSchema: function (data) { var element = data.element var resultsId = data.resultsId var isClickEvent = data.event !== undefined var isSearchResult = element.getAttribute('data-ga4-search-query') !== null var ecommerceSchema = new window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.Schemas().ecommerceSchema() var DEFAULT_LIST_TITLE = 'Smart answer results' if (isSearchResult) { var searchQuery = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.standardiseSearchTerm(element.getAttribute('data-ga4-search-query')) var variant = element.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-variant') DEFAULT_LIST_TITLE = 'Site search results' } var items = element.querySelectorAll('[data-ga4-ecommerce-path]') var listTitle = element.getAttribute('data-ga4-list-title') || DEFAULT_LIST_TITLE var startPosition = parseInt(element.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-start-index'), 10) ecommerceSchema.event = 'search_results' ecommerceSchema.search_results.event_name = isClickEvent ? 'select_item' : 'view_item_list' ecommerceSchema.search_results.results = window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.ecommerceHelperFunctions.getResultCount(element, resultsId) ecommerceSchema.search_results.term = searchQuery || undefined ecommerceSchema.search_results.sort = variant || undefined if (isClickEvent) { var target = ecommerceSchema.search_results.ecommerce.items.push({ item_id: target.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-path'), item_content_id: target.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-content-id') || undefined, item_name: target.textContent, item_list_name: listTitle, index: window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.ecommerceHelperFunctions.getIndex(target, startPosition) }) ecommerceSchema.event_data = { external: window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.trackFunctions.isExternalLink(target.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-path')) ? 'true' : 'false' } } else { for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = items[i] var path = item.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-path') // If the element does not have a data-ga4-ecommerce-index attribute, we set one so that we can use it later when setting the index property // on the ecommerce object. if (!item.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-index')) { item.setAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-index', i + 1) } var nextItem = { item_id: path, item_content_id: item.getAttribute('data-ga4-ecommerce-content-id') || undefined, item_list_name: listTitle, index: window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4.core.ecommerceHelperFunctions.getIndex(item, startPosition) } // GA4 has a max payload, so ensure this array doesn't exceed 15,000 UTF-16 code units. if ((this.getArraySize(ecommerceSchema.search_results.ecommerce.items) + this.getArraySize(nextItem)) >= 15000) { break } ecommerceSchema.search_results.ecommerce.items.push(nextItem) } } return ecommerceSchema }, getArraySize: function (array) { // .length represents the number of UTF-16 code units in a string, so we can stringify the array then grab the length of the string to get an 'accurate enough' number representing the size. return JSON.stringify(array).length } } } analytics.core = core })(window.GOVUK.analyticsGa4)